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Member Since: November 19, 2006
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Comments to direpickle

bareboards2 says...

Ah. This is Seattle. This is just how it is here. I didn't even notice!!

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
I am in pain at hokey artists/bloggers/whatever trying to sound profound!

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
That was written by someone who isn't religious.

Are you in pain at the sacrilege or at the use of the word "god" in any context?

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
"It's also meaningful that the old cement factory looks a lot like an old cathedral. Cement is the god/substance of the city. The city is all human. And a human is a god to a human."

Argh, the pain.

bareboards2 says...

That was written by someone who isn't religious.

Are you in pain at the sacrilege or at the use of the word "god" in any context?

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
"It's also meaningful that the old cement factory looks a lot like an old cathedral. Cement is the god/substance of the city. The city is all human. And a human is a god to a human."

Argh, the pain.

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 50 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

Lawdeedaw says...

Read the link Dire--I failed to post it before...

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:

>> ^jcf79:
Yes, let's focus on how Rick Perry reacts for 2 seconds instead of listening to what Ron Paul is saying...

Oh God. You know I have been promoting Ron Paul this entire time on the Sift, but he isn't a feakin God. When someone else does right by God, I will point it out! I can do that, I have the right.
This is what @<a rel="nofollow" href="http://netrunner.videosift.com" title="member since August 5th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#0000CD">NetRunner was talking about. Personally, I think Perry did great. I still will vote for Paul since his views on Sept 11th seem more accurate to me, but it is the hiding of other's good that suppresses their good.
Why the fuck would I want to be good?

Did the embed change? They don't show Perry's reaction to the audience.

ant jokingly says...

Ciritcal_D = My loyal apprentice/padawan.

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
Damn you, @<a rel="nofollow" href="http://videosift.com/member/critical_d" title="member since April 12th, 2009" class="profilelink">critical_d! The first fifty pages are old @<a rel="nofollow" href="http://videosift.com/member/ant" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#008800">ant sifts, now!

Januari says...

Amazing how when it serves their own politics or interests how FAST the 'high ground' is taken... hypocrites!...

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
What is wrong with you people? They were told to take him alive if they could. They fired instead of surrendering. This is what happens. This isn't the death of Freedom--this is a dumbass having a firefight with SEALs.

As for people complaining about other people glorying in his death:

Here is a video of a kid kicking a wall. It collapses on his leg. It's hard to see exactly what happens, but it's entirely feasible that it completely crushed it. In some cases the same people that are here crying about bin Laden's death were posting comments on that video whooping it up--yeah, that's what you *get* for committing petty vandalism! Permanent disfigurement and disability!

I wasn't out celebrating, but I can see how some people would be. The largest demonstrations sounded like they were in NYC and DC. Are any of you NYC residents? Were you in 2001? It'd be easy for me to sit here in the Midwest and go, "Meh, whatever, all he did was kill a few thousand people," but these people lived there. These were the people they knew. And this was the guy that killed them. And then hid for ten years. Threatening to kill more.

This site is practically based on schadenfreude. You relish others' embarrassment, pain, etc. etc. There are tons of videos where people are probably permanently injured or killed from falls, crashes, etc, and you all love it.

bareboards2 says...

Actually, no, I don't love those videos. I can't watch them, much less smirk about them.

So it isn't "all of us."

In reply to this comment by direpickle:
What is wrong with you people? They were told to take him alive if they could. They fired instead of surrendering. This is what happens. This isn't the death of Freedom--this is a dumbass having a firefight with SEALs.

As for people complaining about other people glorying in his death:

Here is a video of a kid kicking a wall. It collapses on his leg. It's hard to see exactly what happens, but it's entirely feasible that it completely crushed it. In some cases the same people that are here crying about bin Laden's death were posting comments on that video whooping it up--yeah, that's what you *get* for committing petty vandalism! Permanent disfigurement and disability!

I wasn't out celebrating, but I can see how some people would be. The largest demonstrations sounded like they were in NYC and DC. Are any of you NYC residents? Were you in 2001? It'd be easy for me to sit here in the Midwest and go, "Meh, whatever, all he did was kill a few thousand people," but these people lived there. These were the people they knew. And this was the guy that killed them. And then hid for ten years. Threatening to kill more.

This site is practically based on schadenfreude. You relish others' embarrassment, pain, etc. etc. There are tons of videos where people are probably permanently injured or killed from falls, crashes, etc, and you all love it.

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