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The fuck happened to this site? Fuck you Yogi. How do I delete my fucking account?
Member Since: October 30, 2006
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Last Power Points used: June 18, 2013
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Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Yes, a really nice guy. His talk was quite 'out there' by most standards, but a man of his stature most definitely has the right to go out on a limb with ideas that challenge the establishment and help foster alternative ways of thinking. If you check the twitter for 'exoplanetology.org', they have a pretty good running commentary on what was discussed Friday/Saturday during the crossroads conference at Harvard.
I also met Prof David Charbonneau, one of the leading astronomers in the search for exoplanets. Really nice guy as well. I got some pointers on how I could contribute to the search. Being an amateur astronomer/astrophotographer, I wanted to try to get more involved and help provide observations/data. Of course I suspect I have a bit of a learning curve to climb, but that is half the fun.
They have a month of science in Cambridge/Harvard every year. With events, talks and the like. I suspect they'll try to put together another such event next year. Search for the harvard smithsonian center for astrophysics. A person by the name of Christine Pulliam has a mailing list for sponsored events.. from talks by scientists, to SciFi B-Movie night. Quite funny. Sometimes these talks are webcast, so for certain events you don't have to be local!
In reply to this comment by budzos:
Really? You met Freeman Dyson? That's fucking awesome! He's one of my heroes!
In reply to this comment by honkeytonk73:
VERY nice clip. Surprised to see Professor Freeman Dyson there. I just met the man just a days ago. We were both heading to the same place, and accompanied him to a talk near Harvard College. He was among a few other amazing speakers. They discussed the future of mankind, the search for exoplanets, detecting live elsewhere and the like.
I haven't done that since I desperately needed money in high school...don't worry though, it's like riding a bike. AHHHHHHHHHHHH

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Thanks for the offer. Now open your mouth and close your eyes...
In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
^Hey buddy, you gotta wash them balls every once in a while.
Your video, William Spencer: Street Skating Virtuoso, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.
Your video, William Spencer: Street Skating Virtuoso, has made it into the Top 15 New Videos listing. Congratulations on your achievement. For your contribution you have been awarded 1 Power Point.
Bro (?), you want to switch out your feed for Project Orion? -- http://www.videosift.com/video/Secret-Government-Project-For-Thermonuclear-Spacecraft -- The original TED source is more better: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/george_dyson_on_project_orion.html
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Congratulations! Your comment has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.
Pardon? How is removed and barred from all subsequent airings not banned? How is prohibited from the DVD's not banned? Even if it's only in one country that constitutes as banned. Even if it's only one network. If something is prohibited or barred that's considered a ban. Furthermore a ban can be something as simple as collective public condemnation, which is rather arbitrary when you think about it, but if enough people speak against it can be socially banned as well.
I'm assuming you downvote the use of ban because it is not barred by law (unless you have issues with the fact the archaic origins of "ban" mean to lay a curse upon, in which case please disregard entire message for this was probably not cursed) but ban can refer to the authority over the property. When someone gets banned from VS is that because we are governed by laws or a set of rules with authority figures to govern over this. In this case the authority figure Fox, who controls the content even when it is sent to syndicated bodies such as CTN, decided it no longer fit within their rules (which can change) and barred it from further airings.
However overall I do understand the intent of your downvote. Frankly I even posted this because I was upset with the recent top rated FG clip that claimed to be "banned" when it was merely cut, not even prohibited or cut. So I would like to chalk this up to being a casualty of you fighting the good fight, but if I'm wrong and ban is only meant as prohibited by Law I welcome the backup on that as well.
In reply to this comment by budzos:
I'm gonna keep downvoting until you learn what "banned" means.
It's funny enough to leave a comment but not to upvote?
In reply to this comment by budzos:
I replaced the embed with a youtube playlist.

In reply to this comment by budzos:
It seems to buffer only a few seconds ahead of real-time for me
Good stuff - why aren't you posting more to the brain channel?!
In all seriousness, that is by far the best definition of intelligence on the site, not just that thread. I'd like to know your thoughts on consciousness.
In reply to this comment by budzos:
Intelligence is a measure of the potential to incorporate knowledge. The fact that he does manual labour says nothing about his intelligence. World view and emotional\psychological makeup has as much or more to do with someone's "accomplishments" as does their intelligence.
It seems to me that the truly smartest people on earth are probably smarter than this guy and likely can't be bothered with the minds of the rest of our species. They have rich internal lives and they don't care what you think. It's probably some Australian aborigine with an internet connection, who sits there under the stars, taking in the meaning of it all and vision-questing without pretense.
Eugenics is a bad idea no matter how smart you are.
You can't stop the iBoob Train! WOOO WOOOOOOOO!
Watching it again... I think you are on to something. I'm gonna put it in the EIA channel.
In reply to this comment by budzos:
This is so stupid.
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