dag says...

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That could be it. I'll have to monitor what's going on IRL when I have the dream. I haven't done that to date.>> ^blankfist:
Are you overwhelmed at the moment? Maybe a number of events or pending events you're balancing at the moment?

blankfist says...

I tend to have weird anxiety dreams when I have a lot of plates in the air. Each spinning plate doesn't have to be a groundbreaking occurrence either; just has to be something preoccupying. Work. The little lady is flying out of town. Projects. Deadlines. Money. Debt. Scheduling.

When I was in college I would tape a piece of paper on the wall by my bed and write everything and anything I had to do. Somehow having it there I felt like it was off my mind momentarily, and that I wouldn't forget so I was okay to sleep comfortably at night. Once you move in with someone, she doesn't want you funkin' up the walls with your ghetto to-do lists.

Ever have those times when your mind starts racing while in bed, so you cannot sleep, then you check the clock and see it's already 4 in the morning and you have to be up in a few hours so you start getting more stressed and eventually you have to go to @rottenseed's house to rub one out in his mom so you can calm yourself again and get some shut eye for work?

blankfist says...

@dystopianfuturetoday, I just watched it tonight with a good friend who had never seen it, and he thought it was a bit better than okay. I'd say he gave it a fair and strong good. I thought it was great, but there are certainly things about it that now stand out as diminishing.

You're gonna love the Kubrick-esque ostentatious music cues! So awesome! You'll know them when they happen.

dag says...

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I thought it was a very solid movie. I think it helped that I knew nothing about it. I thought it was going to be a supernatural Ring-esque type movie. I was very happy that it wasn't.

I love being surprised by movies. Trailers often ruin it for me. My all-time best surprise was The Matrix. Not having a TV at the time, I had seen no trailers and thought it was going to be a lame kung-fu move with Keanu Reeves. Best surprise ever.

Sixth Sense was also a great sucker punch of a surprise that I completely fell for.

With that in mind- I'm trying to stay away from buzz on this movie as it looks like it could be very interesting/surprising - like the Matrix.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

@blankfist, Netflix predicts 3 stars from me, so my expectations have been appropriately calibrated. I'm guessing I'll like it more than that, because I have a soft spot in my heart for post-apocalyptica, and like a lot of the same things that you and dag like.

blankfist says...

@dystopianfuturetoday, well, there's no avoiding Cage's ridiculous hair piece. Hope that doesn't detract too much from the overall experience. Also the kids do a fair bit of mediocre acting throughout. Let me know when you've watched it. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Were you a fan of the Crow and Dark City? I loved both of them.

dag says...

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Dark City was fantastic. Proyas is a talented story teller- I'll go see anything with his name on it.>> ^blankfist:
@dystopianfuturetoday, well, there's no avoiding Cage's ridiculous hair piece. Hope that doesn't detract too much from the overall experience. Also the kids do a fair bit of mediocre acting throughout. Let me know when you've watched it. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Were you a fan of the Crow and Dark City? I loved both of them.

Drax says...

I saw Dark City mentioned in the appreciated comments and had to come running in, that's one of my all time favorites.

It was on my second viewing I realized there was something different about the movie.. something that drove the intensity in even the calmest of scenes. It's the camera cutting within 5 second throughout nearly the entire movie (backed by the relentless thumping soundtrack).

rougy says...

Fucking collectivists - flying in a plane, all together, at the same time.

Got what they deserved....

(actually, that's one of the scenes that I stepped through a few times in slo-mo - sorry to hear about the bad dreams, hombre - now tell us about your father....)

deathcow says...

I asked my friend, Dr. Freud, who said that the jet plane is obviously phallic, a symbolic for the impending crash of your sexual function as you creep into your forties. The deluge of jet fuel is seemingly your last act of fertility.

Throbbin says...

I don't dream. It's weird. Sometimes I'll awaken with bits and pieces here and there, but I never, ever remember what I dreamed.

Back when I was a raging alcoholic, I could only dream if I fell asleep drunk. Now, nothing.

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