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Member Since: May 16, 2006
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Comments to mauz15

calvados says...

In reply to this comment by mauz15:
Sometimes you can see the youtube video title and length even if it's dead, so I copied the original Russian title and looked for the results that had the exact length time and similar thumbnails.

In reply to this comment by calvados:
Wow -- bro, how did you ever find a replacement feed for the cheerful Russian kids' song about ghastly nuclear immolation? I tried like hell, couldn't find it!

calvados says...

Wow -- bro, how did you ever find a replacement feed for the cheerful Russian kids' song about ghastly nuclear immolation? I tried like hell, couldn't find it!

kronosposeidon says...

Yeah. I never thought I would be either, because I normally don't go for animes that are basically tournament fighting shows. It just grew on me. Now I check for the latest episodes every week, as well as the latest manga chapters. I'm totally fascinated by it. It's even helped me learn a tiny amount of Japanese. I also like how they incorporate Spanish words into the show with the arrancar and Hueco Mundo.

In reply to this comment by mauz15:
You're into Bleach?

ant says...

Fixed and thanks.

In reply to this comment by mauz15:
I fixed your video but the dimensions messed up when saving the changes. you can correct it with this one:

<******embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" bgcolor="#000000" width="540" height="437" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""/>

(Get rid of the asterisks and replace them with a bracket at the beginning, I did it because posting the correct code embeds the video on your profile)

NicoleBee says...

I did not know that! Thank you for putting an urban myth to rest in my noggin.

In reply to this comment by mauz15:
>> ^raverman:
This reminds me of the millions of dollars NASA spent trying to perfect a pressurized pen that would write in zero gravity on space missions.
The Russians used a pencil.

False. Both the americans and the soviets initially used pencils, but it is dangerous if a piece of graphite broke and floated around inadvertently. It could affect instruments, get into your eyes, etc. Also, a free oxygen environment makes the wood of the pencil and probably also the graphite more prone to burn or combust.

Good analogy on seeking simple solutions to a problem, but completely made up and incorrect.

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