The Whitehouse Is Lying AND They Are Critically Incompetent

The Whitehouse paused all federal funding, halting most federal programs by illegal presidential decree, throwing tens of millions of Americans into limbo, paralyzing the entire medical system in America, halting funding for schools and school programs, farmers, law enforcement, and stripping food and rent from the needy mid winter.

Courts have already temporarily blocked many these illegal efforts to dismantle the government, but make no mistake this is just week one of the blitzkrieg planned for America and dozens if not hundreds of similar “presidential orders” have been bukakkied on our system of government unnoticed in the firehouse of fascist quasi-legal ejaculate which has already included a complete dismantling of the constitution, erasure of the separation of powers, attempted removal of terms of office, the attempted firing and completely unfunded fake “buyouts” of government worker’s contracts so they can be replaced with unqualified loyalists (but never receive the payment or benefits promised by the man now immune from any court), and if allowed, the castration and execution of congress itself (what’s their job if the emperor dictates policy on his whim without actual legislation or even input from elected officials?).

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