Techno isn't just for E-tards
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 7 months 1 week ago
Views: 573

The single version of "Remind Me" from Röyksopp's first album, "Melody AM". The album version is beautiful, but this remix is just as good, if for different reasons. Great video with stylised infographic... continue reading
posted by FlowersInHisHair
i have seen tiesto live many times.ULTRA,ZENFEST,LIQUID BLUE but i have never seen him in a enclosed arena like this. wow..just wow.adiago for strings is one of my faves from him,that and "do you like BASS"? ... continue reading
posted by enoch
Great tune, no too bad of a video. Her voice is fantastic, even live.
posted by Doc_M
A fantastically cheesy video for John B's cheesy electro dnb track, Electrostep.
posted by Doc_M
Fantastic video for a fantastic DnB producer. Non-embeddable higher quality: http://irc.lv/video?id=qDzFoRfZh78Z
posted by Doc_M
What were the skies like when you were young? .. uckkk, grey? monotonous?
posted by berticus
Music video of Ken Ishii's "Future is what we are" tune animated by Newground's Celarent in Flash 8. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/354577
posted by Doc_M

Mashin' it up granny stylee she turns the dub into close caption for the hearing impaired.
posted by rottenseed

Some kid shows off his skilled moves to Bud girls in Germany. (Don't worry, the video is flipped after 10sec) The crowd enjoys the show and he receives a standing ovation at the end, but is sad for... continue reading
posted by EDD

Groove is a decent movie about rave culture (especially around 2001), the mood, the connections, the dancing, and yes, the drugs. This little music video is a preview of it. World-renown DJ John Digweed... continue reading
posted by Doc_M
Another crazy-awesome Royksopp music video using tons of cool video-lighiting effects and animation.
posted by Doc_M
"One More Time" is a single by Daft Punk first released on December 5, 2000 and later included in the album Discovery. The song's vocal performance by Romanthony is heavily auto-tuned and compressed. As... continue reading
posted by gorgonheap
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