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Member Since: July 4, 2007
Last Power Points used: April 1, 2010
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Comments to RadHazG

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 3 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

schmawy says...

"auditory pareidolia".

But if it's Satan that got rid of George Bush Jr, then "Thanks indeed, Satan!"

In reply to this comment by RadHazG:
anyone know the name of the... "effect" that causes the human mind to "hear" a particular phrase or word if the sound is at least close to it, and they are told ahead of time what it is they are supposed to hear? I've seen this same bull pulled with animals "talking" and I'm never very impressed. Naturally won't stop the right wing nut jobs from using it if they can get away with it. Hell, Fox already pulls blatant outright lies all the time, why not this.

mefa says...

Yeah, thanks for asking. But I was too lazy to do it. Now gwiz665 hogged it of course.

In reply to this comment by RadHazG:
did you want to post theramintree's part 2 about congruence? i was going to but since you posted part one i figure you should have first crack at part 2. its it a bit more complicated than the first (naturally) but i think it still deserves a spot here.

dannym3141 says...

Hey mate, any chance you could link me to the video of VFX's creepy blackmail video like you said in your comment?

Looked for it but now there is SO much on youtube about this that i can't even begin to think what it might be titled or how to recognise it other than watching each video and testing it on my creep-o-meter.

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