Farhad2000 says...

Which one is you?

PS: I used the same Panasonic camera in my last job and it is really good. Very impressive color reproduction once you set the white balance up right.

blankfist says...

I was Directing. I'm the guy with the cheesy Taiwanese tattoo on my left arm. Brown hair. Typically wearing a dark t-shirt and jeans - only once I'm wearing my yellow/black long-sleeve shirt.

Yeah, the HVX is great. I own the one we used for the movie. They're pretty stunning.

berticus says...

you can tell which one he is from the t-shirt. man, i'm so tempted to photoshop you into something really dodgy now. pity i'm lazy.

Sarzy says...

You actually own that camera? Very jealous (and poor). I actually just finished shooting a short film with that camera, though my shoot was much more guerrilla-style, judging from those pictures (I had a crew of three guys, and of course, no one was paid -- and at the very end of the last day, an overnight shoot, one of the actors had a complete MELTDOWN. After we were done, there were a couple of lines I wanted to get from him, and he completely flipped out and then disappeared. It was about 5:00 AM, we were shooting in an office in the middle of nowhere, and the only trace of him were footprints in the snow going out the parking lot and all the way down the road. He emailed me a couple days later to apologize, but that was pretty bizarre, to say the least).

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