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White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

What you don't get is you don't get to say what constitutes Americas values when you only listen and watch propaganda as you put if from the side that validates your opinons.
Keep living in a fantasy world but I prefer to see things from others perspectives too.
Not simply what the biased agenda based main stream media is pushing very hard down my throat on a daily basis.
The fact you dismiss Woodward because he is on that site speaks volumes about your closed mindedness but regardless his message isn't only on there and you failed to address it.
Fox is by no means as bad you say.
Not all of it.
There are good reporters on there but you will never admit it because they refuse to spend their entire segment bashing Trump which is the only thing you and your ilk will tolerate.
The anger and emotion is real.
Now if only cooler heads and common sense would be IN again instead of this emotional garbage (from both sides btw)

newtboy said:

Fox is, and they don't get my views on purpose. I don't listen to consummate liars and blatant propagandists except to see what nonsense they're spouting in today's attack on American values.
Point me to Woodward saying the same thing on non right wing propaganda outlets and I'll listen.
Point me to another propaganda outlet, I'll ignore it.
I thought I was clear about that.
I believe the boy who cried wolf deserved to be eaten.

I also don't really care about a reporters opinion about a legal, constitutional matter, no matter which side of the issue they're on. They aren't constitutional lawyers....their opinion is meaningless noise....just like most everything on Fox.....biased opinion entertainment, not news.

What robbery?

The Economic Collapse Of China! Signs Of China's Failing Eco

vil says...

China has enormous volume and inertia. Even if rich chinese stop getting richer quickly, there will be masses of poor chinese trying to make it out of poverty into the middle classes driving the world economy for decades to come. Unless something unexpected breaks down badly.

A trade war will hurt the US worse and faster, it just has more to lose.

Yanny or Laurel

MilkmanDan says...

First play, I heard Yanny. On the last repeat, I "tried" to hear Laurel and was able to, but felt like Yanny was stronger.

Second play, I turned up my volume. I had had it set quite low, I turned it up to rather high. With that, it was flipped -- Laurel stronger, Yanny just audible if I listened specifically for it.

I have my computer hooked up to a receiver with large speakers and a subwoofer.

Thailand Cutting Competition

Pumped Up Kicks Radiohead Mashup - Pomplamoose

Sagemind says...

Love listening to these guys but, I always feel like they don't even come close to giving her voice enough volume. she's lost behind the music to the point where I can't even hear her at times, and other times, when I can hear her, I can't understand what she's saying. They just give way more importance to the music making it the foreground - something I think is really holding their music back.

Sesame Street: Cripple Creek

Phooz says...

Putting it up to her mouth acts as a resonator adding volume but it also adds the overtones that the mouth cavity can create a la Tuvan Throat singing or Tibetan Monk singing to add notes from the overtone scale.

Liberal Redneck: NRA thinks more guns solve everything

harlequinn says...

Thanks StukaFox, you managed to produce no peer reviewed papers but have claimed some sort of research victory because you got some answers from Google. Nice. I'd hire you as a researcher for sure.

So I mentioned the Australian and New Zealand legislation. Lets see if there is a peer reviewed paper that examines this.

McPhedran, Samara; Baker, Jeanine (2011). "Mass shootings in Australia and New Zealand: A descriptive study of incidence". Justice Policy Journal.

New Zealand didn't enact Australia's draconian laws. You can buy an AR15 there with high capacity magazines. They also haven't had a mass shooting in 20 years. The peer reviewed paper examines this and comes to the conclusion I stated above.

I see you have some ABS data. Nice. I use the ABS all the time.

Oh wait. You took only the last two years of data for a data set that spans over 40 years. Bad form mate. Lets see if the rate of firearms related homicide was reducing at a similar rate before the legislation changes using a much larger time period.

Lucky for me someone else already did this to make my day easier. They used Australian Institute of Criminology (the official government source) data over a 30 year period. It shows the rate did not change with the legislation change in 1997.

Nice examination of the issue on Quora

Are there peer reviewed papers which come to the same conclusion? Yes.

Lee, Wang-Sheng; Suardi, Sandy (2010). "The Australian Firearms Buyback and Its Effect on Gun Deaths". Contemporary Economic Policy. 28 (1): 65–79

Jeanine Baker, Samara McPhedran; Gun Laws and Sudden Death: Did the Australian Firearms Legislation of 1996 Make a Difference?, The British Journal of Criminology, Volume 47, Issue 3, 1 May 2007, Pages 455–469

Chicago? I wasn't going to mention it. I'm not American. I am Australian.

Conclusion: go wipe the egg off of your face.

Edit: forgot to answer your question.

"What conclusions can we draw from this? "

We can conclude that for a short period of time the homicide by firearm rate went up. Just as it goes up and down for any short period of time in most countries. This does not negate the TREND, which in the USA has been downward year on year for the last 25 years. The rate of firearm ownership has increased over the same 25 year period.

StukaFox said:

Wow, that a fascinating statistic you pulled out of your ass.

Let's see what literally THREE FUCKING SECONDS of searching on Google produces

(search term: "Australia homicide rate")

Oh, look!,%20Australia~3

Aaaaand I quote:

"Across Australia, the number of victims of Murder decreased by 4% between 2015 and 2016, from 236 to 227 victims

A weapon was used in 69% of Murders (157 victims). A knife was twice as likely to have been recorded as the murder weapon (71 victims), when compared to a firearm (32 victims). (Table 4)"

So there was a DECREASE in the murder rate in 2017. Furthermore, of 227 murders, only -32- were from firearms, or ~14%.

Let's look at mass shootings in Aussieland.

Oh, that's right, we can't: BECAUSE THERE WERE NONE!

How about the good ol' USA where any idiot can purchase a gun?

In 2016, there were 10,182 murders by firearms. ( A total of 17,250 people were reported killed in the US in 2016, with the number of murders increasing by about 8.6% in comparison to 2015. (

Let's see here: ~14% of the murders is your maligned Antipodes were committed with a firearm and the murder rate was down while ~60% of the murders here in the US were committed with a firearm and the murder rate is up.

What conclusions can we draw from this?

Oh, yeah, there's this as well:

And a nb: I know you're going to howl and wail that Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in the US and people are getting mowed down there left, right and center.

From NPR:

"A 2015 study of guns in Chicago, co-authored by Cook, found that more than 60 percent of new guns used in Chicago gang-related crimes and 31.6 percent used in non-gang-related crimes between 2009 and 2013 were bought in other states. Indiana was a particularly heavy supplier, providing nearly one-third of the gang guns and nearly one-fifth of the non-gang guns."

(actual study here: )

In conclusion: maybe do a little research next time, hmm?

44 Wild Hogs caught all at once

C-note says...

I had to watch it with the volume turned off. I wonder what the price per pound for wild caught pork is?

newtboy said:

Good trap, horrible *commercial ...way too long for what it is.
I wonder if they have something for gophers.

Spain-1 US Navy-0

cloudballoon says...

Its persistence also speaks volumes of America's attitude towards the RotW, no?

Jinx said:

fake news!

but it's persistence does speak to general attitude of the rest of the world to America

The Man Clearing Tons of Trash From Mumbai’s Beaches

nanrod says...

Most of the trash in the oceans comes from rivers. I read once that 90% of the plastic in the oceans comes from just 13 countries. This shocked me enough to look into it. The consensus seems to be that 80 to 95%(depending on your source) of all the trash in the oceans flows into the oceans from just 10 rivers, being all the major rivers of China, southeast Asia, plus the Nile and the Niger in Africa. However, that's trash in the oceans. This volume of garbage on the beach probably comes from locals using the beach as a dumping ground.

Fairbs said:

where does all this crap come from? the local community or does it was ashore?

my other question is how many dead bodies have they found?

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

bareboards2 says...

I was struck by the decidedly male and extremely loud whooping and cheering as Bill talked.

Spoke volumes, that did.

I am willing to bet $100 that some of those whoopers have been and continue to be creepy with women.

Thank you @ChaosEngine. Per usual, you are a lovely calming flow of reason and understanding in a turbulent time. You sound like a human being. Just... a human being.

I love that in a person.

Dear Satan

shinyblurry says...

1) The resurrection is absolutely not historical. Jesus the man MIGHT be.

There is a lot of scholarly research that says it is historical, especially in the last 80 years or so. There are volumes upon volumes of work, and there are a lot of things that deserve an honest and indepth discussion.

Almost all skeptical scholars affirm that Jesus was a historical person and that His disciples had an experience which convinced them that He was raised from the dead. Many agree that a group of women discovered the empty tomb. The origin of Christianity is something which must be accounted for, historically. You can't just wave your hand over it and say its all nonsense.

2) I know Christianity is a joke religion invented for political control by Constantine. That is a verifiable, historical fact.

On what do you base that conclusion?

3) mythos cannot verify mythos. You say Satan created other religions (many before Chritianity existed) to trick them out of worshiping Yahweh....why isn't that likely true of Christianity?

Because of the person of Jesus Christ, who is verified to be the Messiah from many lines of evidence. Some of these would include the fulfillment of dozens of prophecies, His life and ministry, and His resurrection from the dead.

4) not true. Verified truth can be proven and defended against being twisted with fact and evidence, at least to those willing to examine actual evidence and not rely on only propaganda and myth. God (if he existed) should have more backbone, and a clear, unambiguous word/voice. ( Your position seems to be he's not willing to stand behind his word and prefers most people burn in hell for their God given inability to distinguish which is which.)
How is it different from politicians? They aren't empowered by all powerful, vengeful gods....clearly neither are clergy.

I'm not sure why you think you are holding the keys of facts and evidence in your hand, first of all. Can your worldview account for these things? You would need to establish that before we can talk about what "verified truth" is. What is your worldview, by the way? I am assuming it is scientific materialism. Have you ever looked into whether it is correct or not?

5) shall stone them to death.....thou shalt not kill. Not so clear.

I think that is easily explained. The laws you are looking at were civil laws which governed the nation of Israel. Consider that our society has a law against murder, yet we execute criminals. Same concept.

6) only those who believe are clearly the sin of disbelief is not erased and is worse than all others. If it's not automatic, he didn't die for MY sins or yours, he's trading being saved (from something he told you exists with zero evidence) for belief and obedience.

None of your sins would be erased if you reject Christ. You would be paying not only for unbelief, but for all of the other ones too. Unbelief is like any other sin execept that the consequence of the sin prevents you from receiving forgiveness. It is exactly like expecting your cancer to be cured without taking the cure.

Jesus died for the sins of the world, including mine and yours, but you cannot partake of the atonement unless you receive Him as Lord and Savior.

My evidence is not just what we are discussing. Jesus Christ is alive and He is with me every single day of my life. He comforts me in my distress. He encourages me when I feel stuck. He gives me strength to overcome things I otherwise couldn't. He gives me wisdom for every problem and situation. He gives me love for those I find difficult to love. He fills my heart with generosity when I want to be stringy. He helps me do the right thing when I am going to fall short. This is not abstract, but a living reality in my life that grows more and more. He has utterly changed me and made me into a completely different person just like He said He would.

7) things that only work if you believe are hokum or placebo, things that only exist if you believe enough are pure fantasy.

Without buying your system, I have no sin to repent so I should go straight to heaven and collect my $200.

That's kind of like saying you don't believe in the law so you think you won't be punished when you break it. You have to account for your sin whatever you believe you have any or not. Your conscience, however, tells you that you have done wrong things.

9) You have cancer and some guy tells you God sent a car (he just needs $50 for telling you about it), it's invisible, and will take you to the cure, but you must believe the car exists, and when you die sitting in the freezing street he says it's your fault for not believing enough in God's magic cars. Duh. I'll buy my own plane ticket and get myself there, not wait for ethereal magic cars.

Let's say that you got a sign that the car was legitimate, but you still stubbornly chose not to go. For instance, you had a dream that a green car with a florida license plate drove up to your house, and a middle age woman got out and came up to your door and told you she was sent by God to take you to the cancer cure, and then it really happened. Does that change anything for you?

Mostly the questions are for you, in hope you might see the contradiction and self reinforcing mythos, but your answers do offer insight to your (and other people's) intractable mindsets. Thanks

God had revealed Himself to me, personally, and verified the scripture in my as true. I know that He loves me, personally, and I know that He loves you too. My hearts desire is that you would know that love. That is my mindset, primarily.

newtboy said:

1) The resurrection is absolutely not historical. Jesus the man MIGHT be.

Portugal. The Man - "Feel It Still" (Official Video)

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