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direpickle (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

direpickle (Member Profile)

doogle (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Thanks for the promote lucky!!! I've always thought Freddy Kreuger was one of the most awesome Halloween costumes ever!

lucky760 said:


I was an enormous, enormous fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies as a child. I dressed up as him every year for Halloween.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

That's odd. It should have been 3 hours. There is something amiss in the land of videosift. I'll let Lucky know about that. Thanks for mentioning it!

jonny said:

sure thing... I ended up doing it twice because the first promote didn't seem to last very long - only about an hour. Have they changed the promote duration?

jonny (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Pulling a cdimetry! Ha!!! I think we know that you of all people would be completely fair and that you must have promoted/qualitied because you genuinely must have really liked them.

I thought that one was pretty funny too!!! I was a little surprised it hadn't sifted yet. In answer to your question, I have never listened to the podcast, but I might be able to find a little time to fit it in between all those videos I view in a day. Thank you for telling me about that. I wouldn't have even thought to look if you hadn't mentioned it.

lucky760 said:

I hesitated to promote this one because it might look like I'm pulling a @cdimetry and giving you undeserved favor, but it's all just a coincidence! I haven't notice who I'm *promoting or *qualitying until after invoking! I can't help it if all the great videos I'm coming across today were submitted by one sifter. Get off my train!

Anyhow, I had to promote this one because I'm busting a gut laughing at the phone call. It's seriously hilarious, especially if you're a regular listener and familiar with Carolla's self-satisfied sniff. Did you find the conversation via the Web or do you listen? With all the time you spend finding great videos I would think you don't have time for listening to some measly old podcast.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Thank you for the quality!!

lucky760 said:

Maybe the brainwashed masses will pay attention to Dr. Gupta.

The opponent says "Of course it's not worse than alcohol." Then he questions why we should offer another option to get high. If people could just use pot they wouldn't need alcohol or other much worse legal drugs to get high.


JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

cdimetry (Member Profile)

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