it's official: I'm old

eye doctor confirmed it: I need bifocals.


It was funny cuz I think he thought I'd get all upset about it. Nah... I don't mind being 41 and I'm past being uptight about wrinkles (still don't have any yet) grey hair (plenty of those) needing more sleep (weird but no complaints) and other aspects of aging. Bifocals? Okay, so long as I can keep reading!

In other news... we had nice NYE's quietish time with close friendsand then my mom's traditional breakfast the next day where EVERYONE cooed over Lil Miss. Now everyone's napping (except me) and we have some tasty leftovers YAY!


Hope everyone had fun this past holiday. Looking forward to a sifty year!

choggie says...

42 and still fluctuweight the same as I did in the 10th grade (150-158).....finally starting to get a ponch, but when if I exercise too much, it gets flat again.....I feel real sorry for people who abuse food....this year, I have not been working out, nor much physical muscle and tone weight, has turned to her opposite, so naked, I look like a miniature fat man....almost as disgusting as being obese....

My pleasure in advance, for the "what I look like naked" coloratura....

I resolve to become 43 years old this year.....and to comment less on Videosift-oh, and to have a good old-fashioned steamy make-out sesh, with a total stranger, in some public place...(opposite sex, thank you.)

oh, and to have a goddamn sift-up, for some faces and voices to avatars...

drattus says...

44. Although I nap now and then which I never did before I'm pretty sure I sleep less overall. Eyes are going a bit and some old construction injuries are getting more persistent about reminding me they are there. Overall though it could be worse and at least I get to remind my wife she's older than I am if she gives me any crap

oxdottir says...

I'm 50 and I don't need bifocals or reading glasses. I did have lasik though, and they gave me monovision: One of my eyes is tuned for reading, and the other for distance. It took me months to get used to it, but I love it now. I still have binocular vision, and I almost never think about which eye is doing what. I imagine I will need glasses eventually, but I'm happy to put it off.

MINK says...

30 this year. don't really care any more. what can you do?

as for someone putting lasers in my eyes, you can fuck right off with that suggestion. glasses are cool. it's a well known fact.

MycroftHomlz says...

Holy crap you people are old.

Although in physics terms I am no spring chicken, most of the great ones did there stuff before they were 27.

So, I have to the end of the year you publish something Nobel Prize worthy...

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