Puking. Guts. Out.

That's why I changed my avatar. I can't keep anything down. Lost almost 15 pounds. D:

I thought I was supposed to gain weight, not puke and puke and puke and puke and puke..

I've tried eating ginger root and it doesn't halp. Do any of the mothers on the Sift have any good morning sickness remedies? I would very much like to eat something...

It sucks getting sick over the holidays. All the good food and I can't eat any of it.

Edit: Puking blood now. I wonder if that's in the realm of morning sickness or not.

Edit: I ate a bowl of cornflakes and got a prenatal vit down!

Kreegath says...

If you've been throwing up alot recently you might've popped a blood vessel in your throat, hence the blood. If that's the case, it's not as much serious as it's disturbing.

rougy says...

Sorry to hear. My sister in law is preggers but she's past the sickness stuff and just looks like she swallowed a water melon. Agua sometimes helps me when I'm in a bad way. The body uses it to flush out whatever it is, and if you drink water and puke, it helps clean you out too and doesn't burn. This is male point of view, but who knows?

gwiz665 says...

Water is a good tester, because as rougy says, even if you puke it out again, it won't be that bad, because it's water.

If you keep puking blood, swing by a doctor.

alien_concept says...

If you can possibly get some dry crackers down you that really helps to settle your tummy, but it's getting them down you. But it definitely works, i've seen it Can't say I can sympathise, I had no sickness with either of my pregnancies, but you're not alone. I feel for ya babe, the baby will be fine and you'll stop puking very soon. Congratulations btw! Although i'm sure right now you wished you'd kept your legs shut

UsesProzac says...

ehehe, I do regret getting pregnant now! I had no morning sickness with my other pregnancies, but I'm told it's a good sign that I am getting morning sickness. It usually indicates that the pregnancy is viable !!

I don't really listen to doctors, anyway. They told me I couldn't do this. IN YOUR FACE, MODERN MEDICINE!

My boyfriend has been taking good care of me. He's been shoving food at me for weeks. I was actually able to eat something last night! I ate a few handfuls of cornflakes and it was glorious.

gwiz665 says...

If all else fails the baby'll just eat you, so don't worry about it. That's what Alien babies do!

I just hope you don't give birth through your chest cavity - I've seen it, it would be a damned shame.

>> ^UsesProzac:
All I've been able to "eat" is water, and it comes up most of the time. I'm just worried I'm starving the fetus of nutrients.

calvados says...

I second the burst-blood-vessel explanation for vomiting blood; it happened to me during a case of gastro*. Bright red. I did haul myself off to the doc promptly and he explained what it was and prescribed nothing by mouth except water for the next 36 hours.

* Not that I'm convinced you should be getting your medical advice from Videosift

UsesProzac says...

I think medical advice from Videosift was probably more sound in this regard than my doctor was. He just brushed me off completely.

Also, did you know that Charlotte Brontë may have died from dehydration and malnourishment, caused by excessive vomiting from severe morning sickness??

laura says...

My brother-in-law's father's sister's cousin's uncle's grandma's former roommate got pregnant once...she had morning sickness too. She's old now. I'm fine.
You'll get better. "The sun'll come oooout, tomorrow. Betcha bottom dollar that...tomorrow...come what maaaaaay..."
Did that help?

peggedbea says...

ive been preggers a few times. you need not worry about the baby getting its nutrients. your body will steal from the host to feed the parasite! they sell some wrist bands with a plastic knobby in the center thats supposed to hit some pressure point and stop the nausea, that SEEMED to help with my first pregnancy. though i realize i might have been fooling myself. saltines and gatorade are your friend. with my second kid i was steady stream of pukes and poops for 6 months, i kept nothing down or in and was righteously sick. i only gained almost 7 lbs. and delivered an 8lbs 2oz 24in long perfectly healthy ravenous monster of a son. it turned out i had developed an allergy to my prenatal vitamins, i am in no way suggesting thats the case with you, it most likely is not. i am only illustrating how ok your baby is. i was anemic, sick, malnurished and vitamin deprived, but had a horse baby. you feel like shit and theres not much you can do, but im sure your baby is fine.

p.s. vitamin allergy aside, the morning sickness very often ends with the first trimest, second trimester is fun! third trimester is fat hot and uncomfortable! enjoy!

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