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Birthdate: February 8th
A little about me...
Member Since: March 21, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 31, 2009
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Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
Pragmatist with Libertarian ideals
Piano, Guitar, Jazz Sax, techno, Tae Kwon Do, and video games. yay!
Things that annoy me:
-Disrespectful or otherwise rude people.
-Ignorant or otherwise moronic people.
-Most conspiracy theorists. (This means you, Rosie)
-Most activists. (This means you, Cindy)
-Religion bashers.
-America bashers.
-Whiny victim types.
-Anti-science types.
-Keith Obermann, Sean Hannity, Pat Condell, and Richard Dawkins.
-PETA, the RIAA, the ACLU, and CAIR.
-Those dang melt-sealed, bleed-you-to-death plastic packages everything seems to come in.
A recent favorite quote: Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
--John 6:28-29

Piano, Guitar, Jazz Sax, techno, Tae Kwon Do, and video games. yay!
Things that annoy me:
-Disrespectful or otherwise rude people.
-Ignorant or otherwise moronic people.
-Most conspiracy theorists. (This means you, Rosie)
-Most activists. (This means you, Cindy)
-Religion bashers.
-America bashers.
-Whiny victim types.
-Anti-science types.
-Keith Obermann, Sean Hannity, Pat Condell, and Richard Dawkins.
-PETA, the RIAA, the ACLU, and CAIR.
-Those dang melt-sealed, bleed-you-to-death plastic packages everything seems to come in.
A recent favorite quote: Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?" Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent."
--John 6:28-29

Member Since: March 21, 2007
Last Power Points used: July 31, 2009
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1 Get More Power Points Now!
There's a fix for the olympic ouch video her: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/858455/ (just tried to sift it and then saw yours..
It’s a Slow Sweethearts’ Roast beginning at 3 p.m. EST, on Friday, August 15, 2008:
Roastee: Obsidianfire
Mistress of Ceremonies: karkarlee
Look for karkarlee’s kick-off post and rules of engagement. A survey interview will be posted shortly.
Join our MC mas8705 and the gang NOW for a roast of Zifnab:
He addresses Powerpoint specifically - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ5dbUCu2Ug
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
It's an ad, but it's dang freakin right. There is nothing more valuable than an image when trying to teach a concept or express an idea.
The saying goes:
A picture is worth a thousand words... unless you're Tolkien, then it's worth ten thousand.
Freaking true.
I've given many hour-long talks to many groups of people (in fact I'm working on one right now which terrifies me in that I will be presenting it in front of the gods of our field at an international meeting...) and pictures work a million times better than text... a billion times better. In my whole PowerPoint presentation, I have three slides of text and 30+ slides of images and diagrams, and the text slides are just PR and citing previous work by other people.
I thought I was suggesting that Left Behind popularized the idea of the Rapture. The problem I have with the Rapture is that it starts to incorporate the book of Revelation a bit too literally. (At least from what I understand of the mainstream idea of it.)
I'll check out the website, I believe there will be a judgment day. I believe that things will get drastically worse before that time. But regardless of the exact state of things before the second coming, I'm confident there will be one. And that those who live their lives according to the truth that they know will have no need to fear that day.
I think what annoys me the most is that there are biblical scholars think that every event or doctrine must be explained or rationalized. Truth is that there are somethings about God, and the laws that the universe is governed by that we do not know. And yet some mingle the philosophies of men into scripture when all they can really say for certain is "I don't know".
This is was bothers me about some of those who believe in rapture. They simply can't have anything that remains unexplained. But I'll admit I am somewhat naive on current theories of the rapture, because I've seen such a variance between religions about how things will go down.
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
Actually, I was arguing that there WILL be a rapture Gorgon. hehe. If you get a chance, read the articles I linked to. There are a GREAT many reputable biblical scholars that argue that there will be a pre-wrath rapture. For ages, the catholic churched suppressed that interpretation, so it looks as though it arose recently while it most certainly did not. There are also quite a few scholarly articles out there explaining why Revelation DIDN'T occur thousands of years ago as some claim. Left Behind didn't invent the rapture, it merely popularized it.
Anyway, in general, Gracethrufaith.com is an excellent site for any believer... it'sworth a look when you get a chance.
Congrats Doc_M. 'Hope you enjoyed your roast.
You: Too kind
for what you see in me, is merely a reflected rockstarness.
the source of which, of course, is the collective of brilliant rockstar ideas that humanity was produced so far, many of which we share, and which are far more numerous than one might've imagined only a season ago, yes? gets better. because what i think you really object to, about the things on your 'bio' list? is that you see them as needlessly polarizing. shine on, you crazy diamond. - o
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
You: Rockstar
In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
A Snipe Hunt
A hunting party, lead by CaptWillard, will depart at 9:00 pm EDT on 4/3/08. The destination is a remote part of the Sift Forest near New Jersey. So practice your snipe mating call and stock up on paper bags.
Click here for further details.
Doc_M: Please report to the ballroom after a few people have toasted and/or roasted you.
source photos:
What's my av, you ask? Have you ever seen "Apocalypse Now"? That's Captain Willard (Martin Sheen), slowly emerging from the river, ready to assassinate Colonel Kurtz. One of my all time favorite movies.

I thought you might like that video, if for no other reason than the tribute being paid to health professionals, both research and treatment alike.
You can turn your non-existent pager off now.
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
WTF?! Who's paging me now?! and on top of that, I don't even HAVE a pager!!one!1eleven!!!
Oh well.
::returns call::
::wonders WTF Captain Jim Willard's avatar is::
In reply to this comment by CaptWillard:
Paging Doctor_M
Paging Doctor_M
check out these verbal gymnastics
Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
Thx for the t-shirt heads up. Just made an order ;-)
In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
I could go through how completely incorrect the conclusions made for those verses were, but I've learned that people don't care about it here. The list is laughable. I can only hope no one gullible is taken in by it.
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