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Member Since: January 3, 2011
Favorite Sift: Barking Cat Trolls Dogs From Window
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Last Power Points used: March 8, 2017
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Member Since: January 3, 2011
Favorite Sift: Barking Cat Trolls Dogs From Window
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Last Power Points used: March 8, 2017
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Thanks oritteropo, for bringing that to my attention. Didn't even notice.
Congrats on the shiny silver star
Odin thanks you!
*quality *doublepromote
As you noted, in "soul" geography, I was spot on!
I've never been all that hot in regular geography!
I quite agree. Your point was still valid, just a little off geographically speaking
Ah. Thank you.
And still. Latin men and Italian men have more in common emotionally than they do Americans.
I am sooo looking forward to the time when American men break free from the box that they have been stuffed into by society.
Women have been at it, breaking free, for decades now and have a ways to go still.
We are all suffering from constructs from our youth. I swear.
Rubens is Brazilian, and with 322 race starts in F1 is the most experienced F1 driver of all time
You are welcome. I will check out the link when I get time.
Thanks for the *quality. I only posted this because I thought you'd like it
I actually started out watching Seashore https://youtu.be/Iiqf2R462lo and only found Fox on the Run as a related vid.
There are certain phrases in America -- I'm sure in Australia also -- that seem to be a random collection of words, but instead evoke huge stories.
Grassy Knoll.
Terrorist Fist Jab.
May Fox News burn in the hell forever.
I hadn't come across the phrase until googling it just now.

I'm completely sure I'll be able to forget it again within 5 minutes
It sure does sir. Thanks for the dp and q!
It holds up pretty well actually.
*doublepromote *quality
I was in tears for months when I saw that, but I had to keep it together and keep raising my little girl. So I'd be doing finger paints with a happy face and then disappear into the bathroom and weep for a bit. It was a pretty dark time in my life.
The research and trials they are doing are a testament to modern medicine and science though. The doctor who is doing the trial with us dramatically changed the course of my family's life. Click here if you want to feel better about all that: https://fightnpc.com/en/drug_trials
Just LOOK at what a difference it makes in other mammals, and they already see very similar results in humans they are testing on. They've managed to nearly halt the progression of symptoms in most patients.
See also: http://www.fiercepharma.com/animal-health/cats-and-febreze-may-hold-key-to-treating-devastating-niemann-pick-disease
Thanks for the promote. I'm not sure if I really wanted to click the link though, it's exactly as horrifying as you promised
Thanks x 3
*quality *doublepromote
Hah woweee!
Congrats on the shiny gold star
It seems like only 1 year 8 months 2 weeks ago that I was congratulating you on silver.
Thank you! New educational series to subscribe to
You are welcome. I think @siftbot should up his meds.
The one time I don't check, too.
You like it as much as me!
It is stunning. If he doesn't get injured, he will definitely be in the top, I have no doubt.
*doublepromote *quality
Can you see this down under? I hope you can see this!
I just tried to use an embed that allows full screen when sifted, but doesn't when same embed is used in a comment. In the comment it doesn't change the iframe embed like it does when you sift it.
What do you mean by blocked by default?
I just went back and changed the embeds for my last 5 videos and it fixed all of them.
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