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Six New Orleans Cops Charged In Murder Of Hurricane Victims
props to you krono...right on brother.
i don't see what all the fuss is about.this is pretty cut and dry.
these cops murdered and then attempted to cover it up by abusing the trust given them by the what we have here is much more than a mass execution but also a conspiracy to cover it up by way of betrayal.
so yeah..fuck these animals who called themselves "police".
does this mean by my statement that every cop is alike and that they all behave and participate in mass slaughter?of course not,it is those elements that betray the public trust that we see in these videos and they are a minority.
what we are REALLY talking about here is justice.
because too many times we hear the phrase "the department will be conducting an internal investigation" and we all smirk knowingly..because we know what that means squat for the victim.
here..thanks to videotape and a few honest police officers unwilling to cover up MURDER..we see justice.
my only problem with the police is where do they draw the line?
when do they stop serving and protecting the people and begin to be the strong arm of the state and become the oppressors of the people?
at what point does their moral compass start to jitter and they refuse to obey an "order" to..lets say..shoot tear gas at civilians? beat them with batons?shoot rubber bullets in someones face?kick a cyclist off his bike and break his back?
when is it ever OK to break a mans jaw and knock his teeth out for not "obeying a lawlful order"?
because here is the truth of the matter.
they took an oath.
they were entrusted with authority.
to protect and serve NOT the corporate agenda,NOT the whims of the senate nor congress but the PEOPLE.
and when they break that oath they should be brought to justice.
because thats what we are talking about...justice.
Fool motorcyclist gets to see what a Glock looks like(00:23)
Meh, I hate these kinds of bikers, it's people like these that give the rest of us a bad reputation.
He was going way over the speed limit, and the thing you DON'T see is how close were the people he was weaving between.
The other day I was on the highway, not on my bike, 5 lanes, I was in the one second from the left. My exit was coming up, so I start to move over. Two guys on bikes come flying out of nowhere going at least 125 km/h and cut into my lane literally 2 feet infront of my front bumper causing me to swerve back into the lane I was in.
Fortunately before I started back towards where I needed to be to exit, I saw the third biker come flying by.
As for the actual video posted, the guy gets out of his car and draws a gun, yes. Not once is the gun pointed at the biker, and as soon as he starts to get off the gun is put away. Once the guy is off the bike, the cop makes sure he's off the road and away from traffic, and then just starts talking to him.
Not sure what the reason for seizing the computers is, but if he's been videotaping himself breaking the law.. then it's a tad justified.
Palin thinks climate change is "snake oil science stuff"
>> ^Farhad2000:
Americans will invent it?
Why is that funny?
Some good ones, in chronological order:
Suspension Bridge,Refrigeration,Morse code
Steam Shovel, Vulcanized Rubber, Motorcycle,
Phonograph, Cash Register, Solar Cell,
Photographic Film, Skyscrapers, Radio,
Zipper, Tractor, FINALLY coming to the 20th century...
Air conditioning, Airplane, AC plugs and sockets,
Supermarket, Liquid Fuel Rocket, Frozen Food,
Particle Accelerators, FM, Digital Computer
, Microwave Oven, Transistor,
Mobile Phone, Supersonic Aircraft, Video Games,
Cable TV, CPR, HDD,
Industrial Robots, Videotape, LASER,
Carbon Fiber, Weather Satellites, GPS,
Heart Transplant, Cordless Phones, CDs,
Airbags, Lunar Module, WAN, PCs,
Microprocessors, Floppy Disks, Email,
Digital Cameras, Ethernet, MRI,
BBS, Internet (not WWW), Space Telescope,
DVRs, Composite Aircraft...whew that was fun. Thanks for egging me on, troll, and if you use any of the above, thank an American!
(Member Profile)
Thanks for the quality!
In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
See Cop... grab brake... crash hard.
>> ^happyTurtle:
>> ^Psychologic:
Suddenly applying too much brake in a tight turn doesn't break static friction?
>> ^Wingoguy:
>> ^happyTurtle:
nice example of how static friction is greater than sliding friction.
Also, seems staged...why would someone be videotaping this?
A tire on the road is always static friction, unless you are out of control, like on ice or oil. If it was sliding friction he wouldn't have be able to turn in the first place.
Just to clarify.
In normal operation a tire rolls without slipping, so the friction between the tire and the road is considered static friction. When the motorcyclist hit the breaks, it most likely locked up a wheel or two which made the tire(s) slip. At that point, the friction between the tire and the road is considered sliding friction, which is smaller than static friction. Thus the bike slides out from under the guy.
Good call, clear!
See Cop... grab brake... crash hard.
>> ^Psychologic:
Suddenly applying too much brake in a tight turn doesn't break static friction?
>> ^Wingoguy:
>> ^happyTurtle:
nice example of how static friction is greater than sliding friction.
Also, seems staged...why would someone be videotaping this?
A tire on the road is always static friction, unless you are out of control, like on ice or oil. If it was sliding friction he wouldn't have be able to turn in the first place.
Just to clarify.
In normal operation a tire rolls without slipping, so the friction between the tire and the road is considered static friction. When the motorcyclist hit the breaks, it most likely locked up a wheel or two which made the tire(s) slip. At that point, the friction between the tire and the road is considered sliding friction, which is smaller than static friction. Thus the bike slides out from under the guy.
See Cop... grab brake... crash hard.
Suddenly applying too much brake in a tight turn doesn't break static friction?
>> ^Wingoguy:
>> ^happyTurtle:
nice example of how static friction is greater than sliding friction.
Also, seems staged...why would someone be videotaping this?
A tire on the road is always static friction, unless you are out of control, like on ice or oil. If it was sliding friction he wouldn't have be able to turn in the first place.
See Cop... grab brake... crash hard.
>> ^happyTurtle:
nice example of how static friction is greater than sliding friction.
Also, seems staged...why would someone be videotaping this?
A tire on the road is always static friction, unless you are out of control, like on ice or oil. If it was sliding friction he wouldn't have be able to turn in the first place.
See Cop... grab brake... crash hard.
>> ^happyTurtle:
nice example of how static friction is greater than sliding friction.
Also, seems staged...why would someone be videotaping this?
Neighbourhood watch. Some old biddy probably complained for 4 months to get cops on that corner...
Could be a cop too. Using laser speed detection.
See Cop... grab brake... crash hard.
nice example of how static friction is greater than sliding friction.
Also, seems staged...why would someone be videotaping this?
Do Ducks Blink?
Birds and aquatic mammals are capable of unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (USWS), which means they can sleep with one eye open and one hemisphere of the brain awake. USWS helps dozing aquatic mammals such as dolphins keep breathing, presumably by permitting them to surface once in a while. It also lets sleeping birds keep an eye out for predators--literally. This was demonstrated in an experiment reported in Nature earlier this year. Neils C. Rattenborg, a graduate student in the department of life sciences at Indiana State University, lined up four groups of four mallards. (Yes, he got his ducks in a row.) Then he videotaped the birds while they slept. He found that those on the ends of the rows--those more exposed to predators--had two and a half times as much USWS as the birds in the middle of the group. A bird on the end kept its outer eye (the one facing away from the group) open 86 percent of the time, whereas birds in the middle kept it open only 53 percent of the time. Brain-wave tests confirmed that half the brain slept and half was in a "quiet waking state," alert enough for the duck to escape should danger threaten.
Thanks, Cecil!
The more you know!
Maddow: Duality Bites
@Winstonfield_Pennypacker, FWIW, I do think you at least sidestepped my point. It's not so much about the labels, as much as matching up (for example) Eric Cantor's claims that the stimulus won't create any jobs at all, with him presenting novelty-sized stimulus checks to the people of his district, and talking up how many jobs it will create.
Whatever your feelings are about Maddow's political inclinations, it's hard to assail her point that Eric Cantor is a hypocrite for trying to have it both ways.
Trying to make the argument that Maddow is wrong, simply because she generally agrees with Democrats on policy issues, and all people like that can't be expected to tell the truth...when Maddow is literally showing videotape of statement A with videotape of statement B to prove her point, diminishes your own credibility and the credibility of your ability to be objective.
Oh, and it almost goes without saying, but no I don't think BillO or Beck are journalists. I do think Maddow is a journalist -- an opinion journalist, obviously -- but a journalist just the same, because she sticks to the journalistic ethics of presenting facts as accurately as possible, and clearly drawing distinctions between fact and opinion.
I would love to watch a right-wing mirror of Rachel Maddow; someone entertaining, ideologically conservative/libertarian, and fastidious about being factually accurate with their takedowns of liberals and liberal policy. If someone ever starts doing that, let me know!
US Border Patrol tries to take passenger's camera
>> ^littledragon_79:
Wow, the y/t poster is a paranoid moron. He should try reading the law as to how/where CBP are allowed to operate. And if he doesn't like it write his reps or run for office. Since the checkpoint is inland, he would be fine then with the local SO or State Police running it? Or maybe the FBI or military? And an illegal working for CBP? Nice try.
I know there's a lot of anti-establishment, the cops are always wrong, we live in a police state mentality here, but don't get too paranoid folks. The cops aren't always wrong, sometimes they need to use force (but F tasers), we don't live in Nazi Germany, and we should be vigilant in keeping government in check. But harassing these guys is like harassing a Walmart greeter because you don't like their policies. Dick move.
As for the whole camera thing, who cares if the guy has a camera. Do your job, and don't be a dick about it. Although, my instructors old us not to advertise that we were BP Agents and try not to have pics taken...since some cartels have bounties out for killing Agents.
The y/t poster is paranoid. I doubt the border patrol agent is "illegal", though that's incidental. First, BP are nothing like Walmart greeters. That's a bad analogy. Harassing someone who wants to keep you from freely moving in a supposed free country and trying to steal your private property is nothing like harassing a gentle underpaid elderly woman saying hi to everyone entering Walmart. The BP are pests and abuse their power constantly.
And, yes, we do live in a police state once the government recognizes it has a right to kill its own citizens without due process. There's nothing paranoid about noticing the increased security measures that encroach on our liberties, or states forcing subversives to register, or little 12-year old girls being marched out of class wearing handcuffs, or the countless cases where law enforcement destroy videotape evidence, or the endless beat first ask questions later cases, or local and state police being supplied military weapons by the Pentagon, or being arrested for videotaping officers, or the use of sedatives on the public by police officers.
That's just to name a few.
TSA Security Theater
>> ^Stormsinger:
Didn't anyone ever tell this moron that it's not smart to tease wild animals? What he's done here is essentially equivalent. Bait them until they do something he can get attention with...
I fail to see the value in his moronic attempts to (at best) waste people's time.
You fail to see the problem? Along with all others who are morosely inept at seeing systemic failure and a growing problem.
The problem is that the TSA is not primed with the peoples best interest, they are primed with their best interest. To capture and detain terrorists. In which they can do what ever they like. Detain you for however long they like, with out a warrant and without legal precedent.
The whole point of this was for the man to make a scene to reinforce his point. His point was that the TSA does not have the Peoples', or in this case prospective passengers best interests at hand. He also calls them into focus for the fact that all it takes to become a "person of interest" is knowing your rights. Specifically, in this case the right to videotape them.
They sent a behaviorist to talk to him? She failed on a massive scale and then she failed again thinking he was a security risk. When in fact she should have recognized him as a person who was out to make a scene. They played perfectly into his hands. That shows their gross incompetence in successfully judging based on evidence whether a person is or is not a security risk.
They will run rampant until the people put them in their place, or the people stop flying and the Plutocracy puts them in their place.
The point is, stormsinger, they are there to serve us, the People. If they cannot, then it is the Peoples' job to sort them out. To use the analogy that he is baiting wild animals could very well prove your lack of understanding as to how a supposed democracy is supposed to work. You call it baiting, I call it dissidence.
Anderson Cooper Drags Haitian Boy To Safety (Graphic)
I saw a guy videotaping the rescue of a person who was trapped under rubble. He even taps a rescue worker on the shoulder and the worker gives him a look that could kill.
I think that Cooper showed genuine compassion. I think that is evident when he puts down that DV without asking someone to pick it up.
He doesn't talk he just does. A true hero doesn't do it for the glory, he does it because he can. He was there at the right time and place. Most heroes don't get lucky enough to be captured on film.
But I do think there is something to it, outsiders being the ones who do the rescuing. They are in a different state of mind than the victims of the natural disaster. (Outsider not only meaning a white man, but someone who is in a different mind set than the masses.)
I couldn't find a reference to him having children so my Hypothesis of a paternal instinct was blown completely out of the water.
For me what he did was normal in fact I would expect nothing less. I saw nothing heroic about it, to me it was just another day in paradise. Good on him.