Member Profile
Real Name: Julie
A little about me...
Member Since: September 19, 2009
Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/bringitonhome06?ref=profile
Favorite Sift: Another Great Poem by Enoch
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Last Power Points used: September 7, 2012
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
"Trust me It's not that interesting. What you see is what you get, simple as that."
Wrote that 3 yrs ago, in a
a nutshell I guess its true, what you see, what you hear... yup guess its me, If it moves me, moves my heart, moves my body, moves my mind, its here... touches something in me, even the little weird somethings people dont like to admit is there, its here.... Maybe not the most popular of choices, or easiest of sifts sometimes, but, its all me, and I'm gonna stand by it, I adore mashups in part because I guess I am just that, a mashup, a little bit of everything all rolled into one, even if you have to get a few layers deep to find it all :)
Member Since: September 19, 2009
Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/bringitonhome06?ref=profile
Favorite Sift: Another Great Poem by Enoch
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Last Power Points used: September 7, 2012
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Oh! You're a survivor of the Great Cheese Debacle, eh? Yes there will be a day when we see a Big Hair riot some day

love the Portishead, too.
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Ah Missed that channel, thanks
have to make sure I list my 80s cheeze better lol
Thanks for the song.

In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
In reply to this comment by geo321:
Thanks for the promote!!
Thnaks for the uplift-I have put a lot of time in here and though some see me as only a trollish element, I have been able to percolate the collective consciousness more often that not-my impact crater is after all, visible to the naked eye from the International Space Station!! Cheers!
one little vote drop in a bucket, but lol its all we got.
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
I havent been here long, signed up in Sept I think, at the request of a friend (Enoch) primarily because a project we worked on together was on the sift, and Im fairly certain I have wore out my video posting welcome on facebook lol this was a good outlet for me. Ive been more active for the past few months for much the same reasons. I generally keep my nose in my music and try to MYOB know what I mean? lol I do watch the docs and things particularly if they are recommended to me, but as a rule prefer not to comment or get into the melee of opinions people seem compelled to share. Theres some good members here, and theres some well... Douchebags here too. Myself I prefer to ignore the douchebaggery and post what I like, sift or no (mostly no lol)
I enjoy sharing with the few who enjoy the same things I do, but stay away from the drama, lifes to short to worry about people sitting in their underwear distributing opinions. Dont let it ruin the things you enjoy about the sift. Now I dont know the things surrounding your exit and return, havent been here long enough, but I do enjoy the things you post, and have appreciated the support you've shown towards the random crap I post lol. I recognize very few names as I surf around in here, but yours is one of them, if I see "choggie" I always have a peek at it and show it some love
If you have fun here in certain respects, dont just give up and fade away. I betcha more than a few would miss ya here. Hey Im just a noob so what do I know right?
In reply to this comment by choggie:
Julie, i don;t know how long you've been here at VS but I noticed your comment on the TED talk with Temple Grandin (I saw her presentation and downloaded the film....i loved it..Claire Danes ripped her part a new one)
Part of my legacy here on the site involves a very popular user who bailed when it was voted to allow me back-I am not positive that the reason for his departure was my return, but they guy was pretty adamant about not letting me back, as were some others....he and another user's bullshit were one of the reasons for my leaving as I did (breaking all the rules in the FAQ's in about 10 minutes)-The user in question, Kronosposiden it was told me by another user after the fact, that he has Asburger's....which explained a lot as to his focus on some crap I considered inconsequential at the time-Consequentially, there is some unspoken animosity towards me for this, and my manner here, which appears trollish to the untrained eye-All this to say that after coming back, i had found that the old guard of artistic, expressive, and energetic talent of the place which used to be a tight core, has been replaced by shut-in, insect, douchebags (mostly males who have never been kissed) and I simply can;t keep up with the onslaught-a barrage of crap, foreign to my sensibilities....I am gonna slink away from the place I fear, like so many others have.....cheers and sorry that I am unable to mark this message "private"...the only power that was not returned to me after my resurrection.
Julie, i don;t know how long you've been here at VS but I noticed your comment on the TED talk with Temple Grandin (I saw her presentation and downloaded the film....i loved it..Claire Danes ripped her part a new one)
Part of my legacy here on the site involves a very popular user who bailed when it was voted to allow me back-I am not positive that the reason for his departure was my return, but they guy was pretty adamant about not letting me back, as were some others....he and another user's bullshit were one of the reasons for my leaving as I did (breaking all the rules in the FAQ's in about 10 minutes)-The user in question, Kronosposiden it was told me by another user after the fact, that he has Asburger's....which explained a lot as to his focus on some crap I considered inconsequential at the time-Consequentially, there is some unspoken animosity towards me for this, and my manner here, which appears trollish to the untrained eye-All this to say that after coming back, i had found that the old guard of artistic, expressive, and energetic talent of the place which used to be a tight core, has been replaced by shut-in, insect, douchebags (mostly males who have never been kissed) and I simply can;t keep up with the onslaught-a barrage of crap, foreign to my sensibilities....I am gonna slink away from the place I fear, like so many others have.....cheers and sorry that I am unable to mark this message "private"...the only power that was not returned to me after my resurrection.
kinda....They had some initial appeal-the novelty wore off kinna quick-I try to imagine going to a show of theirs and watching a set, trying to stay tickled and it doesn't happen-the geek factor is pretty pronounced with these two-This version of SNA??....whiny?? I dunno man, this is a period of my life where the critic collides with my inner muse-I have been out of the musical loop for so long(been years since I played, practiced, or performed and right now I am focused on other things....I'm a bad go-to guy for novelty right now-Plus, the site has also lost a great deal of appeal for me lately-as evidenced in the lack of participation of the group in that 4 year anniversary contest where I was the only enthusiastic entry...THE ONLY Entry..I keep getting images of a bunch of wankers sitting around in their underwear trying to come up with clever one-liners for their comments on some inane stupid human tricks....degredation ios at an all-time high here.....I'm turning into a bitter hermit.
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
Thought you'd like this! http://www.videosift.com/video/7-Nation-Army-Cover-Nataly-Dawn-Pompaloose
Im really surprised that I just turned you onto Silverchair. They have been around since I was in high school and that was around twelve years ago.
really likin these guys thanks for posting
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
Love this one too
>> ^MikesHL13:

NP. Like ur music posts, especially 80s (can tell u and enoch r friends )
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
In reply to this comment by MikesHL13:
Sorry, I posted this one a few weeks ago http://www.videosift.com/video/Axe-Detailer-Cleans-Your-Balls
Thanks for letting me know, it didnt show as a dupe,been having some trouble with that. but thanks again for telling me. Ill discard it.
>> ^MikesHL13:
Good vid http://www.videosift.com/video/Queen-VS-Genesis-We-Will-Rock-You-Mama
I saw title, and thot it must b Enoch...then I saw it was u. Funny, u two have similar 80's taste. Classic
Yep except Im far worse lol Thanks!
Your welcome! I heart Frida Lyngstad and this song. Thank you so much for finding this gem!
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
In reply to this comment by lurgee:
Put my comment in the wrong spot like a true noob should, but Thank for the upvote and getting this sifted!
>> ^moodonia:
Your welcome and thank you for the upvotes on the two Imelda May videos! Thats much appreciated, I think she is going to be a next big thing even though shes going ten years or so!
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
Loved it! Thanks for posting : )
Very welcome, good stuff!
Your welcome and thank you for the upvotes on the two Imelda May videos! Thats much appreciated, I think she is going to be a next big thing even though shes going ten years or so!
In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
Loved it! Thanks for posting : )
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