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Keep Wall Street Occupied

L0cky says...

Warning, party pooping.

The mail will never reach any employee of a bank, let alone a banker. It goes to a data collection warehouse.

People with already crappy jobs working for a sub contractor who do nothing but open envelopes all day and sort their contents will be the ones who will have to bin all your wooden shivs and messages.

On top of that, your local (probably unionised) mailman will have to lug around this extra mail on his/her collection round.

Nice sentiment, but poor in execution

Also, right now I don't see an effective end goal in trying to increase the banks' costs. We pay all their costs anyway, through charges or bailouts.

UNBELIEVEABLE One-Legged Tap Dancer

Sylvester Stallone is a good actor.

NCIS- The ultimate slap in the face for computer geeks

ButterflyKisses says...

>> ^Morganth:

Ugh. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far - and I'm a SciFi nerd. Seriously, leave your brain at the door.
When shows use techno-babble crap like this to solve their problem, they really might as well say they fixed everything with magic.
Also, NCIS is miserable. The characters are so wooden it's a joke. Watch Bones on Fox.

I lost interest in Bones when watching an episode, Booth claimed that he would have supported the British during the revolutionary war, claiming that the founding fathers and revolutionaries were terrorists.

Giant Wooden Spinning Top

"Building 7" Explained

Hanover_Phist says...

I don't care what side your on, just please don't compare Skyscrapers to Jenga Blocks. Jenga blocks are not secured together!!! They are just placed on top of one another. It simply isn't safe to stack wooden blocks that high and have people walking around in and on them. That would be dangerous. No, Skyscrapers are fastened together somehow. Really really tightly.


siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mark fiore, founding fathers, leeches, wooden teeth, slaves' to 'mark fiore, founding fathers, leeches, wooden teeth, slaves, Samantha Schoech' - edited by hpqp

Flying Korans kill Salman Rushdie with lightning and fire

EMPIRE says...

Curious. God's laser beams seem to take a long time to actually kill someone, than let's say... an actual laser, created by science.

And those wooden stands for the books... Did Jesus make them in his day job as a carpenter? I'm sure Allah was pleased.

Bible Teachings: Girl spanked to death in the name of god

Lawdeedaw says...

Umm, that's not really true at America there is a book on how to be a pedophile that was/is sold... Of course it teaches how to do it "gently" and be "reciprocal," but you get my point... This book was not written in any religious manner...

It has nothing to do with tolerance of anything besides the dark side of humanity. It has to do with the fact that there are 650,000 sick fucks out there. Just like there are pedo-people...

>> ^hpqp:

And yet these psychopaths can sell over 650'000 copies of their child abuse manual and get away with it, because of the sick tolerance towards religion.
>> ^laura:
"Let's say a 7 year old slugs his sister?"
"He would get...a 7 year old would get ten or fifteen licks, and it would be a formal setting, in other words, you maintain your patient air, you explain to him that what he's done was VIOLENT, and that that's not acceptable in society, and that's not acceptable in our home...and I would take him somewhere like into his bedroom and I would tell him I'm gonna give him fifteen licks, ..."
"With what?"
"With probably a belt, with a kid that big, a boy...I'd probably use, a belt would be handy...I might use a wooden spoon, or um, a piece of um, uh like plumbing supply line a quarter inch in diameter, flexible enough to roll up."
That should be admissible in court. Beat them in their bedrooms because violence is not acceptable in your home? Fuck you.

Bible Teachings: Girl spanked to death in the name of god

hpqp says...

And yet these psychopaths can sell over 650'000 copies of their child abuse manual and get away with it, because of the sick tolerance towards religion.

>> ^laura:

"Let's say a 7 year old slugs his sister?"
"He would get...a 7 year old would get ten or fifteen licks, and it would be a formal setting, in other words, you maintain your patient air, you explain to him that what he's done was VIOLENT, and that that's not acceptable in society, and that's not acceptable in our home...and I would take him somewhere like into his bedroom and I would tell him I'm gonna give him fifteen licks, ..."
"With what?"
"With probably a belt, with a kid that big, a boy...I'd probably use, a belt would be handy...I might use a wooden spoon, or um, a piece of um, uh like plumbing supply line a quarter inch in diameter, flexible enough to roll up."
That should be admissible in court. Beat them in their bedrooms because violence is not acceptable in your home? Fuck you.

Bible Teachings: Girl spanked to death in the name of god

laura says...

"Let's say a 7 year old slugs his sister?"
"He would get...a 7 year old would get ten or fifteen licks, and it would be a formal setting, in other words, you maintain your patient air, you explain to him that what he's done was VIOLENT, and that that's not acceptable in society, and that's not acceptable in our home...and I would take him somewhere like into his bedroom and I would tell him I'm gonna give him fifteen licks, ..."
"With what?"
"With probably a belt, with a kid that big, a boy...I'd probably use, a belt would be handy...I might use a wooden spoon, or um, a piece of um, uh like plumbing supply line a quarter inch in diameter, flexible enough to roll up."

That should be admissible in court. Beat them in their bedrooms because violence is not acceptable in your home? Fuck you.

Bible Teachings: Girl spanked to death in the name of god

Red Tails - Epic Story Of The Tuskegee Fighter Pilots

Game of Thrones: Syrio Forel's sword dance with Lannisters

Enzoblue says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Why is that a good reason to watch? Idiot has a half dozen real swords lying about but he chooses to use a wooden one?
Nah, I liked the first book, second was meh, by the third I'd had enough.

The key to enjoyment of the series is using the same mentality that women use to enjoy the movies based on Jane Austin novels. In those movies, you have to care deeply for the characters mentioned and ignore the destitute poverty of the common folk of that era. Cry deeply for the wannabe noble woman that has her reputation in so much jeopardy that she might not be able to marry the guy who inherits 50k pounds - ignore the other 90% of the population that would cut their fingers off to feed their children if they didn't need those fingers to work for the nobility.

In this series, you need to think of the 'small folk' as subhuman. Their sole purpose is to get raped and killed and provide blade fodder for the worthy. Care fiercely for the rightful heir that is favored by the gods, and don't shed a tear for the father that has to watch his sons sliced up in front of him and his wife and daughter raped by that rightful heirs banner men in order to send a message.

If you can do this, the series is pure gold and will provide many hours of entertainment.

Honestly, after the 4th novel, I really don't care who wins in the end. All the characters are so blood thirsty I'm cheering for the Others at this point. I guess i'm still cheering for the Starks, but they've been through so much hell that their souls must be empty shells by now. Like torture victims that are so far gone that the best thing you can do for them is kill them.

On civility, name calling and the Sift (Fear Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

... seconded... I have a broken crazy cakes radar.
In theory I rely on the advice of friends, in practice they always appear to be a fickle bunch.

>> ^bareboards2:

A friend of mine was standing with a bunch of men at the local wooden boat building school with their instructor.
A beautiful blond woman walked in, crossed the workshop floor to get something, and then left. Everyone knew she was the ex- of the instructor.
All eyes followed this beautiful woman. After she left, the instructor quietly shook his head, said tersely "You DO NOT want to go there" -- and everyone instantly understood that she was crazy cakes and not worth it.
So even if I am hot, you might want to consider whether I am crazy cakes or not. It does make a difference!
>> ^kulpims:
look, all I need to know is - are you hot? want pictures, or I won't like you by default
>> ^

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