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Member Since: August 1, 2006
Email: djsunkid hotmail
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Last Power Points used: August 23, 2011
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Sifter living in Halifax Vancouver, Canada. Melbourne, Australia. Vancouver again, this time for good! Love for kitties and psytrance. Boo to videos of people getting hurt. Psytrance and Cooking, what!
Member Since: August 1, 2006
Email: djsunkid hotmail
Homepage: http://djsunkid.livejournal.com
Last Power Points used: August 23, 2011
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 2 Get More Power Points Now!
http://www.silophone.net/ not "com." Go edit that son of a gun.
That silo is rigged with microphones and wires and artificial reverb. I've never heard of a place that has more than 10 seconds reverberation to the naked ear without electronics.
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
SURELY that isn't even CLOSE to the most reverb in Europe. I mean, really?
There is an abandoned grain silo outside of Montreal that has a 29 second reverb. You used to be able to play with it at http://www.silophone.com but that site seems a bit broken atm.
I think it was when we were living together, probably 2001 or 2002? I e-mailed the chick who did it last night to let her know she's made probably the only fanvid worth watching. Except maybe the Lion King/Soulja Boy video, heh.
How long ago did you show me this vid?
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Hehehe, you see I'm paying attention to the nerdly things you show me, and still remember so many years later.
Process suggestion for http://cooking.videosift.com/talk/Cooking-Class-with-DJsunkid - seems a bit of a free for all with joking and OT comments, including mine. How bout:
- treat the thread as as in box.
- address stuff you want on your blog.
IMO this would work a lot better.
I'll download it and chop it, but where can I store it where it won't get Foxed?
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Can anybody find a shorter clip of this to replace?
I'd really rather just the cookbook segment.
oops, sorry you're right. fixed.
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Your Hooters vid autoplays. I think that's a no-no, isn't it?
Logic is good. I'm not denouncing logic. It has it's place in society: a huge place. I'm just saying that my faith is not based on logic. I can't prove my faith scientifically. Can you describe the taste of salt to someone who has never tasted it? That is how I feel about the spiritual experiences that I've had in my life. Nobody can tell me they didn't happen. I KNOW they did.

Besides, if I'm wrong and you're right, nothing happens to either of us. I lived my life trying to be the best person I could be, and so did you, I'm sure. BUT... If I'm right and your wrong... Oops.
You seem like a nice guy. I don't take your words to be combative. We'd probably be pals if we met in real life.
Peace out.
I believe that God is perfect. Perfect. Humor me for a second and imagine a Perfect God. In six days (or in other words six periods of time), couldn't He have created (or "organized" if you translate it literally) binary stars, black holes, and Hawking radiation. Couldn't he have programmed the world to develop and "evolve" however he wanted it to, over millennia. Couldn't God have caused the "Big Bang."
My faith is not disproved by science, nor can it be. My faith is not based on logic, nor can it be. I believe in God because I have seen His hand in my life and have felt His spirit in my heart. No amount of Astronomy will ever change that. On the contrary, the more I learn of stars, planets, comets, and galaxies, the stronger my faith becomes. I realize more and more everyday how small and insignificant I am without my Faith in God, the Father, and in His son, Jesus Christ. Without Them, I am nothing.
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Does it involve a set of forces that explains the behavior of matter that is consistent on scales from 10 to ten to the power of 40?
Does it cover binary stars, black holes, and hawking radiation?
Does it say anything about neutron stars? I'd be interested in reading an ancient text that can tell us about objects in the universe that are SO dense, that a tablespoon of them weighs as much as the entire himalayas.
My point is, the universe is WAY more amazing than any mythos that has been dreamt up by man. We're just not configured to be able to imagine this stuff. Why would we be? A study of evolutionary psychology reveals much about why we are the way we are. Being able to intuitively grasp the dynamics of relativity is NOT adaptive for ancient man. We needed to develop math to figure out this shit.
So, tell me about your text. Does it have mind-bending philosophy? Does it want us to spend our lives looking at our navels? Count me out of those, please.
In reply to this comment by deedub81:
Have you read the ancient text I study from?
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Holy fucking shit. Modern cosmology is totally the religion killer. OK, virgin birth, yadda-yadda what ever. You think YOU'VE got miracles? Your ancient texts don't have SHIT on modern science, yo.
Have you read the ancient text I study from?
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Holy fucking shit. Modern cosmology is totally the religion killer. OK, virgin birth, yadda-yadda what ever. You think YOU'VE got miracles? Your ancient texts don't have SHIT on modern science, yo.
Thanks, I love this!
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
I wish that were easily accomplished, but it would add significant load on the server to filter *every* single place that a video might show up... I'm trying to think of an alternative, but sorry to say I think the only option is to ask you to continue doing your best to ignore it.
Sorry it bothers you so much.
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
lucky, can you make it so I don't see ANY vids from the EIA channel. I'm gonna have a fit if I keep seeing vids like http://www.videosift.com/video/DEAD-BIRD-CEREAL and http://www.videosift.com/video/Treadmill-rope-moving-car-bad-idea
I have it filtred, but they still show up in the "videos being watched right now" and so on. Stuff like this really bugs me.
that's what makes it so terribly funny. gross...yes 200% percent. talk about an over the top prank. if it makes you feel better he pissed in their beer and they drank it
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
not ones that involve RUINING SOMEBODY'S FOOD!
With horrible horrible awfulness!
I'm on a downvote vendetta against this vid (hence a public profile message) - I'm not even finding a parody of abuse of women funny and am sending pms around - http://www.videosift.com/video/Mentos-The-Freshmaker-and-no-Diet-Coke ...
djsunkid, I could wait until after it leaves the unsifted queue, or you could acquire a sense of humor. Which makes the most sense?

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Blankfist, you jerk! This is an awesome vid that is unfortunately a hard sell! Ya gotta wait until something gets out the queue before you do that shit. Boo-urns!
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Downvote Choggie's Videos Day!
Thanks for the save bro!
Me thinks that it will die again.
check this~ http://starsend.org/
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Go to http://cooking.videosift.com/, then underneath each description of the video there should be an option to "Remove post from this channel".
In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
Wha? How do I remove items from my cooking channel? I had to nochannel one before.
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