Fade IE

Member Profile

Real Name: Bryn
Birthdate: February 11th, 1980 (45 years old)

Member Since: September 12, 2007
Email: gryphonboy at gmail dot com
Homepage: http://gryphonboy.wordpress.com
Last Power Points used: October 18, 2011
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Comments to Fade

JAPR says...


In reply to this comment by Fade:
Okay moron there's no need to be a dick head. I'm not arguing for or against this. I just thought it was curious. If you want to be an asshole and call me names then go fuck your self you faggot!

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
No, but we do live in a real world where morons who put four time-lapsed pictures together can fool other idiots such as yourself. Don't be thick.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
If what you are saying is true then you should be able to see the structure in the fourth picture too. We don't live in a cartoon world where objects leave shadows of themselves in dust.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I see four pictures from a piece of a structure collapsing. In the second picture, it has begun to fall down, and there is absolutely not steel missing from it. The third picture obviously has a greater time lapse than the break between the first two, but is still continuing the progression downwards and slightly outwards. Now, I'm no physicist, but it seems pretty obvious to me that just as when you drop something into water, it causes a splash, when a huge object drops at a decent speed through a huge cloud of dust and debris, some of it will get pushed upwards along it.

You should also note that in the third picture, there is still no disintegration of the steel. That tall projecting piece is the same size and thickness it was in the first picture. What the hell are YOU talking about? I'm tired of absolutely RETARDED 9/11 theories. Call me when something with actual scientific evidence pops up. Oh wait. It won't. Because people have gone over all sorts of bullshit for it and tried every scientifically possible concept they could think up to try to make some government conspiracy theory, and they were easily shot down by real scientists. I guess it's about time they start turning to fairy tales.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
What the hell are you talking about? I see steel turning into dust. What does falling though the dust have to do with it?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
>> Fade:
I'm particularly fascinated by this one http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image42.jpg


JAPR says...

No, but we do live in a real world where morons who put four time-lapsed pictures together can fool other idiots such as yourself. Don't be thick.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
If what you are saying is true then you should be able to see the structure in the fourth picture too. We don't live in a cartoon world where objects leave shadows of themselves in dust.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I see four pictures from a piece of a structure collapsing. In the second picture, it has begun to fall down, and there is absolutely not steel missing from it. The third picture obviously has a greater time lapse than the break between the first two, but is still continuing the progression downwards and slightly outwards. Now, I'm no physicist, but it seems pretty obvious to me that just as when you drop something into water, it causes a splash, when a huge object drops at a decent speed through a huge cloud of dust and debris, some of it will get pushed upwards along it.

You should also note that in the third picture, there is still no disintegration of the steel. That tall projecting piece is the same size and thickness it was in the first picture. What the hell are YOU talking about? I'm tired of absolutely RETARDED 9/11 theories. Call me when something with actual scientific evidence pops up. Oh wait. It won't. Because people have gone over all sorts of bullshit for it and tried every scientifically possible concept they could think up to try to make some government conspiracy theory, and they were easily shot down by real scientists. I guess it's about time they start turning to fairy tales.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
What the hell are you talking about? I see steel turning into dust. What does falling though the dust have to do with it?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
>> Fade:
I'm particularly fascinated by this one http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image42.jpg


rembar says...

No, no she really doesn't. If you're really curious, type me out a solid piece of scientific evidence you think she made that supports her hypothesis above the null hypothesis of "terrorists flew two commercial airplanes into two buildings", and I can start from there.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Rembar, I'm curious...what exactly is it that makes her hypothesis unscientific?She presents plenty of interesting evidence.

JAPR says...

I see four pictures from a piece of a structure collapsing. In the second picture, it has begun to fall down, and there is absolutely not steel missing from it. The third picture obviously has a greater time lapse than the break between the first two, but is still continuing the progression downwards and slightly outwards. Now, I'm no physicist, but it seems pretty obvious to me that just as when you drop something into water, it causes a splash, when a huge object drops at a decent speed through a huge cloud of dust and debris, some of it will get pushed upwards along it.

You should also note that in the third picture, there is still no disintegration of the steel. That tall projecting piece is the same size and thickness it was in the first picture. What the hell are YOU talking about? I'm tired of absolutely RETARDED 9/11 theories. Call me when something with actual scientific evidence pops up. Oh wait. It won't. Because people have gone over all sorts of bullshit for it and tried every scientifically possible concept they could think up to try to make some government conspiracy theory, and they were easily shot down by real scientists. I guess it's about time they start turning to fairy tales.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
What the hell are you talking about? I see steel turning into dust. What does falling though the dust have to do with it?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
>> Fade:
I'm particularly fascinated by this one http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/Image42.jpg


deedub81 says...

"I have no idea how much you earn but I earn €60 000 a year and I spend roughly 4-5 hours a day playing video games."

Ahahahah! Not only are you a moron, you're also a liar. Hahahaha.

...and, yes. Some things ARE just common sense.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I visited an alien planet with a friend in the last book I read.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about being more or less productive than other forms of media. I know reading comprehension is hard when your brain has been fried by video games, but try to follow me here.

In the first place, watching tv or listening to the radio isn't as addictive as video games. 2nd, What's the practical point of learning to play a flight simulator on an xBox 360? You'd develop muscle memorization that would make you better at playing the xBox 360. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy that spent more than two hours a day playing video games that earns more than me. Ambition and video games don't mix. I saw it in high school and college. I know some guy that stopped leaving the house after World of Warcraft came out. I mean he literally goes days without leaving the house. That's not uncommon.

I don't need to site articles. It's common sense. Video games are bad for you. Children often become addicted to video games into their adulthood.

...and the point you make about TV, Radio, and other forms of media being an equal waste of time...I don't think good parents let their children spend any length of time doing those things, either.

deedub81 says...

I visited an alien planet with a friend in the last book I read.

Stop putting words into my mouth. I never said anything about being more or less productive than other forms of media. I know reading comprehension is hard when your brain has been fried by video games, but try to follow me here.

In the first place, watching tv or listening to the radio isn't as addictive as video games. 2nd, What's the practical point of learning to play a flight simulator on an xBox 360? You'd develop muscle memorization that would make you better at playing the xBox 360. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy that spent more than two hours a day playing video games that earns more than me. Ambition and video games don't mix. I saw it in high school and college. I know some guy that stopped leaving the house after World of Warcraft came out. I mean he literally goes days without leaving the house. That's not uncommon.

I don't need to site articles. It's common sense. Video games are bad for you. Children often become addicted to video games into their adulthood.

...and the point you make about TV, Radio, and other forms of media being an equal waste of time...I don't think good parents let their children spend any length of time doing those things, either.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Okay, there's no point debating this with you then. If you think playing video games is less productive than sitting in front of the tv or lying in bed reading a book or listening to the radio then you obviously don't know jack about productivity.
Tell me, whats the best way to learn how to fly an aeroplane other than actually flying one? Reading a book? Talking to a pilot? Or maybe "playing" a flight sim.
How about learning some ancient history, say battle tactics of ancient generals of the roman army. There simply is no better way to get that kind of info into the minds of children (or adults for that matter) than to let them play around with their own minuture armies in video games like the total war series. And let's not even start on Civilization or Sim City. Both games created with the express purpose of education and damn succesful at it too.

Socialising is being redifind by the internet and thanks in no small part to multiplayer video gaming. Kids are learning all sorts of things about teamwork in games like battlefield and counterstrike, and believe me there is very little as entertaining as playing through a video game with a couple of friends. When was the last time you were able to visit an alien planet with a friend in a book?

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I never said that playing violent video games causes violence. I feel it's a waste of time and talent and a lot less stimulating than reading books and interacting with other people. It's been proven that video games are addictive and it's common sense that it isn't productive behavior to sit in front of the xbox all day.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I'm sure you've heard of google, have fun with that.

But here, let me help you get started I'll simply post a link for the wikipedia article on the issue.

Also please note that since the rise of violent videogames in modern western society, violent crime has seen a dramatic drop. Coinsidence? Maybe, but still interesting.


In reply to this comment by deedub81:
Okay. Do it, then. Show me a million articles that claim that playing violent video games is good for small children.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Um, that has to be the lamest example of an arguement against video games I've ever seen. Never mind that I can spend 5 mins in google and find a million more reputably sourced articles that claim the exact opposite.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:

In reply to this comment by Fade:
no such thing as being ruined by video games. Video games provide a far better means to teach and learn than any other medium in history. Interactivity is teh future and you will assimilate.

deedub81 says...

I never said that playing violent video games causes violence. I feel it's a waste of time and talent and a lot less stimulating than reading books and interacting with other people. It's been proven that video games are addictive and it's common sense that it isn't productive behavior to sit in front of the xbox all day.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I'm sure you've heard of google, have fun with that.

But here, let me help you get started I'll simply post a link for the wikipedia article on the issue.

Also please note that since the rise of violent videogames in modern western society, violent crime has seen a dramatic drop. Coinsidence? Maybe, but still interesting.


In reply to this comment by deedub81:
Okay. Do it, then. Show me a million articles that claim that playing violent video games is good for small children.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Um, that has to be the lamest example of an arguement against video games I've ever seen. Never mind that I can spend 5 mins in google and find a million more reputably sourced articles that claim the exact opposite.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:

In reply to this comment by Fade:
no such thing as being ruined by video games. Video games provide a far better means to teach and learn than any other medium in history. Interactivity is teh future and you will assimilate.

Fade says...


In reply to this comment by Fade:
I'm sure you've heard of google, have fun with that.

But here, let me help you get started I'll simply post a link for the wikipedia article on the issue.

Also please note that since the rise of violent videogames in modern western society, violent crime has seen a dramatic drop. Coinsidence? Maybe, but still interesting.


In reply to this comment by deedub81:
Okay. Do it, then. Show me a million articles that claim that playing violent video games is good for small children.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Um, that has to be the lamest example of an arguement against video games I've ever seen. Never mind that I can spend 5 mins in google and find a million more reputably sourced articles that claim the exact opposite.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:

In reply to this comment by Fade:
no such thing as being ruined by video games. Video games provide a far better means to teach and learn than any other medium in history. Interactivity is teh future and you will assimilate.

deedub81 says...

Okay. Do it, then. Show me a million articles that claim that playing violent video games is good for small children.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
Um, that has to be the lamest example of an arguement against video games I've ever seen. Never mind that I can spend 5 mins in google and find a million more reputably sourced articles that claim the exact opposite.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:

In reply to this comment by Fade:
no such thing as being ruined by video games. Video games provide a far better means to teach and learn than any other medium in history. Interactivity is teh future and you will assimilate.

deedub81 says...

I'm not entirely convinced that there's an effect. Maybe she's just a good dancer.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
So why does the slowed down version still keep the jerking effect?

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
I assure you, that's all they did.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I suspect there was a little more to the creation of this video than recording it slowly and then speeding it up. If that was all that was involved then it shouldn't be as jerky as this clearly is.
Also, this clearly isn't the original or source video, this is just some youtuber taking the dancing girl vid and slowing it down.

deedub81 says...

I assure you, that's all they did.

In reply to this comment by Fade:
I suspect there was a little more to the creation of this video than recording it slowly and then speeding it up. If that was all that was involved then it shouldn't be as jerky as this clearly is.
Also, this clearly isn't the original or source video, this is just some youtuber taking the dancing girl vid and slowing it down.

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