Kids should stay away from pot edibles .. and they mostly do

YouTube: Recently, a number of outlets, including the Washington Post, reported on a study about the alarming rise in children who were exposed to parents’ marijuana edibles. As always, it’s important to view these things in context, and think about how many kids are actually treated for eating pot.

"Pot edibles should be kept away from kids."

Well... it depends on what you mean by pot edibles. I plan on feeding my children all parts of the hemp plant in moderation (including the buds), though our hemp plants won't be selectively bred for high THC content.

The hemp plant isn't a drug. It can become a drug through refinement. But so can absolutely every other plant on the planet. I see no reason to single out the hemp plant.

I just realized, I'm so far removed from the drug culture that I honestly don't know what "pot edibles" means in this context. ... Seriously, is he referring to brownies or something?


I'm dying to know what kind of "medical care" is given to a child who's ingested pot. Really. The hell are you going to do, other than tell them to lay down, drink something, eat something, go to sleep? What, pump them full of other drugs?!?


Hold up. Regular brownies have no nuritional value whatsoever. They are, in fact, poison if they contain refined sugar. Sure, they are fun to eat, but they will rot your teeth, give you diabetes and eventually cancer if you get hooked. This is all WITHOUT THE POT.

Shoot, the addition of pot will probably HELP on a nutritional level.

It's official. The entire world is insane.


On a somewhat related note, on one of my several trips to Amsterdam on my first day there I did what everyone says not to do, which is to eat one of those brownies quickly. Ugh, I felt like I had the flu, I couldn't figure out how to work the a/c controls or make a phone call. I had to lay down for a few hours, I was pretty miserable until I got up and had a few beers. Never again.

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