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Obama = Romney = Obama

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

This is a popular argument among lazy armchair pundits, but it isn't true. With selective editing, you can find similarities between any two people. On the issues this propagandist chose to make his point on, most of it (The bailouts, stimulus, quantitative easing and healthcare) was good policy.
There is much ignorance on what the NDAA actually is. It's a military budget bill. John McCain attached a rider that authorized indefinite detention and it was passed by congress with a veto proof majority. Obama did what he could to get it taken off, but there wasn't much else to be done, aside from defunding the military. It's a game designed to make Obama look bad, and you've fallen for it.
Big downvote for this kind of bullshit propaganda.

You mean down voting bullshit propaganda that doesn't fit in with your narrative. Your upvote record has plenty of bullshit propaganda in it...and so does mine

Obama = Romney = Obama

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This is a popular argument among lazy armchair pundits, but it isn't true. With selective editing, you can find similarities between any two people. On the issues this propagandist chose to make his point on, most of it (The bailouts, stimulus, quantitative easing and healthcare) was good policy.

There is much ignorance on what the NDAA actually is. It's a military budget bill. John McCain attached a rider that authorized indefinite detention and it was passed by congress with a veto proof majority. Obama did what he could to get it taken off, but there wasn't much else to be done, aside from defunding the military. It's a game designed to make Obama look bad, and you've fallen for it.

Big downvote for this kind of bullshit propaganda.

Should VideoSift Allow Full-Length Movies? (User Poll by MrFisk)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Looking forward to it.>> ^chingalera:

>> ^dag:
Nice. You should go into politics. This Siftquisition is hereby vetoed. I don't really want to go through any errant full-length movies and remove them- but I'm going to. Sorry all.
>> ^MrFisk:
We'll have to amend the Siftitution to enact this landmark decision.
I recommend establishing some ground rules clarifying that new releases, and the like, aren't included because of this vote.
Perhaps there's a way to prominently display the origin the source, to serve as a disclaimer of sorts?

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ok, public domain retaliation then!! Get ready for some forgotten, cinematic, awesome-sauce!!

Should VideoSift Allow Full-Length Movies? (User Poll by MrFisk)

chingalera says...

>> ^dag:

Nice. You should go into politics. This Siftquisition is hereby vetoed. I don't really want to go through any errant full-length movies and remove them- but I'm going to. Sorry all.
>> ^MrFisk:
We'll have to amend the Siftitution to enact this landmark decision.
I recommend establishing some ground rules clarifying that new releases, and the like, aren't included because of this vote.
Perhaps there's a way to prominently display the origin the source, to serve as a disclaimer of sorts?

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Ok, public domain retaliation then!! Get ready for some forgotten, cinematic, awesome-sauce!!

Should VideoSift Allow Full-Length Movies? (User Poll by MrFisk)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Nice. You should go into politics. This Siftquisition is hereby vetoed. I don't really want to go through any errant full-length movies and remove them- but I'm going to. Sorry all.

>> ^MrFisk:

We'll have to amend the Siftitution to enact this landmark decision.
I recommend establishing some ground rules clarifying that new releases, and the like, aren't included because of this vote.
Perhaps there's a way to prominently display the origin the source, to serve as a disclaimer of sorts?

Should VideoSift Allow Full-Length Movies? (User Poll by MrFisk)

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^dag:

I don't mind a conscience vote but if the "yeas" have it - we'll be issuing a rare executive veto.

I don't think an autocratic veto will be necessary.
Just put a rationally worded poll up--instead of this republicanesque push-poll.

Should VideoSift Allow Full-Length Movies? (User Poll by MrFisk)

Mitt Gets Worse: A visit to the Guv'nor

bobknight33 says...

Funny when Bush was in office you piled everything on him. Every thing was his fault, everything. Never mind that Dodd and Frank were in charge of the housing.
In 2001, President George Bush raised concerns in his 2002 budget request, saying “Fannie and Freddie are potential problems.” In his 2003 budget, Bush’s warnings were upgraded to “systemic risk that could spread beyond the housing sector”, and he pushed Congress to establish a “strong, world-class regulatory agency to oversee Fannie and Freddie”. Bush’s legislation was blocked by Dodd, Schumer, and Obama in the Senate, . Over in the House, Barney Frank stated that Fan and Fred were financially sound. Yea the collapse was Bush and the republican fault.

You right. The president is only 1 of the 3 branches. WE need to get rid of every Democrat in the house and senate also. Thanks for the reminder.

Thank GOD I'm not dumb enough to vote Democrat.

>> ^charliem:

Last I checked, the president has no power to create or change existing law....only to veto ones that get passed by the senate and house.
And how the hell are the democrats going to illicit change when you have such an obstructionist non-functional opposition opposing every single thing that goes out on the floor just the for sake of opposing it?
None of the stagnation is the presidents fault....the president is actually one of the least important figures in illiciting any real change.
If you want change, get out and fucking vote for a decent rep / senator.
IF you didnt vote....then shut up and live with it.

Mitt Gets Worse: A visit to the Guv'nor

charliem says...

Last I checked, the president has no power to create or change existing law....only to veto ones that get passed by the senate and house.

And how the hell are the democrats going to illicit change when you have such an obstructionist non-functional opposition opposing every single thing that goes out on the floor just the for sake of opposing it?

None of the stagnation is the presidents fault....the president is actually one of the least important figures in illiciting any real change.

If you want change, get out and fucking vote for a decent rep / senator.

IF you didnt vote....then shut up and live with it.

President Obama Slow Jams the News

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

By your own following statements, this is at best a misleading statement. Instead of letting it expire, they want to pass new legislation extending it. Republicans were opposing that. ... Seems like they gave Republicans an easy way to come across like heroes by extending it. Why did they blow that opportunity and resist doing it?

Not correct in any way. The GOP passed a resolution keeping the 3.4% rate, and the Democrats are threatening to veto it because they don't like the way they did it. Seems to me like the GOP gave the Democrats an easy way to come across like heroes by extending it. Why did the Democrats blow that opportunity and resist doing it? Oh yeah - the Democrats don't care jack-crap about students. They just want the issue to harp on in an election year.

President Obama Slow Jams the News

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I know it's probably more fun to paint Obama as a super villain than to make an attempt to understand this issue on a deeper level, but Obama didn't write the detention provision, he didn't cravenly attach it to the annual military budget bill, he didn't vote for it with a veto proof majority, he expressed his dislike for the provision before and after the vote and he waived the offending provision from the larger bill. I'm not sure what else he was supposed to do, or why he is considered the mastermind behind this provision. Election years are always full of these kinds of gotcha lose/lose gambits, and we dutifully fall for them every time.

Funny as this clip is, I'm not crazy about the president yucking it up on late night shows. It seems a little unprofessional to me. >> ^TheSluiceGate:

Did he slowjam about his suspension of habeas corpus in the USA? He's goofing on chatshows while others may very well at this moment be imprisoned indefinitely without charges or trial on US soil.

President Obama Slow Jams the News

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

7 years ago, Bush was in the White House, and Republicans had the majority in the Senate and the House.

True, but not relevant to the Student loan thing. Sigh. I must - once again - step in and provide the actual facts for this issue.

The year is 2007. The Democrats control both the House of Representatives, and the Senate. This Democrat congress passed a law which implemented a phased decrease in student loan rates. Every year the percentage dropped from its ORIGINAL rate of 6.8%. So in reality, the 3.4% current rate has not even been "the rate" for a year. The law that the Democrat congress passed was written so that the rates would return to normal in 2012. For the record, Barak Obama was a Senator at the time of the vote, but did not attend the session to actually cast his vote because he was campaigning. The law as it is written was designed and passed by Democrats. Not the GOP. Also for the record, the CURRENT congress (GOP) passed a resolution to keep the 3.4% rate but the Democrats are threatening to veto it. Guess the 3.4% rate isn't THAT important to them...

As far as Obama on Fallon goes? Cool? Thrb. Only if you're a trained seal that has no intellectual capacity except to clap for your kippers. I watched the bit and the whole thing was awkward, stilted, and made all the participants look desperate rather than 'cool'. 'Cool' doesn't go out and try that hard to be cool. Cool is cool without having to slow jam. And Obama isn't cool. He's cold. If he wants to put on a clown nose, go on Fallon and do stupid human tricks in a desperate attempt to shore up his plummeting poll numbers in the youth vote then go ahead. He'd have done better to be less of a disaster for 3.5 years so he wouldn't have to play damage control today.

Parenthetically, this "College Bubble" has been coming for a long time. The value of a 4-year degree has been plummeting, while college costs have been going through the roof. Rather than redesign thier business model, colleges have - like the Post Office - desperately been trying to peddle student loans as a means of maintaining the status quo. Like the Housing Bubble, the Education Bubble cannot be sustained and is on the verge of popping. Let it blow now. Let the loan rates go back to where they were in the first place. Students should not be taking about loans to go to school anyway. I worked my way through undergrad school on part time jobs and living on Hamburger Helper for 5 years. I biked everywhere I went, and my only possessions were thrift store junk I picked up when I could afford it. When it wwas all over I graduated, got a job, and slowly worked my way up with hard work, diligence, and frugal living. That's how you get an education - and not just a 'college' education but a LIFE education. Who ever established the STUPID practice of telling students to borrow thier way through college? Yup. Democrats and Liberals.

Abstinence Fail: State With Highest Teen Birth Rate -- TYT

kceaton1 says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^kceaton1:
Utah, used to be the old number one, for insight. BTW, we are also a VERY heavily abstinence leaning state--outside of Salt Lake City, Park City, and Ogden. Some adults I know personally didn't truly know what sex was--fully and all its implications until they were 25 years old, almost seniors in COLLEGE...
Utah. Utah is almost all low to high middle income Caucasian urbanites... It's incredibly homogeneous. But, you could say due to the LDS church's influence this is a special scenario. Yet, in other states religion tends to be one of the highest reasons this subject comes up.
Luckily, my parents taught me early and I had Sex Ed in my health class and knew by 14 the full implications. Utah (our idiotic political carpetbaggers that have carved the state up so they can get these things into the pasture and passed easily due to the higher numbers of their types in office; that are all affiliated with the Tea Party strangely enough--and like Glenn beck...), this year, tried to BAN Sex Ed in its legislature. But the governor was forced to veto the bill due to public outrage (strangely enough, it pissed off a lot of people here). Basically they passed a bill that would have forced abstinence ONLY education even though (I believe) we are number two behind Mississippi.

I'm dubious about that. In fact, here's the first data I came across with a google search. Check out page 15. Utah is way below average and among the lowest in the country for every year they have data, going back to the 80s. In 2005 we were number 45 out of 50 in teen pregnancies.
But then again we're not an abstinence only state. If republicans manage to change that, as they nearly did, I guess we'll have a good case study.

Strange I'll have to check that out. Of course, I'm COMPLETELY basing everything I'm saying off of what a KSL report said pre-veto (of the 2012 Utah legislature's "Abstinence Only" Bill). Perhaps they had their data misconstrued and presented it the wrong way. I'll post the KSL story if I can find it in their history; then look at our information and statistics and then see what they may have possible misread and thought it was us, for some reason--they specifically said the previous cycle year to this study; so I'm confused to.

Thanks for catching that for me @entr0py, I appreciate that sort of thing.

So I admit I may be wrong, sorry if I am! I'll release another, "I'm sorry", later when I have better detail of why I got bad reporting.

Abstinence Fail: State With Highest Teen Birth Rate -- TYT

entr0py says...

>> ^kceaton1:

Utah, used to be the old number one, for insight. BTW, we are also a VERY heavily abstinence leaning state--outside of Salt Lake City, Park City, and Ogden. Some adults I know personally didn't truly know what sex was--fully and all its implications until they were 25 years old, almost seniors in COLLEGE...
Utah. Utah is almost all low to high middle income Caucasian urbanites... It's incredibly homogeneous. But, you could say due to the LDS church's influence this is a special scenario. Yet, in other states religion tends to be one of the highest reasons this subject comes up.
Luckily, my parents taught me early and I had Sex Ed in my health class and knew by 14 the full implications. Utah (our idiotic political carpetbaggers that have carved the state up so they can get these things into the pasture and passed easily due to the higher numbers of their types in office; that are all affiliated with the Tea Party strangely enough--and like Glenn beck...), this year, tried to BAN Sex Ed in its legislature. But the governor was forced to veto the bill due to public outrage (strangely enough, it pissed off a lot of people here). Basically they passed a bill that would have forced abstinence ONLY education even though (I believe) we are number two behind Mississippi.

I'm dubious about that. In fact, here's the first data I came across with a google search. Check out page 15. Utah is way below average and among the lowest in the country for every year they have data, going back to the 80s. In 2005 we were number 45 out of 50 in teen pregnancies.

But then again we're not an abstinence only state. If republicans manage to change that, as they nearly did, I guess we'll have a good case study.

Abstinence Fail: State With Highest Teen Birth Rate -- TYT

kceaton1 says...

>> ^dag:

I'm all for sex ed, but correlation is not causation - as is quickly skimmed over by Cenk, ethnicity, income etc would play a much larger role than just a few crppy high school health classes.

Utah, used to be the old number one, for insight. BTW, we are also a VERY heavily abstinence leaning state--outside of Salt Lake City, Park City, and Ogden. Some adults I know personally didn't truly know what sex was--fully and all its implications until they were 25 years old, almost seniors in COLLEGE...

Utah. Utah is almost all low to high middle income Caucasian urbanites... It's incredibly homogeneous. But, you could say due to the LDS church's influence this is a special scenario. Yet, in other states religion tends to be one of the highest reasons this subject comes up.

Luckily, my parents taught me early and I had Sex Ed in my health class and knew by 14 the full implications. Utah (our idiotic political carpetbaggers that have carved the state up so they can get these things into the pasture and passed easily due to the higher numbers of their types in office; that are all affiliated with the Tea Party strangely enough--and like Glenn beck...), this year, tried to BAN Sex Ed in its legislature. But the governor was forced to veto the bill due to *public* outrage (strangely enough, it pissed off a lot of people here). Basically they passed a bill that would have forced abstinence ONLY education even though (I believe) we are number two behind Mississippi.

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