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Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

jan (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

Thank you so much, chicchorea!
Your gorgeous prose is always such a treat to read. I love your description of my new sparkly, it is absolutely true! *admires her held-out hand with new dark ruby*

You've a keen eye, you crazy diamond. It is because of your tireless voting that keeps the good stuff in the public eye!

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Congratulations to our lady of the dark on her shining new Ruby Star.

I have said it before but never meant it more, the ruby looks good on you. And, not a soft bright pink ruby but a darkly glowing blood ruby at that.

Shine on Adrian and thank you for the wonderful body of videos you animate for our enjoyment.

vairetube (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

Oh! Now I understand, thank you for your help! But why didn't it register the first time I wonder?
Just when I think I have the hang of sifting...I realize I don't *laughs*.

You are always so generous with your votes and lovely words, definitely an excellent incentive to keep posting!

I'm keeping on, keeping on. I hope you have been well, sir. In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Very sorry,...your dupeof invocation did not register. I reinvoked. If you wish to isdupe in second the deed will be done.

How are you?

Thank you for your many wonderful submissions...a treasure here.
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Sorry Chic...I don't understand.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Try it again m'lady,...should be more receptive now.
In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:


chicchorea (Member Profile)

chicchorea (Member Profile)

AdrianBlack says...

You're so kind, thank you Mr. C! (Love your portmanteau 'avincarnation', by the way.)

A genuine picture of myself?...hmmm...
...maybe there should be a ' De Facto Pic Day' on the sift? Heh.
In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
Thank you. What a sweet and wonderful greeting to my day this was. You are a darling.

May I extend the same to you?

I missed commenting on your last avincarnation. I really liked have I all previous and the new one.

One of these days I suspect you will slip in one(or more) of you. If, that is, you have not already.

In reply to this comment by AdrianBlack:
Happy, groovy keen weekend to you and yours!

chicchorea (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

jonny (Member Profile)

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

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