My Source Material
Updated: 1 decade 3 years 4 months ago
Views: 4,031
In which I place videos that I want to use in some fashion as reference or particular inspiration for possible art projects, if I can remember what inspired me about them.

This is the cinematic intro movie for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And it's pretty goddamn awesome.
posted by Gallowflak
Some video close-up fun with a pooch & his stick.
posted by Barseps
Custom-built RC trike powered by a mini-steam engine. I want a full-size version to drive to work.
posted by oohlalasassoon
Captivating and slightly creepy.
posted by Ornthoron
"A cocoon is shred and a fragile ant is slowly brought into life by her diligent hive/colony brethren." Longer version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlgo0IGs1Tw From http://myrmecos.net/2011/05/09/birth-of-an-ant... continue reading
posted by ant
A sweet and sad animation about relationships and stars. by Eleanor Michalka, Cal Arts student. Music by Ingrid Lee and Ashley Jacobson.
posted by AdrianBlack

It had been a long night and Ruby needed a stiff one. Then HE walked in... Described as "Cartoon Noir", this animation was created by Sam Neimann, Music by Andy Ure and Chris Anderson.
posted by AdrianBlack
HD footage of the final moments of a honey bee brought to you by Steve (of Steve's Grammatical Observations fame).
posted by xxovercastxx
"Experience what it might be like to go on an expedition to Antarctica through this amazing video journey. Watch as they unpack an airplane, bolt it together, and fly it around. Apparently an An-2 Cub... continue reading
posted by JustT1m 1 decade 4 years 2 months ago • 2,073 views • 9:49A car in Manhattan was trapped in a thick layer of ice from bumper to bumper like an ice sculpture. A private water service line ruptured under the street. All the water came up and caused a puddle. The... continue reading
posted by Paul Richey
Cartoon Network used to make short mashups called Groovies, this is my favorite: A mashup of Soul Coughing - Rolling and a classic Betty Boop cartoon.
posted by DarkenRahl 1 decade 4 years 3 months 1 week ago • 2,677 views • 3:29Linda Audyová’s graduation film from Tomas Bata University, in Zlinin, Czech Republic. Fractalicious.
posted by AdrianBlack

"Artist Bernard Gigounon makes videos that distort images of ships and buildings from Earth, turning them into scary, graceful starships." from http://io9.com/5614219/truly-bizarre-ufos-that-hover-around-port-cities... continue reading
posted by vaporlock
From http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2010/07/mouse-vs-concrete.html ...
posted by ant
Bob Ross on how to paint clouds.
posted by geo321
"Ever wonder where spaceships go to die? Special correspondent Adam Rogers visits a Southern California scrapyard to the find the place where the remnants of the Apollo missions were laid to rest." ... continue reading
posted by ant