Raigen CA

Member Profile

Real Name: Ryan
Birthdate: December 18th, 1982 (42 years old)

Member Since: December 29, 2007
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Comments to Raigen

Krupo says...

Dude, I was planning on writing on ode to the bacon factory next to the 400. Is that where you work?

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

lucky760 says...

Ahhh, duh. Sorry, I didn't realize you haven't quite achieved enough stars to post from unapproved video hosts and funnyordie is not approved yet.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks for your effort.

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
Thanks, Lucky, I've been trying to get the Funny Or Die embed to work since this morning, but nothing seems to want to work properly. And, unfortunately, that embed you left on my profile for me to use is also a no-go. It's slightly confusing.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Hi Raigen-

Great upload with the Panda vs. Iron Man. Here's a much cleaner embed if you want to use it:


jonny says...

No sweat on the dupe mistake - I just wanted to make sure no one would discard it without checking. It's a very long series. I still haven't seen them all. The one I posted presents what I think is the strongest argument for keeping ID out of science classes.

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
In reply to this comment by jonny:
In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I'd really like to see the rest of this film.

The entire series is here. My post was video #5, the one you linked as a dupe was #1, the introductory piece.

Thanks for the link, Jonny, much appreciated, and also thanks for pointing out my error in reporting teh dupz0rs.

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