Drugs Are Bad...M'Kay?

Created: 1 decade 7 years 1 week ago
Views: 6,466

As Mr. Mackey says [about his time as a Hippy]:

"M'kay, kids, you shouldn't do drugs, m'kay, drugs are bad. You see, I was at the bottom of the barrel, I was a wreck. Why, I didn't even care about money. I was wasting my life... You boys need to listen up, m'kay, what I'm talking about might save your life some day... Drugs are bad. You shouldn't do drugs. If you do them, you're bad, because drugs are bad. It's a bad thing to do drugs, so don't be bad by doing drugs, m'kay, that'd be bad."

One of my favourite stand-up shows from a great British comedian (with a bizarre obsession with Fantasy adventure and animals!) He blends his musical abilities with the piano/guitar and his sharp intelligent... continue reading

posted by benjee 1 decade 7 years 1 month 2 weeks ago • 18,583 views • 1:33:34

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