What's your Blog Roll?

Am curious to find out what fellow Sifters use for their news/views, what are some of the blogs you visit and read frequently? Especially if its current affairs, finicial news or other interesting information. Go ahead and list them in the comments. I'll share some of mine below, the descriptions are my own and could be wrong so don't hold me to it, I just thought it would be more interesting then just pasting links:

Daily Dish by Andrew Sullivan - Conservative commentor focusing on political affairs and the president race. Rooting for Obama over Hillary, noted for his venom like hate of the Clintons.

Balloon Juice by John Cole - Conservative commentor, pro-Obama over Hillary. Very enjoyable reading because of the comments the site gets.

Political Animal by Kevin Drum - Another politcal commentor, covers different topics, good for camparison and contrast in coverage.

Think Progress - Progressive, general coverage of Administration affairs and politics. Breaks alot of good insightful stories. 

Harper's Magazine No Comment and Washington Babylon  - Legal discourse and coverage of Washington affairs, very interesting reading.

Information Clearing House - Presents stories culled from a variety of sources, many from abroad, AP and Reuters. Features alot of critical stories regarding geopolitical and economic situations. New stories everyday. 

Counter Punch - Also presents a collage of stories covering a variety of political topics from foreign policy to economy. New stories every day.

Consortium News - Progressive contextual articles, very good reading dealing with the Bush Administration, Clinton Administration and failures of both in the geopolitical sphere. All stories are very contextual giving a longer time frame understanding.

smibbo says...

honestly? I go to the Hannity.com forums. There's plenty of left-wingers like myself there and quite a few moderates. THe right-winger mostly amuse and entertain me but as a whole people are constantly posting links about the latest outrage. So basically I'm lazy as hell; don't bother frequenting the same websites. INstead I just cull "what's hot" from other people. My husband sends me interesting links during the day too. BUt really, Hannity.com is more then enough to keep me busy.

smibbo says...

of course, I generally don't bother following the link if its from a extreme site like free republic press (called freeper) or michelle malkin etc but most times people post from regular, fairly moderate sites and I will go there, check the story and then google it to find other views on the same thing.

Fjnbk says...

I read The Daily Dish, and a few other things occasionally, like Matthew Yglesias and Politico, although that's not an opinion blog.

Thing to note, Sullivan seems to post the exact videos that make it to the top fifteen right before they are submitted to the Sift.

kronosposeidon says...

My blogroll (which I barely visit anymore, because I've gotten really burned out on blogs) are:

Bad Astronomy
Balloon Juice
Crooks & Liars
The Cunning Realist
Daily Kos
The Disgruntled Chemist
Effect Measure
Fire Dog Lake
Huffington Post
James Wolcott
Jesus' General
Liberal Oasis
Mike The Mad Biologist
Sadly, No
Think Progress
Talking Points Memo (and other TPM sites)
Wonkette (better since Anna Marie Cox left)

Could you guess I'm a liberal?

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