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They knew and now we know the President knew

newtboy says...

So, now that you’ve had time to confirm that only Trump (and his SOD under his orders) can call up the national guard in DC, and that more police were requested (but not deployed) early by everyone but Trump’s pro-insurrection people….now what?

A federal judge has cited the house Jan. 6 committee's final report since it was made public last week, ruling Wednesday that then-President Trump's remarks to a crowd on Jan. 6 telling them to "fight like hell” could have signaled to his supporters that he wanted them "to do something more" than just protest. It was clear to all that peaceful protests outside would not “stop the steal”, another thing he instructed the crowd was imperative to “save our country”.
Clearly that’s not the only phrase he used that indicated he, and his people, wanted violence. “Trial by combat”, “take your country back”, “stop the steal” all imply the same call to violence, especially when delivered to his rabid, well armed, ready to get “wild” crowd.
While this does rise to the level of incitement, it does not create a legal shield that they were acting on legal orders from the president as many have claimed in court.

It’s also been made public that Trump tried to give a blanket pardon to every insurrectionist….indicating he knows it was a criminal insurrection because you can’t pardon innocent people….also indicating he believed it was only his rabid supporters there, because he would never consider pardoning ANTIFA activists (that weren’t there) for one picosecond.

bobknight33 said:

Who is in charge of capital security?
Who is charge of calling them up?

At what point did Trump say Lets Storm the Capital and take over ?

He never said / implied such a thing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Turns out most Trump businesses report earnings exactly the same amount as their tax exempt expenses to the penny….so paid zero corporate taxes. Somehow the irs under Trump didn’t see a thing odd about that.
This includes, among dozens of companies he claimed made exactly what they spent, the llc that owns his trumpforceone plane, the plane he charged the secret service exorbitantly to ride, millions of dollars in charges, it claimed $7382 in expenses and zero income….so claimed a business loss (and certainly asked for a refund) and zero income despite billing the government for millions.
Funny, Melania also has “business expenses” that exactly match her modeling income to the penny. Filing jointly with the worlds worst tax cheat is going to bite her….and you better believe she’ll cut a deal.
I know the sources you believe will not be covering this news.

Every bit of information we get about Trump indicates worse criminality than his worst enemies ever predicted on every single front. Friday is going to be…wild.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not everything….my portfolio is growing quite a bit, not shrinking by 63% this year. It grew almost 3% today alone….how about yours?
You mean that “covid dip” when it rose to 400 per share during covid and you were screaming “buy! Go all in now!”? ROTFLMFAHS! WTF are you talking about?
Tesla sells the vast majority of its cars to liberals. Tesla has massively turned off liberals (35% positive to under 10% positive) right as other options came on the market, and gotten slightly more popular (20% positive up to 25%) among conservatives who unfortunately for Tesla don’t buy electric cars. Tesla is unlikely to ever get most back. You should understand, Tesla’s days of near monopoly are over, Musk has to sell tens of billions of Tesla stock to pay his debts, which will drive it MUCH lower. You’ll be lucky if it ever gets this good again….and it’s guaranteed to go lower soon. It’s a good time to short, not buy.
FYI- Tesla cut prices by 9%+- in China, and $4k in the US because it seems so many preordered cars have had their orders cancelled and there’s a glut of unsold cars. Not exactly the booming business predicted. That 50% growth is sounding wildly optimistic right now….because today they’re shrinking. 🤦‍♂️

Jan 6 hearings were bi partisan. MAGgot Republicans didn’t want an independent investigation, and all but boycotted this one. No whining now, you asked to be left out.
To paraphrase Roger Stone…You lost. Democracy won. Fuck you. No. You lost. Fuck you!
The insurrection was a one sided seditious act, and a circle jerk by morons. It would be impossible to not find any crimes to refer. What they found is way more than enough to put him in prison for life.
Funny how you LOVE one sided investigations of liberals, like all 12 Clinton investigations, and the planned Hunter Biden investigation (that is a pure partisan one sided planned congressional investigation of a private citizen…a real nothing burger) and all the moronic “investigations “ that are the totality of the Republican platform, but denounce bipartisan investigations of Cons as “one sided”. Pick one. Are one sided investigations just theater? Then call out all the MAGA theater. Are they serious and legitimate? Then find a new baseless fantasy accusation against the Jan 6 committee.

Naaa, friendo. Me and the official ANTIFA organization go to battle fully naked covered in vaseline and glitter. Makes it impossible to keep hold of us, and forces uncomfortable explanations when our enemies get home to their wives sweaty, covered in Vaseline and glitter claiming they were at work!

bobknight33 said:

150 and falling just like everything else. Fud not helping but a great time to buy... I still expect it to go lower. Im sitting in cash.. If I were to buy today I would pick up an extra 1500 shares. FYI TESLA firing on all cylinders 50% growth YoY expected. These opportunities only come around every decade or so. The 2020 Covid dip was also a great time to take advantage of . Did you? I did.

The globe is in a recession not just Tesla -- Compare to Amazon and see.
Average recession lasts 18 months. Q1/Q2 2023 will be worse.

Jan 6 hearings was 1 sided -- a circle jerk committee . I would be surprised id the "didn't" find anything to refusal......... Just BS

No biker gear-- that's newt and his Antifa buddies.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)


moonsammy says...

I finished up the season. Really enjoyed it, and I only successfully guessed a couple plot points in advance. It's pretty wild. If you liked Dark, or mind-bending stuff in general, you'll likely dig the show. There's a huge Season 2 setup, so it better get one!

Fairly non-spoilery: holy redshirts, Batman! Srsly...

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

Clinton did.
Her big brass balls swinging hard. Stood up to the whining accusatory bitches repeatedly. So much more of a “man” than the TDE coward. Of course, she had the unfair advantage of not being guilty.
They couldn’t pin a thing on her in 10 partisan kangaroo hearings, she showed up every time, because she’s no sniveling cowardly criminal like castrated baby eunuch Trump.

Only Americans and Allies to America care. Only proponents of democracy care. To your ilk, that’s no one because you are anti American and anti Democracy and you claim non cultists aren’t real people.
Trump denied the certified election results, his plan from the start because he knew he wouldn’t beat Biden. Republicans are doing the same this cycle before voting started for the same reason, you can’t win fair elections.
Trump himself personally invited armed terrorist groups to his rally on Jan 6 that was “going to be wild”, it sure was. His administration coordinated with the terrorist militias in the planning stage, and the militias say they acted on direct White House orders, and they have the texts to prove it.
Trump invited the armed militants into his crowd that he riled up and sent to the capitol to “stop the (fake) steal” by force, not legal methods.
Trump incited a riot/coup.

Your ridiculous denial is only more proof it’s true, you are so consistently dishonest and oppositional to reality that it’s always a safe bet to just assume reality is 100% diametrically opposed to whatever nonsense you spout daily. I could spend a week just opposing every word you say without a stitch of research without a hint of worry I might be wrong even once, just take Bob’s position, reverse it, and you’ll have reality every time. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Who would show up to an improper 1 sided kangaroo hearing?

No one cares about this BS. Trump did nothing wrong . didn't incite any riot.

Job training failure at Alaskan Salmon Cannery

Someone needs to explain this Far Side comic to me (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

BigSparky says...


Tesla BLOWS AWAY Expectations. (Q2 2022 Recap )

bobknight33 says...

This news made stock go up $72.62 %9.78 today.

Today's close $815.12 .. Still a great buy due to Bidenomics.
Down 20% from its high this year.

I'm up 110K today . IMHO , It will retreat some next fews days . Its just another day.

I'm in for the long run.
Buy and hold. Its a wild ride with a great future.
Not only will it make you rich, It can make you wealthy.
I'm working on the latter.

The origins of oil falsely defined in 1892

Whatever Happened to the Bee Apocalypse?

newtboy says...

Um, I notice their data ends in 2012 - 2015, while CCD was just becoming a serious issue. My last 3 hives had CCD.
Can bees be repopulated, yes, by splitting remaining hives and ramping up distribution channels, but that’s not sustainable and lowers the hive production to dangerously low levels. Hives can produce honey or new bees, but not both in large quantities.
Also, it’s an expensive proposition, rehiving. A nuc costs $200, a new clean hive another $250+- with a near 50% chance it won’t survive each year, it’s an expensive hobby and a real loss when they go down. Eventually people will give up trying in large quantities, then what?
And, as mentioned, wild bees pollinate most plants, and no one is working hard and making money producing large quantities of wild bee hives.

Over the last decade, the numbers have changed. There has been a severe decline in domestic bee population while demand has risen. Also, the commercial hives left often have been split many times, meaning 20000 is a far more normal population of a hive than 80000, and clearly does less pollinating, less honey production, and less new bee production.

It doesn’t have to be an either or choice, I’ve had beehives and fostered wild bee habitat at the same time. I have 30 fruit trees, I need all the bees I can get to visit.

I think the real answer to why you don’t hear about it as much lately is 1) War in Europe and 2) Coup in America, both of which dominate any news reports.

Some Humans are AOK

BSR says...

I have a car window breaker/seat belt cutter in my car. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy injured his hand trying to punch that window out. He thought about trying it again but I guess he learned the first time. It's suggested you break a car window in the corner and not the center.

I also have an air horn and pepper spray in the driver door pouch in the event of a wild animal threat during a body removal in remote locations or any other threats.

Birds Aren't Real, so no threat there.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

It’s almost like you forgot that every congressperson charged with child trafficking is a Republican, every one charged with pedophilia a Republican, every one that knowingly covered for years of forced sexual abuse of children a Republican. Everyone trying to pass laws making it legal for adults to marry 9 year old children and have sex with them is a Republican. Every person claiming their political colleagues have wild drug fueled orgies is a Republican.
Every one filmed lusting after 10 year olds and cat calling them in public is a Republican. Every one who said the thing they have most in common with their young daughter is “sex” is a Republican. Every one that bragged about trying to buy their way into their friends wife’s pants repeatedly is a Republican. Everyone we know that left their pregnant wives to sleep with porn stars without protection is a Republican. Every one that hosted private parties for Epstein, some they attended with no other adults allowed was a Republican.
🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
The way you people project this nonsense makes me believe that somewhere out there is a pizza place with a basement where your elected officials rape, murder, and eat very small children. It sounded completely insane when the accusations were made, but you people ARE completely insane AND guilty of EVERY charge you morons lob at Democrats.

Democrats, on the other hand, are never brought up on child rape and sex trafficking charges, never have photos come out proving their debauchery, do not have a party platform based entirely on scapegoating and hating huge groups based on skin color, nationality, sexual preference, gender, etc….all protected classes under the constitution btw.
Democrats also don’t try to overthrow democracy because they lost an election and can’t accept it.
Democrats also don’t legislate based on frauds like Desantis, don’t put out insane lies about their opponents, accusing them of child molestation without evidence, certainly not just as a fund raising plot. They don’t set up straw men like CRT to give their base something to be outraged about despite it being fantasy. They don’t create a big lie that the election they ran was fraught with fraud (with absolutely zero evidence besides the frauds they committed themselves).

You really should try looking in a mirror sometimes. If you think you hate Democrats over these false charges, you are going to really hate yourself. Party of debauchery….if you really believe that’s the Democratic Party and not Republicans, you had a clinical break from reality and need professional help before you hurt yourself or others.

You are so delusional you could be committed if we only knew your real name.

Edit: I suppose I should thank you for being such a ridiculous blowhard that always buys into the Republican lies, without you I would have no idea what nonsense needs debunking. You couldn’t be a better straight man even if your name was Laurel.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

Big difference between hate and truth.

Too many straw man arguments .

Racing Drone Tours Tesla's New Berlin Gigafactory

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