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Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

entr0py says...

I like how he points out that the color "illusions" are not actually a brain failure, but an amazing visual processing feature honed by evolution. If the rubix cube were a real object photographed in yellow light and then in blue light, those tiles would have to be yellow and blue (not grey). It's like our brains calculate the true color under white light, and that's what we see.

Just think about how useful that is, without that feature we could never build up knowledge about what color different plants and animals are, because their color would seem to change drastically with the lighting conditions.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

lucky760 says...

@newtboy - I'm blown away at how certain you are it's all fake. I suggest you do what I did: Instead of using paper on your screen, just take a screenshot and insert into an image editor and inspect things there.

I cut the three tiles out and pasted them side-by-side and they are in fact the same color:

I dragged straight lines on the checkerboard before and after the dots were added, and it has only straight lines.

I copied/pasted the blue tabletop, rotated it and it fit perfectly on the other one:

Nothing was fudged in the video. It just shows how powerfully your brain is latching onto what it believes it is seeing.

It's like that dress photo from a few weeks ago. "Is it white and gold or purple and black?!" Many people were hardcore in one direction or the other.

The only one that left me confused is the pills. 1) He said they were red and blue, but they were yellow and turquoise. 2) They had holes in the pills allowing the background color through; it was only there that they looked colored, otherwise they were just gray. I suspect they were just trying to shoe-horn in a red pill blue pill Matrix reference.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

HenningKO says...

The pills look yellow and turquoise to me... I dunno what they were going for in that one. The yellow-handed one has a yellow highlight, the turquoise-handed one has a turquoise highlight, so I inferred they were yellow and turquoise...

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

newtboy says...

You went farther than I did then.
All I can say is when I cut out squares in a piece of paper, I could see a difference until they 'masked off' the image, then it had changed. I know these can work without fudging, which is why I was disappointed.
Did you note the difference between the 'colored' image and the 'masked off' image? It sure seems like there's a difference to me, if I stop it 1/2 way through and cover all but 2 squares, one is slightly lighter than the other on my monitor. That went for both the cubes and the floor tiles. Maybe it's 'eye memory' or something, but it sure seemed to me that the center tile was noticeably lighter until the 'masking off' happened.
I used a piece of paper against my monitor to measure the table,....I must have moved it when marking it, because now when I do it, it seems the tables ARE the same size. Damn touch screen, kept starting the video every time I touched it.
If those lines were really pixel straight, my paper is cut with a curve or my monitor has a problem.
Again, you went farther than I did to prove it, so I'll defer to you and accept I'm seeing things, even when I mask them off myself.

EDIT: Just a thought why I may have seen it differently, do you think it's possible that 'light bleed' or 'color bleed' on my monitor has anything to do with it? I mean, since the pixel next to the 'grey' block might be glowing bright yellow, it could color the grey slightly yellow, while the RGB value would not change?

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, newt, but that's simply inaccurate.

I saw two grey pills too, but you're completely wrong about the others. I screen shotted all the images into to verify them.

The rubix cube image is 100% real. The RGB values for the blue and yellow tiles are identical (127,128,129).

Same with the the tiles under the table. They are are off by a small amount (rgb 70 68 71 vs rgb 70 68 70), but I'd but that down to the video encoding.

Ditto with the checkboard; zooming in with the lines are pixel straight (there is some anti-aliasing at the edges, but it doesn't affect the "straightness of the checkerboard").

The tables too, are the same size. I rotated the vertical table.

If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

ChaosEngine says...

Sorry, newt, but that's simply inaccurate.

I saw two grey pills too, but you're completely wrong about the others. I screen shotted all the images into to verify them.

The rubix cube image is 100% real. The RGB values for the blue and yellow tiles are identical (127,128,129).

Same with the the tiles under the table. They are are off by a small amount (rgb 70 68 71 vs rgb 70 68 70), but I'd but that down to the video encoding.

Ditto with the checkboard; zooming in with the lines are pixel straight (there is some anti-aliasing at the edges, but it doesn't affect the "straightness of the checkerboard").

The tables too, are the same size. I rotated the vertical table.

If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

newtboy said:

OK. Looking extremely closely and using paper to block out the image, I have to say they fudged things on some of them.
I saw two grey pills the whole time.
The colored tiles fade to grey as they "mask off" the other tiles, they start no where near the shade of grey they end up as, their color has faded a lot in the process.
The grey tiles on the floor also change shades as they are 'masked off' quite clearly. I went 1/4 speed, and also tried masking them off myself, they clearly faked this one.
I put a straight edge on the checker board and sure enough, those lines are slightly curved....just barely but they are.
The two table tops are NOT the same size at first, I measured and the vertical table is definitely longer on the long side. That one's obvious.
The spinning dots does work for me, as do convex images and auditory illusions.
So I'm not ready to call 'fake' on this, but IMO it's fudged badly.

Skoda Commercial Test

What colors do YOU see?

Zawash says...

Wrong white balance. Is it a white and gold dress in blue lighting or a black and blue dress in yellow lighting? Depending on the ambient lighting, the monitor (and the current settings) and the person watching, you'll get different result.

Just look to the white and black blotchy fabric to the left, and force yourself to see that it is black and white in yellow lighting - and you'll (probably) see the dress as the correct black and blue.

Here's my own adjusted picture, after a quick adjustment in Adobe Camera Raw. The only changes are the white balance and one stop darkening to the left version (the original picture is severely overexposed).
Left: Temperature -30 / Tint +18 / Exposure -1.00
Middle: original
Right: Temperature +65

Crazy street racing! Peel Kart Race - On Board

SFOGuy says...

Can someone who understands this explain something to me? He appeared to reel that yellow car right in---but then couldn't pass him. Why? Was the other car slower but had better brakes, so he could stuff him into each corner? Or did the other driver get faster when he realized he'd been caught?
Or something else?

kept looking for the pass and it never happened.

Almost Darwinned herself on a bicycle...

AeroMechanical says...

I lived for a while in a city where pedestrians had the right of way all the time, no matter what. Most people were cool about that, but some felt it was their right to just cross the street wherever and whenever they felt like it. Where I live now, you're obligated to stop for pedestrians at uncontrolled crosswalks, but when there are signals, they determine the right of way.

This video illustrates a problem I've have lately with the uncontrolled crosswalks: I no longer stop for kids anymore unless the driver in the oncoming lane has stopped as well or is obviously aware of the situation. On multiple occasions I've stopped for children, and they took this as an indication that it was safe to cross the street and then rushed right across. This has resulted in some close calls (typically involving the elderly playing the role of the oncoming driver--and these are well marked crosswalks, with flashing yellow lights and big neon signs and everything). Once, some twit behind me in my lane even tried to pull around me as though I were turning or something.

I kind of feel like a dick about it, but no combination of waving or pointing towards the oncoming traffic seems to get the message across. I guess it's their parents job to teach them how it works, and probably the majority of parents do. The bottom line is that I would feel really, really bad if I waved some kid across a crosswalk right into an oncoming powder blue Buick LeSabre.

I figure it's safer if they just wait until there aren't any cars coming at all.

Dog found with Pitbull head and Dachshund body

Tesla P85D Has An "Insane" Mode Setting - Reactions Video

The Song of Eärendil

gorillaman says...

Eärendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan,
and light upon her banners laid.

In panoply of ancient kings,
in chainéd rings he armoured him;
his shining shield was scored with runes
to ward all wounds and harm from him;
his bow was made of dragon-horn,
his arrows shorn of ebony,
of silver was his habergeon,
his scabbard of chalcedony;
his sword of steel was valiant,
of adamant his helmet tall,
an eagle-plume upon his crest,
upon his breast an emerald.

Beneath the Moon and under star
he wandered far from northern strands,
bewildered on enchanted ways
beyond the days of mortal lands.
From gnashing of the Narrow Ice
where shadow lies on frozen hills,
from nether heats and burning waste
he turned in haste, and roving still
on starless waters far astray
at last he came to Night of Naught,
and passed, and never sight he saw
of shining shore nor light he sought.
The winds of wrath came driving him,
and blindly in the foam he fled
from west to east and errandless,
unheralded he homeward sped.

There flying Elwing came to him,
and flame was in the darkness lit;
more bright than light of diamond
the fire upon her carcanet.
The Silmaril she bound on him
and crowned him with the living light
and dauntless then with burning brow
he turned his prow; and in the night
from Otherworld beyond the Sea
there strong and free a storm arose,
a wind of power in Tarmenel;
by paths that seldom mortal goes
his boat it bore with biting breath
as might of death across the grey
and long-forsaken seas distressed:
from east to west he passed away.

Through Evernight he back was borne
on black and roaring waves that ran
o'er leagues unlit and foundered shores
that drowned before the Days began,
until he heard on strands of pearl
where ends the world the music long,
where ever-foaming billows roll
the yellow gold and jewels wan.
He saw the Mountain silent rise
where twilight lies upon the knees
of Valinor, and Eldamar
beheld afar beyond the seas.
A wanderer escaped from night
to haven white he came at last,
to Elvenhome the green and fair
where keen the air, where pale as glass
beneath the Hill of Ilmarin
a-glimmer in a valley sheer
the lamplit towers of Tirion
are mirrored on the Shadowmere.

He tarried there from errantry,
and melodies they taught to him,
and sages old him marvels told,
and harps of gold they brought to him.
They clothed him then in elven-white,
and seven lights before him sent,
as through the Calacirian
to hidden land forlorn he went.
He came unto the timeless halls
where shining fall the countless years,
and endless reigns the Elder King
in Ilmarin on Mountain sheer;
and words unheard were spoken then
of folk of Men and Elven-kin,
beyond the world were visions showed
forbid to those that dwell therein.

A ship then new they built for him
of mithril and of elven-glass
with shining prow; no shaven oar
nor sail she bore on silver mast:
the Silmaril as lantern light
and banner bright with living flame
to gleam thereon by Elbereth
herself was set, who thither came
and wings immortal made for him,
and laid on him undying doom,
to sail the shoreless skies and come
behind the Sun and light of Moon.

From Evereven's lofty hills
where softly silver fountains fall
his wings him bore, a wandering light,
beyond the mighty Mountain Wall.
From World's End then he turned away,
and yearned again to find afar
his home through shadow journeying,
and burning as an island star
on high above the mists he came,
a distant flame before the Sun,
a wonder ere the waking dawn
where grey the Norland waters run.

And over Middle-earth he passed
and heard at last the weeping sore
of women and of elven-maids
in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid,
till Moon should fade, an orbéd star
to pass, and tarry never more
on Hither Shores where mortals are;
for ever still a herald on
an errand that should never rest
to bear his shining lamp afar,
the Flammifer of Westernesse.

Star Wars - Tie Fighter accident on the highway

Neil deGrasse Tyson - "Do You Believe in God?"

newtboy says...

scientism is really like truthieness. It's a made up word, with a made up definition, that has no bearing on, or connection to reality.
Science is not about belief.
If data 'proves' that science can't ever answer any question about reality (not about human insanity, although it already goes a long way towards explaining that too), scientists would concede instantly. If it were a belief, they could never change it based on evidence, but science does change.

No one is asking you to 'bow' to any 'theory'. They are simply the 'rules' that 'science' has produced to explain how the world/universe works. They work just fine without your 'belief' in them or knowledge of them. That's just one thing they have over the supernatural.

Please give an example or two of scientific 'truths' that were half baked ideas. I think if you look throughout history, carefully, you will see the scientific method was developed mostly around the 12th century as explained here:

Amongst the array of great scholars, al-Haytham is regarded as the architect of the scientific method. His scientific method involved the following stages:1.Observation of the natural world
2.Stating a definite problem
3.Formulating a robust hypothesis
4.Test the hypothesis through experimentation
5.Assess and analyze the results
6.Interpret the data and draw conclusions
7.Publish the findings

but it's widely held that it was not solidified to the modern scientific method (eliminating guessing and 'induction' and requiring repeatable experimentation) until Newton. That means any example you might give should come after 1660 or so at the earliest, or you aren't talking about the same "science" that the rest of us are.

I think most scientist would say it is 'possible' that supernatural events happen, but incredibly unlikely, and constantly less so the more we know about the world and it's rules. It's just as likely that if I only eat the right color yellow foods I'll eventually 'magically' crap gold. I can't prove it won't happen (because I'll never know if I ate the 'right' color foods, if I ever tried), but I can use science to show it's absolutely unlikely to a NEAR certainty (no matter how one misunderstands quantum physics).
The supernatural is right there with my golden poops....and I can't tell which smells worse.

shinyblurry said:


"Scientism is belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical science constitutes the most authoritative worldview or most valuable part of human learning to the exclusion of other viewpoints."

The idea that science has all the answers is a particular faith of some atheists and agnostics, with no evidence actually supporting the claim. The problem of induction alone throws that idea out of the window. I love science and I amazed by what we are able to do, technologically. I've studied astronomy quite a bit in my lifetime. Just because I love science does not mean that I must bow before any theory because it is accepted by the mainstream scientific community as being the current idea of what is true and real.

If you look through history you will see many of these ideas held to be truth by the scientific community turned out to be half-baked ideas based on pure speculation. Somehow, people think we have it so nailed down now that the major ideas we have about the cosmos have to be true. It's pure hubris; our knowledge about how the Universe actually works or how it got here is infinitesimal compared to what there actually is to know.

Draw a circle on a piece of paper and say that represents all of the knowledge it is possible to know. What percentage of it could you claim that you knew? If you're honest, it isn't much. Do you think that knowledge of God and the supernatural could be in that 99 percent of things you don't know? If you really think about this you will see that to rule these things out based on limited and potentially faulty information is prideful and it blinds you to true understanding.

Batman vs. Darth Vader

poolcleaner says...

Cool video. But, as a Batman fan I downvote this on principle alone. Detective Comics, FEATURING Batman. Not, Batman sometimes -- Batman ALL of the time. You just don't ki... -- SPOILER ALERT --

Batman is a detective above all other things. This is Hollywood brute force shallow understanding Batman. He has the intuition to study his enemies physical weapon, yet not to understand the power of the dark side? Not the Batman I know. He would likely have not placed himself in that situation in the first place, or would have hunted down a relic or a friend with powers to combat Vadar's force powers.

Also, no reference to "fear" leading to anger... Batman's use of fear has even made him a candidate for Sinestro Corps' yellow power ring. Batman IS fear. If this series is against Batman's frequent use of other heroes, he would have gone out of his way to study the force himself, embrace the dark side for which he already serves, and THEN fucking force crush Vadar into submission. Pitiful.

Good video, poor writing based on an inferior understanding of the Batman. This is a video supposedly based on nerd cred, so wtf I have to put my nerd rage somewhere.

I shudder at the future of Batman. Ben Affleck, nooooooooooo... Daredevil... Batman... WHAT NEXT! And, yes, I despise all of the movie Batmen. None are the equal of the actual Batman.

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