swampgirl says...

No story really. I grew up in an area of SC that was famous for Francis Marion. "Swamp fox"..and all.

There was a small swamp down the street where I grew up too. It was behind an old cemetery. I thought I was all cool to brave going in their w/ my friends as a kid. Fun kid memories

I've just used variations of "swamp" for a screen name since the mid 90's

swampgirl says...

>> ^deathcow:
p.s. I will NOT go buy a basset no matter how cool your dog is
got it? OK now that I have that clear with myself

It's hard to resist being a hound lover DC I know. I was going to post some of him crying during a thunderstorm last night, but I don't know how to edit out my stupid laugh.. so I didn't

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