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Yellow Drum Machine

newtboy says...

We all live with a yellow drum machine,
yellow drum machine,
yellow drum machine.

This should win the award for most annoying advancement in technology.

CGP Grey: NOT the Confederate Flag

Kalle jokingly says...

Time to ditch the stars and stripes aswell while your at it.. All that slavery and indian genocide were done under that flag aswell...

*getting into cover now...

oh and red white red was never the color of the Empire, it was black and yellow at that time..

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

bobknight33 says...

I don't fear the black, yellow or other taking my job because of race? I don't freaking care. May the best candidate get the job. I have had many jobs in my life and would find another if I needed to.

Do you think I would hire a black? not in a million years? You would be wrong at that. I had 1 opportunity to hire 1 candidate. I picked the best educated person that would fit the job and he was a black man.

You think my wife and kids are Lilly white. You would be wrong at that also. My family is so mixed that I am the lone token white.

You have any other falsehoods you wish to inquire about? Go ahead I answer them too.

Bottom line I don't care what "you" are. All I care is that you are trying to get ahead in life and that you are a peaceful neighbor.

I have little sympathy for those who desire to stay at the bottom out of convenience, leaching off our tax dollars and blaming others for their misfortune. I not bitching about those given a shitty hand in life or those needing a helping hand. We all need a helping hand at times. But not decade after decade. The nation spends about 3% on social needs, Fine make it 5% or something. Just don't waste it on looses and government bureaucracy.

You would probably make a fine neighbor and work colleague.

You asked me once how old I was and I answer 53. So out of curiosity how old are you?

GenjiKilpatrick said:

You DO have Aggrieved White Man Syndrome/White Fragility.

Tho figured you'd understand it better if you heard it from another white man.

Just food for thought. You know, meditation material.

Critically thinking curriculum.

Do Not Disturb Seal

Massive GT4 European Series crash at Red Bull Ring

hazmat22 says...

Fault aside (personally I think inside would be more at fault), I noticed that the yellow car didn't appear to ever brake. Trying to avoid spinning and a side impact, slow reactions or just really annoyed at the other driver.

Massive GT4 European Series crash at Red Bull Ring

ChaosEngine says...

I would say that if the yellow car was just following the line, he was in the right.

AFAIK, you can close the racing line, but not once the car behind overlaps you. In that case the Aston pulled across the yellow car and caused the accident.


if you turn the video down to 1/4 speed, at around 2.5 seconds you can see the yellow car make a fractional turn to the right.

Massive GT4 European Series crash at Red Bull Ring

newtboy says...

First, about the leaving room part. In most car racing, you don't have to 'leave room', as long as you don't touch. Cutting off another driver's line is part of racing, you don't just LET other cars pass you, normally. Turning into a car's rear axle, that's NEVER OK in racing (except demolition racing).

Secondly, and more to the point, there WAS room. Not much, but definitely enough. If you look really close, at 21-22 seconds is when the contact happens, and the yellow car is at least 1 foot away from the white line, and no where near the 'run out' (red and white striped 'curb') for the corner. He intentionally turns into the rear of the white car, hitting it instead of just keeping it straight and coming in behind. I don't think he even would have used the run out had he just kept it straight, and certainly wouldn't have been off the track. His other option would be to let off the gas, then move right once the car in front is clear, but then he'd be in second. I think he expected the white car to crash, but not take him with it. He certainly should have known what would happen when he turned into the other car at that speed coming out of a turn, and that it would be terrible.

The car behind has the greater duty to avoid an accident on the track. At least, that's how it was when I did off road racing.

Side :46, I'm pretty sure some poo came out of the guy with the blue flag.

AeroMechanical said:

I'd actually call that the other way. It was the driver of the inside car's responsibility to leave room for the car on the outside. Really, it's probably what you'd call a 'racing incident' and nobody's fault.

Massive GT4 European Series crash at Red Bull Ring

newtboy says...

What a douche bag yellow #71 is. He totally 'PIT' maneuvered the #10 white car, causing both to wreck. I hope he gets fined.

Massive GT4 European Series crash at Red Bull Ring

Extreme bodypainting

Daredevil Should Be Named Batman

poolcleaner says...

No, the Black Panther is the real Batman of the Marvel Universe. Ultra rich, has cool gadgets, cool vehicles (the quinjet, among other vehicles which could themselves topple all of the governments of the world), and his costume looks like Batman, including the colors black and yellow.

Issue #23 of the Black Panther run in the late '90s even takes this to its logical conclusion when they enter Nightmare's universe and they pay tribute to the likeness of Black Panther to Batman.

The Robin character is Black Panther's US attache, Everett Ross. Totally funny too, because the villain around this time is akin to the Joker and has his own tribute panels to the Joker.

These similarities are on purpose.

And for funsies, who is Logan Wayne?

Don't ever want to cross a street again. Ever

sixshot says...

Knowing that there's always someone out there who's gonna try to run red light, I've developed the habit of looking both ways before going -- yes the same system for pedestrian, adapted for driving. Yes, I admit that there were a couple of times I accidentally ran reds. But any sane driver out there knows that if you don't know the timing of the yellow as it transitions to red, you're better off stopping anyway.

Dover Police Kick Man In Head While He Is Complying

newtboy says...

I'm confused....are you saying you feel if they THINK you have a gun, they can punt you in the face and break your jaw even if you are complying with their orders? Because he WAS complying with their orders and getting on the ground when he was kicked in the face, and cops can always say they THINK you had a gun, then act violently with impunity.
The radio repeatedly said the man with the gun has a yellow shirt and a hat, this guy has a white shirt and yellow hat, so he doesn't fit the multiple clear descriptions. Why would they think 'the dude had a gun'?
I also note, that was the SECOND time that officer kicked him, the first time was as he tells him for the first time to 'get on the ground' while kicking the suspects legs while the suspect is complying with the original 'get your hands up' command.

Also, they lied about the suspect and falsely charged him with multiple crimes, as noted here....
"The incident occurred at a gas station on U.S. 13. Lateef Dickerson, 30, of Dover, was originally charged with assault, theft and resisting arrest, but those charges later were dropped." Surprise, he apparently also did not have a gun at all!

On top of that, this is the official police statement where they are saying the officer did nothing wrong...
"As the man was in the process of getting on the ground he was kicked in the head once by Webster rendering him unconscious." I can't fathom how they think that's OK, they admit he was complying but kicked him in the face anyway, but that is their position.

They also said "that his actions regarding this incident were outside of Dover Police Department policy and acted accordingly," which seems to mean we know he didn't follow guidelines, and that's just fine (I don't know what else 'acted accordingly' could mean in this case). If they mean to say the department 'acted accordingly', it should be noted that their only reported actions were to give him a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

charliem said:

That is pretty messed up....but you gotta consider the context. They thought the dude had a gun.

Lim Kim - Awoo

newtboy says...

She's got a serious case of yellow dandruff.
Did she start this song by calling her boyfriend gay, then the rest of the song is about flirting with him? Hmmmm.

The Origins of Dragons in Middle Earth

lv_hunter says...

Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! My darling!
Light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling.
Down along under Hill, shining in the sunlight,
Waiting on the doorstep for the cold starlight,
There my pretty lady is, River-woman's daughter,
Slender as the willow-wand, clearer than the water.
Old Tom Bombadil water-lilies bringing
Comes hopping home again. Can you hear him singing?
Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! and merry-o!
Goldberry, Goldberry, merry yellow berry-o!
Poor old Willow-man, you tuck your roots away!
Tom's in a hurry now. Evening will follow day.
Tom's going home again water-lilies bringing.
Hey! Come derry dol! Can you hear me singing?

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