... how about you?
YouTube: Star Trek has been beaming its way into fans' hearts for over 50 years, reinventing itself time and time again. Most fans think they know everything there is to know about Starfleet's finest, but sometimes fans absorb ideas about Trek from pop culture that simply aren't true. So, what's real? What's just another invasive mind-probe? And what are just a bunch of lies told by Q? Here are some false facts about Star Trek you always thought were true...
Beam me up, Scotty | 0:36
Next Generation was the first sequel | 1:23
Picard followed orders | 2:34
Spock is emotionless | 4:04
The first interracial kiss | 5:34
Nobody uses money | 6:38
Troi was always an empath | 7:57
Seven was just eye candy | 9:31
Captain Kirk: Ladies man | 10:46
poolcleanerOk, these are cool and all, but any legit Trekker/ie (BOTH terms have been used by varied alumni cast members and fans to mean whatever they want it to mean) knows these things. Anyone who has watched every episode is like "Are these not obvious facts?"
Spock's emotions were even referenced in the JJ reboot. The beam me up thing is already memed. And ST:TNG practically showcases the burreaceacy of Starfleet as something Picard can elloquently rebutt.
But cool video, this is favorited so i can just send it to people who aren't ultra nerds. (My wife is actually the legit Trekker in the family tho -- i set her ringtone to "It's been a long time" because she hates that folky intro song and i know it annoys her that it's Star Trek music hahahahaaaaa...
HenningKOEh, callin' bullshit on Sammy Davis Jr pecking Nancy Sinatra. If that was it, the first interracial KISS still belongs to Uhura and Kirk.
MilkmanDansays...Wikipedia has some interesting thoughts:

I guess that the answer depends on subjective criteria for definitions of "interracial" and "kiss". Along with ignoring that it was done earlier in the UK.
None of that takes away from the importance and impact of the kiss in Trek.
Shame it had to appear in such a crap episode otherwise, though.
Eh, callin' bullshit on Sammy Davis Jr pecking Nancy Sinatra. If that was it, the first interracial KISS still belongs to Uhura and Kirk.
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