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Member Since: September 16, 2007
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Comments to balabing

siftbot says...

Congratulations on reaching new heights on VideoSift. You have earned yourself 33 stars, earning you status of Silver Star member. You have been awarded 1 Power Point for achieving this level. Thanks for all your contributions.

jonny says...

The older clip contains the complete contents of the one you posted, so yours is considered a dupe. The reverse, though is not the case. In other words, if you had posted a clip that contained substantially more than the older clip, it would be ok. Generally speaking, a new post has to add something that isn't already somewhere on VS. There are exceptions to that. Sometimes a newer shorter clip is allowed if it is completely contained within an older clip that is very long (like a 30 second bit from a 10 minute interview, for instance). It's kind of a grey area, though, so if you do feel strongly about it, post to sift talk or repost the clip with a note in the description or comments. I won't oppose it - I was just applying the rules as I know them.

In reply to this comment by balabing:
So this clip with the speech only is consider a dupe even though the other clip is almost twice as long?

In reply to this comment by jonny:

NeuralNoise says...

Hey, I apologize if I was too agressive. I wrote a reply on the page.

In reply to this comment by balabing:
I thought about it and I still like my idea. OK, maybe burning the American flag is too extreme, and he might put himself in serious danger. How about just put up a few paintings of Osama Bin Laden all over NY? He can probably use the same laser stencil format. Filming the bystander's reactions and reporting on homeland security's treatment of him should make a very interesting video.

Also, I'm typing this comment fully clothed. I quit smoking years ago. And to the best of my knowledge, I'm not living in my own bellybutton.

Zonbie says...

hey your matt emmons video is dead
This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by a third party.

dammit that did not last long!
arseholes, they have pulled EVERY youtube rendition!

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