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Swinging Dog

Tiny Mouse Gets Tail Stuck In Honey

GoShogun says...

I once worked at an auto oil change shop and one of my co-workers had put out one of those sticky pad mouse traps. It worked and a mouse got stuck to it. I felt bad for the poor little guy struggling to get free. I couldn't peel it off, the pad way too sticky. So I tried using some water to get him unstuck. That didn't work so then I brilliantly tried some motor oil to unstick him. No luck but I was intent on saving this cute little mouse. So even more brilliantly, I used some WD-40. Then some transmission fluid.

Finally, after about an hour of carefully toiling away at getting this mouse free...the mouse died and I threw him in the garbage still stuck to the sticky pad and soaking in carcinogens. And then I went to McDonald's and ate chicken nuggets with honey dip. And that's why this video reminds me of that tasty tasty day.

FOX's Wallace: Is Obama Really Prez After Bobbled Oath?

quantumushroom says...

QM, I really respect your dedication to libertarianism and therefor your opposition to the policies that are likely to be enacted by President Obama. So go ahead and trash his plans and his record all you like, but please, please stop making jokes about Obama's connection to Kenya and his African family's religion.

I respect your respectful tone.

He's an American, and a Christian. Those two things don't really mean a lot to me, since I am not a nationalist and not religious, but your continued comments and jokes that seem to claim otherwise are clearly some sort of veiled racism.

Racism? Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't care about Obama's race, unfortunately others are obsessed with it. I'm happy for Blacks who take pride in Obama's election but as Rev. Lowery's little inauguration jab against Whites proves, the Racial Grievance Indu$try, though temporarily subdued, is alive and well. Like others, I'm waiting to see if those opposing Barry's socialist agenda will be branded racists by the mainstream media, which these days shamelessly shills for Democrats. We both know that answer.

The assumptions in your statements are that a person associated with Kenya has less value than a "pure" American, and that a person who has Muslim relatives has questionable loyalties.

Though it be humor in Barry's case, I question the loyalties of ANY American
politician who swears on a Quran. Islam demands a loyalty that transcends national boundaries, but in the name of conquest, not respect (Christianity went through and grew out of such a mindset centuries ago). Islam is largely incompatible with Western values, so it remains to be seen what happens next as their numbers grow in the States.

Jokes aside, I'm not saying Barry is a Muslim, however I don't rule out the possibility. Though he is a self-professed Christian, the truth of whatever that means to Barack is between him and his God. If his Christianity is the bitter Black marxism of Reverend Wright, I have no more use for it than if BHO was a professed Muslim.

I'll say this anyway: your rights as a non-believer are not secure with Muslims.

Perhaps other people aren't bothered by your little jabs, but it's really starting to get on my nerves. I have high hopes that Obama will be good for this country. But even if I am wrong and Obama turns this country into a socialist toilet like Denmark, France, or Vermont, that has absolutely nothing to do with a dual citizenship he never wanted, or the beliefs of relatives he barely knows.

The dual citizenship ended with BHO turning 21 and at no time did he claim loyalty to Kenya. However there remain serious questions about the legitimacy of what has been presented as Obama's birth certificate (a digital image, easily forged). The real birth certificate has never been made available and Obama won't release it. After 4 years (or, God Forbid, I suspect he'll reveal he was born in Kenya, and was therefore unqualified, by law, to be President.

If Bush can be accused of deliberately letting Blacks drown (due to a hurricane + the Democrats who ran New Orleans for decades, doing nothing to upkeep the levees) by not getting the federal leviathan to act "fast enough", then Barry can take a little ribbing. I'm sorry you were offended personally, but I'm one of 3 or so outspoken non-liberals here at VS and my comments are usually sandwiched by Bush/Israel/conservative/capitalism-hating jibes and rants.

I'm a conservative kidney stone here at liberalsift but that's the way it goes, I choose to visit and most sifters allow me to stay (an occasional gift can of WD-40 for Siftbot helps).

Hopefully there are more laughs than rage, and believe me, a few times I've walked away from this computer ready to kill over mere words. It comes with the territory, Kent.

Listen to this beautiful kitty purr

Hearts, Moons, Stars, Clovers and now, DIAMONDS!!! (Happy Talk Post)

Siftquisition: Siftbot (Parody Talk Post)

TED: Five Dangerous Things to Let Your Kids Do

CrushBug says...

Watched this last night on the TED site and then I took my daughter outside and showed her how to make a flamethrower with a can of WD-40 and a match. I can't wait to find the 50 Dangerous Things book and start going through it with my kids.

Diamond Edit Bug (Sift Talk Post)

Don't Hit the Flaming WD-40 Can With A Stick

The WD40 Flaming Ball Of Fire

How Duct Tape is Made (if you can't duct it...)

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