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Spend 40 minutes of your life learning how to live via sartre
if you dont...well....
Member Since: June 11, 2008
Last Power Points used: June 30, 2021
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Note, when asked a second time what he expected from his talk with the president of the Ukraine (the first time he threw a public internationally televised temper tantrum of the variety unacceptable from preschoolers before stomping off in a huff mid press conference) his answer was not about investigating corruption, it was directly about Biden, only Biden, and now asking China to also investigate that single target.
Only a brain dead slug is even considering he cares about corruption, he is corruption personified.
So, from "No collusion!" to 'I have every right to collude! It's actually what I should be doing!'
Do us and the rest of the United States of America a favor and read your old comments defending him saying he never colluded with a foreign power back when we were on the same page that colluding with another country was against the law. Do it BEFORE you try to justify this treasonous behavior.
The President is proud of asking China (a declared enemy of the United States and a communist power that has insane human rights violations who is currently trying to crush a democracy in Hong Kong) to harass a private citizen in the United States.
I thought we didn't like them and that's why the tariffs or some bullshit about it helping the economy.
If you can't denounce behavior like this don't worry about arguing with me anymore. Like a lot of you so-called patriots, I'll understand I'm wasting my time.
Sweet Zombie Jebus....make that 6.
This morning, while under impeachment investigation for the same thing and to try to normalize his criminal collusion attempts, he publicly asked China to investigate Biden for being on the board of a company that may have had a few Chinese investors....a repeat of "Russia, if you're listening, help me in our election."
Imo, that itself should trigger the 25th amendment and impeachment.
He asked a third country via Borris Johnson to interfere in our elections also.
Third? Did you forget Russia and Italy?
Russia, Australia, Ukraine, England, Italy
We're up to 5 that we know for certain, and probably a dozen more they've hidden so far. It's naive to think he hasn't asked Netanyahu and the crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia for personal favors too....and probable he's pressured Turkey, Iraq, and pretty much any other country receiving military aid. I mean, after taking >$5 billion from the military for his fence (imagine if Obama had done that to pay for the ACA), he needs to make every military dollar do double duty.
He asked a third country via Borris Johnson to interfere in our elections also.
Aaaaahahaha! My reading says Trump, Guliani, and Putin should instantly, without warning, have all assets frozen AND be denied entry to the U.S.....and Trump should no longer be able to fundraise in the U.S..
What a maroon.
Edit : and apparently in that 2017 meeting with Russian officials in the oval office, the one where he burned Israeli agents to brag about the info they had shared on Isis, he told them he didn't care about Russian interference in the election because, he told them, the U.S. interferes in other countries elections. That's why memos and transcripts from that meeting were also placed on the top secret server, even though they contained zero state secrets or classified (any more) information. *facepalm
This is the best part https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-imposing-certain-sanctions-event-foreign-interference-united-states-election/
Hilariously it's actually only the summary of the so far unreleased word for word transcript ....and still it totally shows the president in his official capacity asking for foreign political help in the form of a baseless investigation of his political rival by a foreign leader.
One wonders what's in the word for word transcript they continue to hide that would make releasing this damming summary seem smart by comparison.
Read the transcript, read the whistle blower report
no source tampering, and it's not ahe said she said. It's the president on the phone and the source is the white house.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
The president asked a foreign power to hurt a political opponent.
Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 24 Badge!

Thank you!
Congratulations! Your dedication to finding diamonds in the rough and pushing videos of other members to success has earned you your "Assister" Level 23 Badge!

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 11 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

Nice...post it. I'm out of slots or I would.
I found this insightful
A written statement that answered at least 33 of those written questions, questions that had been provided weeks ahead of time so he could prepare his answers, with "I don't know, I can't recall, I don't remember"....Bob called that uncooperative perjury smart, "A smart man does not put the noose around his own neck." is how he put it.
Yes, he applauded the president of the United States committing perjury to the FBI.
@bobknight33 Honestly, how can a reasonable person say that they cooperated fully when Trump refused to testify except through written statement?
How can you look at this section and say that the report found nothing?
Vol. 1, Page 33 https://nyti.ms/2VfXJWf
I don't' think that the main stream media is interested is this direct sourcing of information.
"I am aware of some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my March 24, 2019 supplemental notification as a "summary" of the Special Counsel's investigation and report."
"My March 24 letter was not, and did not purport to be, an exhaustive recounting of the Special Counsel's investigation"
You are welcome. I always enjoyed his style back in the '90s. Thanks for the promote! There are many videos of him on YouTube but to me, this is his best performance.
ty for posting this. I've got vague memories of seeing this whole routine, i think this exact one when i was a kid.
Oh the anger, the anger.
These movies are targeted toward children and also adults. Mostly children.
Children can and want to relate to the heros. Take Woody for example. The kids love Woody. They understand all of Woody's happy times and sad times. All his strengths and weaknesses. Woody is a lot like them. By design, the kids are Woody.
When Woody gets tortured, kids are very sensitive to that. Some kids more than others relate all to well. Those kids are the ones that these movies are reaching out to. The ones that see the horrors of dad beating mom. Spanking. Bullies at school. Handicapped children. On and on.
Because kids love Woody they know he understands their pain and fear. Woody has relatable problems and Woody is going to show them how to cope in deep ways that they can understand.
They understand Woody has great friends that can help him. And Woody would do anything to help his friends.
Sometimes if you look at something and see only bad, don't let anger get in the way of finding the good.
I could go on, but I hope to make this simple point:
These films do NOT have to include a torture scene. It's simply odd to me that it appears so often, instilling the idea early on that torture works for getting information or cooperation out of people.
Finally, I point to one of many pieces of research on the matter https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5325643/
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