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STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

newtboy says...

How extremely unRepublican of you.

No strings, no hoops, no “no help until you get a job” type of nonsense!?
Who is this? You are aware all those strings and hoops are Republican additions to welfare laws, right?

Second, a set time limit for those on warfare!?! (I must assume that means companies that are part of the military industrial complex, riding high on that sweet sweet government cheese)

Holy shit, that’s pretty damn far left of you. Congratulations! I’m seriously impressed, and fully back that plan. If your business is making tools for war, it shouldn’t be a private business, it should be a department in the DOD. America doesn’t like war profiteering….or so we claim.


bobknight33 said:

I'm for this.
If homeless this kind of $ is enriching. It has real meaning.

I am against all the government strings that end up keeping one dependent of government.

Just hand out to those in need.

As for people on warfare there only need to be a set time limit of benefits. Helping is great making people dependent is wrong.

Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America?

newtboy says...

Do you get your info from, faux or Trump?
I' to start?
"Neo-liberals" are anti war, so positive peaceful relations are what they're after, not illegal collusion and absolute capitulation to our (and our allies') detriment. The 'neoliberals' didn't even use the military to protect the Ukraine, even though we are bound to do so by treaties.
War profiteering companies are almost 100% owned and run by neocons, not liberals.

There is proof, publicly released proof. There is not yet a completed report submitted to congress, those take time to put together, verify, edit, recertify, sign off, and submit. 17 intelligence agencies have publicly stated they have plenty of 'proof', some hackers have gone on record as working on this project for the Russians at their direction, the methods and programs used have easily identified 'fingerprints' from previous Russian hacks.

The contents of the emails were completely innocuous, with absolutely no smoking gun. If you think differently, I think you've been duped by the fake news industry.
'No one cares' about the RNC emails because the Russians didn't release them, they weren't trying to hurt Trump, he's their dream president, a moron under their thumb that doesn't understand the idea of diplomacy, much less how to practice it. (That no one cares is totally not true, btw, I care...I even care that they were hacked, but I care far more that they were protected and helped repeatedly by a foreign nation they invited to illegally become involved in our election with the clearly stated intention of skewing our election for their benefit).
Sweet zombie Jesus, if Clinton had won after asking a national enemy to illicitly and illegally help her like Trump did, the right would be inconsolable and frothing at the mouth calling for revolution and blood.

Spacedog79 said:

I'm intrigued to hear you say this. To me it looks more like the neoliberal elite lashing out because Trump won and now they want to make his life as difficult as possible. They especially don't want someone to go making peace with Russia, perish the thought. They must have an enemy to make wars with, or else how else will they make those juicy profits?

There's no proof Russia did it, but even if they did it was the contents of the e-mails that was the problem not the hack. Members of the RNC got hacked too but no one cares because their emails were so boring.

Why a Wall Won't Stop Immigration

billybussey says...

Is it possible that all of this ridiculousness is just to usher in Hillary?

if her opponent were reasonable then we never would have accepted her. This way enough of us will say " oh ok she's not that bad" and let her in.

All of this is distraction. These are war profiteers that work together. In the end they never lose any power. And every four years we buy into the story that something is going to shift.

I don't think you can do that legally, Newt.

RFlagg says...

I don't think Republicans care about the hypocrisy. There are two things at play here. They want to setup a Christian state similar to the one the Pilgrims and Puritans tried to escape, save being far more conservative and far more based on Old Testament values than the Love of Christ, and they see the 1st Amendment applying only to their particular form of Christianity, which they see as true Christianity (no true Christian could read the Bible and vote Democrat/Demoncrat type statements). The second thing at play here, among the media and politicians is to play off the ignorance of the Fox News and right wing radio/media viewers/listeners, and encourage more separation between the faiths, to make it easier for Islam to radicalize more people in order to create a holy war... this itself is driven by a couple things, war profiteering and apocalyptic tenancies, surely if the world is closer to the state the Bible mentions, the sooner we can join God in Heaven.

Fox News vs Harvard On ISIS Turns Into Ignorance Fest

RFlagg says...

Got to love the country singer's straw man about Hitler and Japan and ignoring the fundamental issue of US policy in the Middle East and acting to protect oil interests over letting them self rule and work out whatever issues they have to work out. I understand the need to try and contain the fallout from the wars between the various Islamic factions (mostly Shia and Sunni) from spilling over to neighboring nations, but the US policy has been overt in serving US interests over the long term interests of the region since the 50's. The US solid backing of Israel, even in cases where it is clearly in the wrong, adds fuel to the fire.

And I know those on the right complain how Obama has backed away from Israel, though the evidence clearly differs as the US still refuses to tell Israel, to the degree we should, to treat people within its occupied zones with proper respect... and the fact so many Americans feel the need to protect Israel and favor Israel over its occupied territories no matter what, again adds fuel to the fire and shows those in Islam how under attack their faith is, which makes them stronger in their faith and more sure that they are on the right path, since the devil is working harder to put their faith down than any other faith... of course I hear this exact same argument from Christians all the time, how the devil is trying to put Christianity down proves that Christianity must be true... amazing how a little empathy would probably help world peace, but neither faith seems to have any... though I've seen enough FB memes about how Christians are so depressed because they have so much empathy and I wonder where it is, as I've yet to see any empathy from Christians as a whole. All of which digresses from the original point...

US foreign policy is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS/ISIL, whatever you want to call it... now ISIS has risen itself up to be a rather large threat via its actions, which are deliberately provoking, as it's easier to radicalize people when the world starts turning against Islam as a whole, as those on the Right are apt to do, than turn against the small segment that aren't peace loving. Of course the Right's preferred response to those provocations are to do exactly what ISIS has publicly stated they want. They want a large war against them, they'd love it if Republicans banned them from coming to the US as it would make lone wolf attacks in the US by US citizens more prevalent, which like they did with Miami (the shooter himself pledged allegiance to ISIS, but he also pledged allegiance to Hezbollah, which is fighting against ISIS)... Republican policies, especially those of Trump and Cruz are so on point with ISIS desires, one has to wonder if they themselves are tied with ISIS interests, or if they are tied to military interests that profit off continuing the war and sacrificing American lives in the name of war profiteering... but Republican Jesus said "Blessed are the warmongers and the war profiteers and cursed be the peace makers"... It was there on the Sermon on the Mount when he also said, "Blessed be the rich employer who pays his employees poorly, and cursed be those employees who are poor and needy and needing assistance. Surely I say unto you, if you give tax breaks unto the rich and cut benefits for the needy and the poor, I shall bless your Nation... oh and forget the sick and dying, they got themselves into their mess, they are responsible for getting out, only the well to do shall have healthcare." Again I digress though...

everything about the drug war and addiction is wrong

RFlagg says...

What are you talking about? You think Conservative politicians are good?

Here's the Conservative logic:

You a rich guy who's fucking over your workers by not paying them a living wage? Have a tax break, oh and thanks for the campaign contributions we'll find more tax breaks for you.
Oh look, those workers you aren't paying a living wage to need food stamps, let's cut food stamp funding then we'll be able to give you rich people more tax breaks.
Oh, you are moving those jobs overseas so you can keep more of the profits for yourself? Great idea, more money for you. We'll blame those jobs going overseas on the government and everyone will believe it and not blame the rich guy who moved the job overseas because being rich is good (despite what Jesus whom we pretend to like said) and government is bad.
We'll have the churches turn their backs against the teachings of Jesus and convince millions of Americans that Jesus meant the opposite and they'll vote for us thinking they are doing the Christian thing. Sure one or two people will lose faith and hate Christians [your's truly included, even if He is real, I'd rather be in Hell than be around Him or His people] because of it, but most of the faithful have been taught to accept anything the church says, so they'll all go along with the plan to fuck over the working class so that you rich people can have your great life.
We'll keep building more and more prisons, we'll turn them into profit making centers and incarcerate more people than any other nation for the good of corporate profit.
Let's make a pipeline filled with highly pollutive tar sands that will create 35 permanent full time jobs so that we can export a great deal of that oil. We'll tell people it's about "energy independence"and about all the jobs it'll create for the couple years of it's construction. We'll ignore the fact that upgrading our nations infrastructure would create far more jobs not only in the long term, but significantly more jobs in the short term as well., and that's just upgrading our electrical grid, not counting upgrading our freeways, bridges, dams, railways and the like.
Let's make more and more war, because war profits off killing a bunch of what we'll sell as savages is really good money for the rich.

Both sides have good and bad... well the left have good and bad. The right has people brainwashed into thinking they are doing good and the Lord's work...even though it's 100% opposite of what He taught... I hate myself for having ever voted and arguing for Conservative or even Libertarian "logic".

lantern53 said:

Not really....all progressive politicians do this.

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

Trancecoach says...

The results/consequences of the '03 invasion was predicted and understood from the get-go, but of course, "peace" was never an intended goal.. The "weapons of mass destruction" narrative that was sold to the American public, and the concomitant "unintended consequences" of a destabilized region is, in fact, a much-welcomed result by those who stand to benefit greatly from an entrenched perpetuation of a constant war and continued unrest: the crony contractors, the kleptocrats, the war profiteers, and the politicians whose very wealth is contingent upon the continued (mis)perception of power and control.

So long as there are citizens who remain convinced of the *lies and the impoverished 'patriots' who are willing to "die for a cause" (and have their deaths revered like martyrs: "NO THANKS for your service!"), there will always be a "market" for wasted "blood and treasure" which comes to the benefit of some and at the expense of everybody else.. .. for the foresseeable future and for many many generations to come... Amen.

EDIT: Wouldn't it be more efficient if Obama funded ISIS directly and cut out the middlemen? I guess doing so would require that the administration gives up its layer of plausible deniability.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Republican Shutdown Threats

RFlagg jokingly says...

But America is a Christian nation, unlike the rest of the heathen world, we were chosen by God to be an example to the world.

Don't you recall when the ill, lame and infirm came to Jesus and asked for healing and Jesus said, "Get up you lazy Socialist, I take care of my own health, why should I take care of yours?" It was around the same spot that Jesus said, "Blessed are the warmongers and war profiteers".

And just a chapter or two later Jesus told the poor and needy "to get off your lazy bum and become rich so that you may enter the kingdom of God" and told the rich man "acquire more wealth, then follow me to get into the kingdom of God" as he wasn't rich enough to enter Heaven yet.

Helping the needy and poor is what destroyed Sodom according to Ezekiel 16:49. [I can't even figure out how to make that read that it wasn't the fault of that era's Republican mentality in sarcasm mode here... of course most modern Republican Christians blame the destruction of Sodom on the gays based on what happened to the angels, that the all knowing God, who knows the heart of all men, sent there to see if there were any good people in Sodom. Not finding any people willing to help the needy and the poor, the cities sealed their fate, and the angels went to escort Lots family to safety. Which is when the whole thing with the angels and the crowd takes place; where Lot pulled the father of the year award by offering his daughters (think Olson twins) over the big angelic warriors with magical powers (think Rambo and Conan the Barbarian with magical powers) ...or just saying no when the crowds wanted them which one would think would be the logical way rather than offering one's innocent daughters, but hey... anyhow the angels escort the family to safety rather than God just teleporting them to safety for some odd reason...]

Jesus said that if somebody hurts you to destroy them and protect your stuff with force, because stuff matters more than their puny lives. That's why all good Christians fight to let everyone have guns, to protect their stuff the way Jesus said to.

ChaosEngine said:

Or you could, I dunno, just remove the profit motive from health care and treat people like humans if they get sick?

I don't think people in the US actually realise just how disturbed and fucked up their whole system seems to the rest of us.

big pharma hit for billions in fraud -ya dont say

vaire2ube says...

Don't do the Crime, if you can't Pay the Fine.

otherwise... game on for profits!

and those above are just the ones we KNOW were out to screw us... the veil has been lifted on big pharma... and we're all to sick to do anything about it so we buy more pills! yay cycles of despair

accept science and legalize cannabis, in conclusion. anytime now... would be great... thx DEA

Canada Gets Rid of the Penny (Huzzah!)

notarobot says...

Hurray! Canada gets rid of the penny!

- We also got rid of 19,200 jobs! (1)
- Increased the retirement age to 67 years old for eligibility to receive pensioners. (2)
- Slashed funding to the elections Canada (on the eve of investigations into election fraud!) /Source.
- Scaled back of youth programs including the elimination of the Katimavik work exchange program.
- The news organization most capable of reporting on government actions and fraud is severely cut. (3)

And, it spite of all the cuts due to overspending, we're still committed to purchasing several F-35 JSF "White Elephants" from war profiteers, Lockheed Martin. Link.
Canadians taxpayers are still paying 31 Billion to serve the INTEREST on outstanding debt to private banks. (4)
Universities continue to be so underfunded that 200,000 students protested in the streets of Montreal last month. (5)

(1) This would be equivalent of Obama suddenly eliminating about 180,000 public servant jobs in the United States if scaled for population.
(2) Except for politicians, who can still begin to receive their pension as early as 55 until after the next election. info!
(3) The CBC takes budget nosedive on the chin. Link.
(4) And who benefits from that interest payment? Surely not the same people who contribute to political campaigns!! Harper unwilling to actually cut spending.

But, hey, at least we got rid of the penny!!
Focus on the shiny coin!

Terry Jones on the Need to Respond to War

criticalthud says...

>> ^A10anis:

>> ^criticalthud:
WWII was an economic and resource war. As was every war the US has been in.
"Just" is a matter of perspective.
Vast sums were made by war profiteering during the war, but that paled in comparison to the influx of wealth following WWII and american global domination.

For you to say; "WWII was an economic and resource war. As was every war the US has been in." leaves you in the unenviable position of being an utterly ignorant commentator on issues you don't understand. Shush.

really? you think WWI started simply because franz ferdinand was shot, ...or WWII had nothing to do with Hitler's push into the middle east and western russian oilfields? or that vietnam and korea had nothing to do with the collision of economic systems (communist totalitarianism and capitalism). or Iraq has nothing to do with oil and Afghanistan has nothing to do with rare earth deposits? good vs. evil is just fine for star wars and the lord of the rings, but on planet earth, it's about competing economic interests.
"Just" war is another term for wrapping brutality in red white and blue and selling it to the masses.

Terry Jones on the Need to Respond to War

A10anis says...

>> ^criticalthud:

WWII was an economic and resource war. As was every war the US has been in.
"Just" is a matter of perspective.
Vast sums were made by war profiteering during the war, but that paled in comparison to the influx of wealth following WWII and american global domination.

For you to say; "WWII was an economic and resource war. As was every war the US has been in." leaves you in the unenviable position of being an utterly ignorant commentator on issues you don't understand. Shush.

Terry Jones on the Need to Respond to War

criticalthud says...

WWII was an economic and resource war. As was every war the US has been in.
"Just" is a matter of perspective.
Vast sums were made by war profiteering during the war, but that paled in comparison to the influx of wealth following WWII and american global domination.

Mitt Romney caught with millions stashed in offshore banks

Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers

cosmovitelli says...

I'm agreeing with your diagnosis but not your prescription.

Figuring out how to keep the sort of people who crave political power from lying to and stealing from those who elected them for their own gain in personal power (in capitalism read: money) is a problem that every society has struggled with and many countries were created to run away from.

The right wing will always be there, half smart but small minded, selling off and destroying everything of true value for short term personal gain. This is why every civilisation has collapsed into disaster sooner or later.

The trick is to avoid the impending repeat performance. Which means actually how the fuck do you manage it?

>> ^bobknight33:
So you basically agree it the government that the true problem but you instead choose to attack other such as in the video.
Smart, very Smart.

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