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America Has A Secret Super Weapon

Drive Thru Skeleton Prank

chingalera says...

Oh but MilkmanDan. haven't you heard? There's a new disease in the naughts called Moronism. There are so many people with their heads shoved so far up their own asses with regard to race and gender relative to status or affiliation, region or education, that they can't see that race is being used like crack whore to alienate people from one another to the point of societal chaos so that a "final solution" may be implemented to finally turn EVERYONE into simpering, ineffectual whiners, media-addicted, wage-slaving human husks.

Just lookit how well it's working so far!

MilkmanDan said:

Concur, and since I'd argue that is a positive association, maybe this clip applies also.

Why didn't OWS transform into a political movement?

VoodooV says...

video is dead.

but the main reason it didn't succeed is because it got associated with college hipsters and the homeless looking for a free place to crash. Camping out 24/7 is not something the typical person wants to do. It was extremely unrelate-able. Let alone hang out with annoying hipsters and smelly homeless people.

most of the 99 percent are wage slaves who cannot take time off work to.......go sit in a tent on concrete for weeks on end. They needed something way more accessible to the regular person.

it was a marketing failure.

How Inequality Was Created

Trancecoach says...

@enoch, if I sound evangelical, it's because I have an allergic reaction to misinformation and a deep aversion to disinformation...

Here are my comments, interspersed:

> and how come all your examples are the european countries that got fucked
> in the ass by corrupt currency and derivative speculators?"

By corrupt currency, do you mean the Euro? These are a big percentage of the so-called "1st world countries."

> are you working for goldman sachs?
> whats the deal man?

Are these borderline ad hominem, or did I miss something...

> denmark? finland?

Is that it, do you want to limit the evidence to the scandinavian countries? Fine, list for me the countries you want me to address and compare to the US or more free market economies and we will proceed from there.

> but its apparent you dont know shit about socialism.
> socialism-communism=not the same.

Personal attacks aside, communism is a type of socialism in the Marxist sense. But to clarify, please define 'socialism' as you think it should be defined, if something other than public control over the means of production.

> and no free market carny barker never seems to want to talk about.

Are you getting upset about something, or are you not calling me a "free market carny barker"?

> do you fix the currency issue with its pyramid scheme?

What is the currency issue? The central bank's monopoly in currency? You get rid of legal tender laws and let people decide what currency they want to use and accept.

> do create a level playing field for the wage slave? or debt slave?

You have to be more specific as to what "level playing field means in practice" so that I can answer this.

> 3.or can you outright buy people?

Do you mean slaves? No, that goes against free-market non-aggression and self-ownership principles.

> 4.since nothing is communal and there is no there anything that
> cannot be commodified?

Again, please be more specific about what you mean by "commodified." Do you mean are you free to buy and sell anything as long as you don't violate self and property rights? Not clear what you mean here but I'm sure with some clarification I can address it.

> look man.i get it.lots of good things can happen with a free market. but so can
> a lot of bad. eyes open my man.

Sure, but please tell me, what specifically bad can happen in a free market that cannot happen as bad or worse in a non-free market?

> reminds me of the scientist who came up with game theory.
> from the rand institute i think. the whole cold war was set up on this dudes
> principles of self-interest. did a bunch of testing on dudes and the data
> seemed conclusive...until he did the same experiment with secretaries. turns
> but they were unwilling to dick each other over and were more prone to co-
> operate with each other.

How is this relevant? People like to cooperate. That's the basis for the voluntary free market and why it works.

> well how about them as a way on interacting. ya dont
> say? very interesting.

I agree. Voluntary interaction equals cooperation. That is the free market. Coercion is the non-free market. Is there disagreement here, because I don't see it.

> i know we both agree that what we have now is a clusterfuck.
> and i agree that the free market should have a place,that its even vital. but
> unrestricted free markets? thanks.

I still don't know the specifics of how exactly you want to "restrict it" and how specifically you want to restrict it. You must forgive me if I don't think you are as competent to restrict me and my life and my business and I myself am. The same with your life and business, I am not qualified to restrict it.
Who is then? Specifically, "who" do you want to restrict you, and your freedom to engage in free trade?

enoch said:


How Inequality Was Created

enoch says...

you are starting to sound damn near evangelical about this free market lovefest you are having.
and this:
"Socialism promotes equality: "it's only virtue is equal misery for all" (with the exception of the rulers, of course)"

thats a beaut.

and how come all your examples are the european countries that got fucked in the ass by corrupt currency and derivative speculators? are you working for goldman sachs?
whats the deal man?

how about throwing out some countries are doing pretty damn ok?

ill give ya props for knowing capitalism and all the positive bennies that can go with it but its apparent you dont know shit about socialism.
socialism-communism=not the same.

so while we are at it lets discuss some things that are from the dark side of capitalism and no free market carny barker never seems to want to talk about. do you fix the currency issue with its pyramid scheme? do create a level playing field for the wage slave? or debt slave?
3.or can you outright buy people?
4.since nothing is communal and there is no there anything that cannot be commodified?

look man.i get it.lots of good things can happen with a free market.
but so can a lot of bad.
eyes open my man.

reminds me of the scientist who came up with game theory.
from the rand institute i think.
the whole cold war was set up on this dudes principles of self-interest.
did a bunch of testing on dudes and the data seemed conclusive...
until he did the same experiment with secretaries.
turns out they were unwilling to dick each other over and were more prone to co-operate with each other.

well how about them as a way on interacting.
ya dont say?
very interesting.

the scientist later recanted and dismissed his own study(years later though).

i know we both agree that what we have now is a clusterfuck.
and i agree that the free market should have a place,that its even vital.
but unrestricted free markets? thanks.

Worst Twerk Fail EVER - Girl Catches Fire!

chingalera says...

@sanderbos, yer joking, right? Last time I checked a table fulla candles were flammable enough to ignite grain alcohol at 2600 °F (candle, burning match) and stunt-doubles were still cost-prohibitive for school chums or wage-slaves to afford.
That was a glass coffee table and that inordinately large ass may have had some cuts after that and those not from any editing suite.

Haven't you ever been in a stripper's apartment? They look just like furniture, ghetto apartment, candles and bourbon on the table in the afternoon while practicing douchebag mating-rituals, etc.
Judging this fail ISU.....up-card, 9.6

Ann Coulter Sounds Like Moron, Tries to Save Face

chingalera says...

Newsflash: Ann Coulter has achieved maximum effectiveness through her formulaic use of distraction and disinformation, culminating in incensfotainment/disinfortainment for the so-called enlightened peepsters of planet media whore.

Question: Who fucking cares about Ann Coulter or who, what,why, where, and how Fox news belches THEIR version of bullshit? Media, is Media, is corporate fucking media,period. The only job of the mouthpiece of Babylon is to misinform, distract, and program monkeys into two or three simplistic, easily herded, robot-wage-slave designations.

David Cross - Minimum Wage

chingalera says...

The incessant advertising does work y'know? The formulas' a simple one, been used-to-abuse for decades now.

24/7 media barrage touting food-like poison for over 30 years = nation(s) of obese, ignorant wage-slaves with bodies and minds unable/unwilling to break-out of a toxic-to-the-species, cycle.

Brilliant eugenics model, keeping the guilty and culpable free from responsibility and unable to function efficiently while the few sit back and wait for the rest to die-off.

Walmart on strike

enoch says...

you make some good points buckaroo but your post is ignoring the giant pink elephant in the room.
@Sagemind 's most excellent post gave that elephant a nod but i think it prudent to point directly at that giant hulking pustulent piece of pink elephant flesh.

shall we?
1.corporate america is NOT based on true capitalism (actual free market) but rather state-run capitalism.this translates to lower or non-existent tax revenue,government subsidies and outright bailouts.
in other words=socialism. state that a corporation has a "duty" to maximize profits.i would agree if you changed "duty" to "legal obligation".

3.this legal obligation to maximize profits has led to all kinds of inventive and clever ways to defraud the public and local municipalities,from having them pay for infrastructure to waste clean-up.the amount of money spent by public,tax-payer funds is staggering which of course=socialism.

4.corporate america has a literal army of 35,000 lobbyists in washington whose sole purpose is to manipulate legislatures to pass favorable laws (de-regulation).85% of ALL laws passed are actually written by corporate lobbyists.

5.since the abomination ruling of citizens united (fuck you alito) corporate america now has the unlimited access to our spent tens of millions on the last election cycle,how much did you give? and who do you think those legislators are going to be listening to?
money=speech in this country.

6.a corporation is considered a person but this person has no empathy,remorse nor feelings of solidarity with fellow humans due to its very nature written into law.
otherwise known as a sociopath.

the corporate charter needs to be re-examined and/or re-written because what we have now is corporate welfare/socialism with all the benefits going to the top while the working class foots the bill.

vote with your wallet? sure.that would work to a point but many people are limited concerning options and walmart is the only place these folks can afford.
sometimes this economic situation is due to bad choices but more often it is just life kicking these people in the balls.

buck up and go grab some higher education?
sure...and that works how often?
im not kidding.go check the statistics.they are pathetic.
i bartend part time and there are 4 masters degrees and 8 bachelors where i work,all in different fields.ask them how their "higher education" paid off for them.
$100,000 in student debt loans all to be able to ask "would you like some cracked pepper sir"?

now lets punch that pink elephant straight in the balls shall we?
the suggestion that somehow if labor becomes organized and demands..and receives..a more viable living wage with some humane and decent benefits will somehow automatically translate into higher priced goods and eventual job loss is just corporate propaganda which originates from the reagan years.

this is absolute and utter bullshit all fed to us by the very corporations seeking to dominate and oppress its work force.

remember,it is the legal obligation of the corporate board of directors to "maximize profit" not "shoot itself in the foot".
the suggestion that somehow paying its employees a living wage translates to the destruction of the company is apocalyptic propaganda.

what has been done to the american worker is perverse.over the past thirty years we have seen the creation of either wage-slaves or debt slaves..or both.
any way you wish to look at it.we are slaves in one form or another.

i mean..just go check the numbers.
worker pay has stagnated for the past thirty years,while corporate profits have continually broken records.
do you seriously think that a unionized labor force will kill walmart?
not a chance and to suggest otherwise just indicates that the corporate propaganda has been quite effective.

walmart could pay a living wage AND offer affordable benefits and STILL would have cheap goods.
and every step of the way they would be "maximizing profits".

welcome to the united states of corporate america!
will that be cash or credit?

Walmart on strike

chingalera says...

>> ^My_design:

Wow, the "free thinkers" lash out.
Not a corporate shill, but work in a corporate environment. Not saying that corporate actions are always right, but you guys only ever want to tear down, and never propose how to fix it. Your own hatred blinds you to reality.
So F_ck Walmart, F_ck Target, F_ck Coke and Pepsi and all the other companies that make "ridiculous" profits at the expense of consumers and employees. Stop buying their crap, form a commune and move to the hills. Consumerism and free market are screwing up the country/planet right? So let's seize corporate profits, block them at every angle and get us back to the good old days, you know before Carnegie, Ford, JP Morgan, and Rockefeller. Hell before Edison while we're at it. Oh wait there has always been corporations doing business in the US. Oh well, enjoy your new life with the Amish.
No options for jobs?
Here's a 160 pages of options just for the 50 miles around Chicago:
There are always options. We tend to forget that just 50 years ago people were subsistence farming, living with 3 generations in a household, working 2 jobs, and no health insurance. Hell in some places that is still going on. But now we complain and strike because the manager bullies us and causes unnecessary stress (0:22) If that is really the case, then document it. It is called contributing to a hostile work environment and is covered under the sexual harassment laws in the US.
"Because I'm tired of working at a company where workers get cheated and cheaters get rewarded" What? Umm that would be a class action lawsuit like the ones that hit Walmart in the past.

For me it's much simpler. Requires very little thinking through, this hatred for all that Walmmart represents. The worst form of mega-corporate usurping of the individual, of regional infrastructure, local architecture....Walmart has killed the souls of so many small towns and has done it through a systematic cheapening of goods and services. The hydra is self-perpetuating with your help....One of her strongest tentacles is this inbred bitch's legal department working tirelessly to maintain the machine's tactics and contempt for the people who have bought their line and their sub-standard goods from a country that has gone from a fundamentally repressive government with the largest population of any country to one, massive sweatshop PLANETOID of human wage-slaves.

People have been groomed for accepting quantity over quality, convenience over consciousness.
Apologies for the harsh words, glad to hear you have nothing to do with this particular beast-I fucked Coke, Pepsi, Target, etc. years ago...Don't frequent any chain restaurants or purchase new cars either. Shop at thrift stores for clothing and order consumer goods online through "ma and pa" internet businesses.
From America, in America, but not OF America.

Subculture Club: Freegans

Yogi says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I'm a bit curious how she manages to afford that nice apartment, without participating in our "wage slave" economy.
Personally, I find it hard to believe that I could have as much freedom and leisure as I currently have, if I was spending the time necessary to avoid participation. Specialization has distinct benefits, and I doubt that my specialty is much in demand among these folks, so barter isn't going to be an efficient option for me.

Freedom and leisure is a good benefit to keeping passive. Wage Slavery was considered a horrible thing back int he horrible that Actual Slave owners were making the argument that it was worse than being actual slaves.

The idea is to keep everyone wanting bullshit, striving to gain wealth forgetting everything but yourself. It's hard to convince people to forget that they're all in this together, it's a lot of work but it is working to some extent at least. We should work to fight it, there's no reason why some Multinational Corporation needs to own your towns factory just so they could decide it's not making enough and close it. The people who work there, who have a stake in the place should own it.

Here's a good clip from "The Corporation" with Chomsky.

Subculture Club: Freegans

Stormsinger says...

I'm a bit curious how she manages to afford that nice apartment, without participating in our "wage slave" economy.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that I could have as much freedom and leisure as I currently have, if I was spending the time necessary to avoid participation. Specialization has distinct benefits, and I doubt that my specialty is much in demand among these folks, so barter isn't going to be an efficient option for me.

Registering voters at Safeway -- IF you support Romney

chingalera says...

What's sad? Wouldn't the idea that this product of the United States public education system is so clueless as to think that A: She believed herself to be correct in her actions at issue and B: She believes from the information available to her (most likely gathered from the ultimate source of accurate and wholly objective information, the television) that she is able to accurately make any decisions whatsoever regarding her government?

She's as developmentally disabled as our resident fungus (growing ever-healthier on his only food-source, television and am radio) as are those who believe that brand O, is any more noble or qualified than brand R, to do anything but continue to turn civilians nay, the entire human race into an automotomacious lump of ineffectual wage-slaves.

Making Louis Vuitton Men's Shoes

entr0py says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^entr0py:
>> ^deathcow:
I am venturing a guess that they only show the one persons face because he is the only white person involved and they are not looking for a stigma of "foreign labor".

Italy is like 92% white, I kind of doubt he's the only white guy working there. I wouldn't be surprised if this genuinely is a proper workshop with proper wages, and not a sweatshop. But I don't blame you for being skeptical. Apple has proven that just because a product carries a crazy luxury price, it doesn't mean it isn't made by wage slaves.
Louis Vuitton is a French brand/company. What does Italy have to do with this?

It's a French company but this was filmed at a workshop in Italy. So, deathcow is totally right, they use foreign labor.

Making Louis Vuitton Men's Shoes

mxxcon says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^deathcow:
I am venturing a guess that they only show the one persons face because he is the only white person involved and they are not looking for a stigma of "foreign labor".

Italy is like 92% white, I kind of doubt he's the only white guy working there. I wouldn't be surprised if this genuinely is a proper workshop with proper wages, and not a sweatshop. But I don't blame you for being skeptical. Apple has proven that just because a product carries a crazy luxury price, it doesn't mean it isn't made by wage slaves.
Louis Vuitton is a French brand/company. What does Italy have to do with this?

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