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New Airplane Seats - You Cannot Actually Even Sit On Them

Psychologic says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Oh, come on, dude. The issue here is making people almost deliberately uncomfortable, claustrophobic and immobile for the sake of some extra profit. It's not a matter of taste, or people thinking every design should suit them/their physiology, it's just fundamentally horrible design.
I was relieved to hear that it's only for flights of two hours or less in duration. The idea of being in that position for 22 hours on the Birmingham/Sydney route is almost as terrifying as a waterboarding session.

It's optional. As far as I can tell, no one is being put in that situation against their will (that would be fairly dishonest).

Bicycles aren't exactly comfortable either, but people choose to spend hours on those. You may not want to, and that's fine, but I'm glad the option exists.

New Airplane Seats - You Cannot Actually Even Sit On Them

Gallowflak says...

Oh, come on, dude. The issue here is making people almost deliberately uncomfortable, claustrophobic and immobile for the sake of some extra profit. It's not a matter of taste, or people thinking every design should suit them/their physiology, it's just fundamentally horrible design.

I was relieved to hear that it's only for flights of two hours or less in duration. The idea of being in that position for 22 hours on the Birmingham/Sydney route is almost as terrifying as a waterboarding session.

Chivalry in Russia

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chivalry, russia, crazy, wakeboard, girl lift' to 'chivalry, russia, crazy, wakeboard, girl lift, waterboarding, road, flooded, flood' - edited by looris

Chivalry in Russia

Afghan Patriots - Living With The Taliban

Throbbin says...

It must be nice living in a world without shades of gray.

You keep wanting to paint me as someone who condones their religious/extremist views. The point I've been trying to make, and that you keep wanting to avoid, is that not all of them are true believers - and that those who join the Taliban for religious reasons are not the same as those who join for nationalist reasons. Observe the same trend in the American army - some do it for personal reasons, some do it for America, and some do it for Christ. Is it so hard to believe the bad guys forces might have the same factions?

Official protocol eh? Rendition, waterboarding etc. etc. is all official protocol. Does this condemn all members of the armed forces? Or just the ranking members who make policy? Hmmm...

Praising God condemns them all? Visit any American base abroad and count how many go to church or pray regularly. Hmmmm....

Definition of the Taliban eh? Thats a good idea. From Wikipedia:

The Taliban, alternative spelling Taleban,[5] (Pashto: طالبان ṭālibān, meaning "students") is a Wahhabi Islamist political movement that governed Afghanistan from 1996 until it was overthrown in late 2001. It has regrouped since 2004 and revived as a strong insurgency movement governing mainly local Pashtun areas during night and fighting a guerrilla war against the governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)

I see the Islamist political movement...and then I see insurgency. I have no doubts the Islamic extremists run the show. I also have no doubts the insurgency (Nationalist) aspect is a big draw in recruiting. Much like Al-Qaeda, the Taliban recruits based on resentment and anger towards imperial powers. You know this, I'm sure.

There's no such thing as a moderate Taliban member? Says who? You'll have to provide more than your word on that one. I'll rely on practicality and realism.

I had no intention of lumping you in with the Fox News assholes. I was meaning to display the various political factions within any given movement - devout doesn't always mean extremist. Not every American pastor or Priest is a Phelps supporter at heart - and not every Afghan insurgent is a wahhabist at heart. You see that, don't you?

I'm guessing many of them signed up to fight the Imperial invaders, not just to woman-beat and Jew-hate. If that were the case, you wouldn't see the informants and intelligence sources from within Taliban-held areas that Americans and other NATO forces rely on for intel, would you?

I despise extremist religious/political philosophy as much as you do. But, I also understand that I would sign up with the nearest big group of assholes in my part of the world if it meant we could better fight off foreign invaders.

>> ^LostTurntable:

I am also well aware that some American/Canadian/British/Australian soldiers are assholes who have killed innocent women and children. Does that make all of the soldiers in those armed forces assholes? Nope.
Yes, but the Allied forces who have done horrible things aren't acting on official protocol. Taliban terrorists who attack and murder women are doing so because their ideology dictates that's okay.
I highly doubt that all Taliban fighters are crazed religious or social extremists.
Go back and count how many times they praise God in that video. Even if not every soldier is a die-hard member of the Taliban (and in that video, they all were) they are part of an extremist Islamic political movement. That is the definition of the Taliban. Look it up.
They are also inhuman savages that beat women for no reason. That's also a fact. It is a strict part of the Taliban idealogy, they go hand-in-hand. Breaking that rule is paramount to breaking any other rule set by the Taliban. There's no such thing as a "moderate" Taliban member.
And for fuck's sake don't lump me in with the Faux News idiots and the anti-"Mosque" assholes. You want to build a mosque on Ground Zero? Go nuts. Build 80. Because the people in NYC who want to build a mosque AREN'T THE FUCKING TALIBAN.
I am sure that many people in Afghanistan do not want the US forces there. But there are just as many who don't want the Taliban there. Saying "not all Taliban soldiers are bad" is like saying "not all Nazi soldiers are bad" that may be true, but they are supporting a cause that is without a doubt entirely evil. So fuck them. They made their choice to sign up with woman-beating, Jew-hating, freedom-denying (and yes, these guys actually do hate freedom, as sad as it is. Under Taliban rule you aren't allowed to speak your mind, do what you want or even listen to music.) assholes who deserve to die.

>> ^Throbbin:
Don't be simple.
I am well aware of the acid attacks. I am also well aware that some American/Canadian/British/Australian soldiers are assholes who have killed innocent women and children. Does that make all of the soldiers in those armed forces assholes? Nope.
I highly doubt that all Taliban fighters are crazed religious or social extremists. I'd bet a good amount of money that many of them joined up because they don't want Team America there. I probably would have if I were in their shoes, and I'm not religious in any way.
"He's a warlord" - yeah, and how much do you want to bet General Petraeus has a summer home and a regular home?
They want everyone who doesn't agree with them out - sounds like the ultra conservatives in America and Canada. Have you seen any of the anti-immigration or anti-NY-mosque rallies lately?
I'm not pro-Taliban, but I am pro-truth. And the truth is that not all Talibanis are crazed religious extremists, and that once in awhile it's a good idea to remember that the people we are fighting (in their country) are people too, not just maniacs like the MSM would have you believe.
>> ^LostTurntable:
Surprise surprise - the "bad guys" aren't all evil monstrous brutal animals. Some of them are just normal folks who resent Team America invading their country and telling them what to do.
I guess he wasn't invited on the mission where Taliban forces attacked schoolgirls with acid.
I understand the war is a complicated issue, but these are holy warrior assholes who enslave women for their own perverted satisfaction. Notice how the commander used to have several houses? You think he got them via good stark market deals/ No, he's a warlord.
These are also religious zealots. They don't just want "Team America" out. They want everyone who doesn't agree with them out. Or dead. Preferably dead.
You can be against the war, that's great. But don't be pro-Taliban.

Scaring White People for Fun and Profit

RedSky says...

Why do you link people to other sites, when you clearly haven't watched the video in question?

Why would you link to an article by Michelle Malkin when this video explictly demonstrates her perpetuating a false rumor?

Not to mention the argument of they do it so we can do it sounds no more intelligent whether you apply it to waterboarding than it does to illegal immigration.>> ^quantumushroom:

We need to celebrate diversity by adopting Mexico's standard treatment of illegal invaders.

Ohio Supreme Court Rules No Radar Needed to Ticket (Wtf Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

Ultra Conservatism is the exact same as Statism. Neither are good for the people, and neither understand the weight of their actions. This is not a case for partisan politics but of a corrupt system in general. A corrupt system that does not have the people's best interests at heart.

Actually, false moral equivalency is worse than puppy waterboarding and pelican oiling. Refusing to assign blame to the actual people who are corrupt in the system is part of why the "system" gets corrupted. Everyone is to blame, therefore no one is to blame.

Republicans have been behind every single major bad thing government has done in my lifetime. The worst you can really accuse the Democrats of is that they've been too willing to go along with Republican schemes over the last 4 decades, and have only halfheartedly fought for what they supposedly believe in.

Harry Truman nailed this 62 years ago:

"I wonder how many times you have to be hit on the head before you
find out who's hitting you? It's about time that the people of America
realized what the Republicans have been doing to them."

- Harry Truman

Part of the problem is also what's conventionally known as "conservatism". They tell us over and over again that you can't expect the government to do anything but sell out to big business, and oh by the way, selling out to big business is actually awesome for the little guy anyways. Everyone is systematically told that they shouldn't expect better from their government, and as a result people don't demand better from their government, and since they don't demand better, they don't get better, and you get America circa 1929 2010.

Bush Admits to Waterboarding, Says He'd Do it Again

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^acidSpine:
Didn't Bush and Cheney get Alito to write up some laws giving them immuntity for any war crimes they might commit during their highly illegal invasions. Aggression against a soverign nation is the most serious crime in international law, all this BS about waterboarding is covering up the fact the entire Iraq war is a crime.

Well, then, every nation is guilty. Who wants tacos?

Bush Admits to Waterboarding, Says He'd Do it Again

acidSpine says...

Didn't Bush and Cheney get Alito to write up some laws giving them immuntity for any war crimes they might commit during their highly illegal invasions. Aggression against a soverign nation is the most serious crime in international law, all this BS about waterboarding is covering up the fact the entire Iraq war is a crime.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

choggie says...

What the fuck is wrong with someone, reacting to a non sequitur? (I know how some folks can get hung up on words used in or out of context on the site.....Well, shall we analyze??

The video obviously has nothing to do with several of the tags I used...Kellogs, Obama, Pfizer or waterboarding-Nor did I expect the damn thing to get published given the stick planted firmly in the asses of a majority of the people on the site, who would rather
the convenience and comfort of remaining virtually asleep and unconscious concerning the multi-layered world they live in. It's predictable, it's programmed, it's human, it's robotic.

The theme my friend?? I have maintained the same persona here in the face of derision, misunderstanding, and the collective developmental disabilities of so many folks. I have been called a troll and gladly embrace the distinction, for it is who I am in the world of flesh and blood as well. I have many acquaintances, friends and foes, allies and enemies, the same goes with the internet.

Project Bluebeam existed or still exists, and involves holographic deception on a grand scale.The technology is there, as evidenced in the giant hologram over Moscow of a pyramid, which is all over the internet should you wish to do the research. Do you think it strange that of the ilk of the fundamentalists on the planet that staging the second coming of Christ is outside of the realm of possibility??

I encourage the downvoting, as I have always tried here to get people to drop a fucking nut and use the powers afforded them to express themselves. I never expected for a second that this video be published. I find it sophomoric and poorly executed as well, however, information is information is information.

If you see Jesus coming in the clouds, it's probably the blackest form of the dark arts, from the most putrid examples of humankind.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
What's with the negro tag? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Karl Rove - Proud of Waterboarding

Stormsinger says...

I would still love to see this guy waterboarded to see if we could get his -real- opinion of waterboarding. I'm betting it wouldn't take long...

Fox Legal Analyst: Reconciliation = Waterboarding

NetRunner says...

I thought waterboarding was legal, proper, and patriotic according to conservatives.

These people are so hypocritical their hypocrisy is hypocritical.

choggie (Member Profile)

Think Progress: Maddow on Miranda Rights and Terrorism

Drachen_Jager says...

After the USS Cole bombing in Yemen the FBI investigators arrested one of the local planners of the attack and through treating him with kindness and respect made him realize that his world view was wrong. He cooperated fully and gave everything he knew to them. All that took only about a week. Are these Republicants saying they can get more out of a suspect who's being waterboarded and will resist giving answers as long as he can and lie as much as possible?

The old adage, "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.", is true. Even the CIA interrogators admit that torture has proven extremely unreliable as a means of intelligence gathering.

Olbermann on James OKeefe Wiretapping Shenanigans

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