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schmawy (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Three cheers for the epitome of cool!

And such a cute kitty, too! *chin scratches*

schmawy said:

My pleasure Poolcleaner. That one took some doin', but I really liked it (might go back for the other one in your pq later . I think I remember you leving a thanks for me in the thread anyway. Sift on, my friend!

In reply to this comment by poolcleaner:
I never thanked you for your help sifting my first video, Schmawy. Thanks.

BoneRemake (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Boner, it's been SOOOO long since I last thanked you for posting this embedded video on my profile. It is truly (and I mean that with sincerity) an epic moment in Hollywood. I couldn't imagine Videosift without this THIS THIS THIS THIS


BoneRemake said:


lucky760 (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

There was a song with lyrics about reality being a ride on a bus and I just realized how ignorantly racist it is! God must truly have a sick sense of humor so if Jesus is real, he needs his meds pronto.

Is he man, is he god -- that long hair and those robes -- I gotta wonder if Jesus is transgender. It's more socially acceptable to be a half god than half woman. Just ask Kevin Sorbo.

Gods and half men of the bus. Also why you don't fuck with bus riders. That "I'm a Motherfucker" man from that infamous amber lamps video: Thor.

Every god rides a bus. My wife rides the metro, which is an even sicker version of a bus, the woman is a Goddess.

lucky760 said:

Okay, you got me.

I'll admit I was just being a contrarian. I really am blown away to learn that Jesus is not only real but has returned to earth.

Praise the lord god almighty!!!

What if god was one of us... just a stranger on the bus trying to help you find your keys...

lucky760 (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

No, no, no it's wizard magic. Stop denying the truth and join the majority in our moral duty to behold miracles. The earth, the sun, the tides go in, and the wizard detects all keys. Every public transportation has a wizard. It's just common knowledge, dude. Grow up -- Accept the miracle!!!!!

YOUR WAY OF THINKING TRANMOGRIFIES THE MIRACLES OF GODS AND WIZARDS INTO MUNDANE BULLSHIT. Doesn't life shine brighter and carry dutiful meaning when we belive in miracles and predestined immaculate key detection?

lucky760 said:

I don't understand the excitement.

The bus passed the biker. While passing the passenger happened to notice the keys fall out. The biker caught up to the bus. The passenger told the biker.


nah, not so much

newtboy (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Ha ha ha ha ha! You're a good person, newt. May you get better. (Citation: Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Scene 5, Villager #3)

newtboy said:

Yeah, well, when you quote Groucho (after not quoting Groucho) from a not so well read book passage where he's not being funny, and it sounds much more like someone complaining about not understanding my classic Groucho MOVIE quote rather than quipping, it's easier to miss. I'm not ashamed. ;-)

I looked it up, and from the moment I picked up his book until I put it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Some day I intend reading it.

newtboy (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Clearly, this went COMPLETELY over yours! I was dancing with you and you lost step, my boy.

Groucho done SERVED you from beyond the grave.

And honestly, no man ever truly wants their friends to win -- so I'm happy. (There's some more Groucho wisdom for which you may attribute to me and judge.)

/jokingly hehehehe

newtboy said:

look up, I think something just went over your head!

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

Fairbs (Member Profile)

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

I understand. I've been in cover bands. I was providing solid, factual information and the zeitgeist of the truly raw emotional music called metal. How does this equate to the lack of understanding of the music industry and the game they force musicians into? Then the game those very musicians somehow embrace via, what, musical Stockholm syndrome? lol!!!

Yeah, it sure is a good way to practice and get views. I agree, but how is it Top 15? All the other good musicians playing the good but unpopular songs and aren't cute enough for branding?

Yay Capitalism. It works. Who would have guessed. But I don't base my up votes on this sad fact of economics. It's bullshit. The music industry should be a sacred institution of musical progression and the pursuit of higher standards in music. But it's just a machine. The machine doesn't produce the truly great stuff. The great stuff is made by geniuses who write music because they breath it. It's made by disenfranchised youth. It is NOT this. This is cute but fucking SAD. But I guess no one gives a fuck because cool that's how it works. Ignore the superior talent, the artists with passion and personal drive due to adversity -- nooooooooo, focus on the popular talent.

FlowersInHisHair said:

Covering popular standards is a good way of practicing and also of getting some views. Many bands on YouTube do it and it seems a bit weird and pompous to pick on these talented performers for doing it too.

saber2x (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Sniper007 (Member Profile)

poolcleaner says...

Think bigger: Cannabis could cure our constant state of war and aggression.

Worst thing that ever happened to me was alcohol abuse; best thing was my discovery of cannabis. It's helped me become a caring human being and resolves my anger issues.

The fact that it's use is a mostly illegal is infuriating. They want us fighting drunk, not peacefully high.

Sniper007 said:

Cancer isn't a virtue. Screw oncologists. Cannabis cures most cancers.

There, I said it.

Payback (Member Profile)

not_blankfist (Member Profile)

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