New Uranium Bond - Periodic Table of Videos


>> ^charliem:

Whats its application?

My highschool chemistry tells me that nitrating stuff is often done to make it explosive so from that weapons.

In reality though I'd guess they probably don't really know. I think most of the time when new compounds are made they are only guessing at the properties and don't really know what they have until they already have made it and tested to see how it acts.


>> ^charliem:

Whats its application?

Many new reactors are experimenting with new fuel types. This has a higher fissile density because of the structure, so you can pack more fuel into a given space, it also has better thermal transfer and less susceptible to radiation damage that traditional uranium oxide. Hyperion Power Generation plans to use a uranium nitride compound in their Gen4 reactor. Gen4 reactors are a whole new breed of reactor, the infusion of modern computer modeling and materials development. While we still have a shitty regulatory system in the US as to not allow newer safer reactors to come online here, they will be launching in places like China, the UAE, and Korea in the future. America is poised to fall behind in the technology it invented, as it has with many other areas that aren't wall street or the technology sector.

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