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Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

Nope…and if a tiny victory garden and not wasting gas is all it takes, anyone can do it.
I live in Cali, with high grocery and the highest gas, the closest real grocery store is about 15 miles (there’s a market close, but expensive) and we do just fine on under $40k. My wife works over 30 miles away, she burns near a tank a week, I burn about a tank every 2-3 months.
I can’t understand why others can’t do the same where gas and produce are cheaper. I grew peas, beans, and lettuce on my balcony in an apartment in the Bay Area. Most don’t have such only because no one told them they could, and how. Sad, I taught myself and didn’t find it difficult, only a few failures over 30+ years of growing. I had a few years here when I grew at least one veggie for every letter of the alphabet (I think I didn’t have a q).

Green privileged? I do live in Humboldt, so you could say that.

bobknight33 said:

So you aren't loosing your shirt at the pump or grocery store.

Lucky you.

You are a rich man with your garden. Most dont have such.

You must be Green privileged

My Wife vs. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Lock

Doctors Urge Americans: GO VEGAN!

newtboy says...

This is an issue because some people are trying to confuse the issue to trick other people into believing veganism is healthy by pretending it's the same as a plant based diet.....

veg·an- vēɡən
1.a person who does not eat or use animal products.

plant based -
A plant-based diet is a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. ... In fact, almost 90% of Americans don't get their recommended intake of fruits and veggies. Eating more produce helps lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. (Note there's nothing about not eating meat or dairy)

Vegan is NOT just a plant based diet (that includes moderate meat and dairy), and is NOT what doctors mean when they say the words "plant based diet". Plant based diet means less processed food and sugar and more fruits and vegetables, not an exclusion of all meat and animal products.

Vegan doesn't equate to more natural or better for you, only lacking animal products.....E.g.. Oreos are vegan, but they are not part of a plant based diet.

eric3579 said:

@transmorpher I'm all about a plant based diet as i was on one for a couple years. Healthiest mind and body i've ever been. That however is not what i think of when i hear vegan diet and for sure is not what many vegans diets are based on. I've known vegans in my past. Most all of them ate a horribly unhealthy diet. If they mean plant based diet they should say that as it's not what the public thinks vegan means.

(edit) Also "Eat to Live" best book i ever read when it comes to my dietary health.

Milk Is Just Filtered Blood

'Okja' (Giant Mutant Pig) Trailer Looks Awesome

transmorpher says...

Sounds like she was lying to get publicity (if what she says later in the trailer is related to that)

I'm fairly certain this whole movie is a jab at the animal agriculture industry, which also constantly put out 'little white lies' but it could just be my veggie goggles.

00Scud00 said:

It eats, and excretes less and leaves a smaller eco footprint? But it's the size of a hippo?

How to Make Easy Chicken Gyros

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React

heropsycho says...

But you have zero proof. You're stating that you have enough proof, but yet you really don't have any proof. You have circumstantial evidence.

I have zero doubts that DWS once in that position helped because she and Clinton are friends and political allies. But that's not quid pro quo. If Clinton hires her to help in her campaign, it isn't quid pro quo if Clinton hired her because of DWS's skills in the area. You have zero proof that's why DWS was hired. You have zero proof DWS did "whatever Clinton asked her to do". You have zero proof Clinton asked her to do anything that broke the rules in the first place. None.

You are inferring every single accusation you made against Clinton. There's absolutely no evidence of any of them at all.

Clinton has zero insights about what the public thinks? You're kidding, right? The woman who was the front runner for the Democratic nomination, who has been in the public spotlight at the national stage for almost 25 years doesn't have any insight about what the public thinks?

Come on, man.

Also, DWS's job wasn't solely to ensure the nominating process was fair. She had a ton of responsibilities, and many of them she did well. That was my point. All you're seeing is the part where she screwed up because it hurt your preferred candidate. Her job was also to protect the Democratic party, and help Democrats win elections, too.

Perhaps a few might say DWS wasn't the reason Sanders lost? A few? You mean like.... ohhhhh, I dunno... Bernie Sanders? How about Bernie Sanders' staff members? But what the hell do they know, AMIRITE?

Dude, Sanders got crushed with minorities. You know where that can allow you to win the nomination? The GOP. Unfortunately for Sanders, he was running for the nomination where minorities are a significant part of the voting bloc. Absolutely CRUSHED. Clinton won 76% of the African-American vote. Before the primaries really began, Clinton was polling at 73% among Hispanics. You honestly think that was because of DWS? Let me put that to rest for you. Hillary Clinton did well among Hispanics against Barack Obama. Was that DWS's doing, too?

That's the thing. I have clear cut FACTS about why Sanders lost. I have the words from Bernie Sanders and his campaign staff. You have speculation about whatever small impact DWS's had on primary votes.

Valarie Plame? No, Bush never named her. It ended up being Karl Rove.

How did I shove Hillary Clinton down your throat? Explain that one to me. I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton in the primaries. In VA, I chose to vote in the GOP primary to do whatever I could to stop Trump, which was vote for Marco Rubio, as he was polling second in VA. I didn't do a damn thing to stop Sanders or help Clinton win the nomination.

Why didn't I vote for Sanders? Because of his lack of foreign policy experience, and he wasn't putting forth enough practical policies that I think would work. I like the guy fine. I'd vote for him as a Senator if he was in Virginia. I like having voices like his in Congress. But Commander In Chief is a big part of the job, and I want someone with foreign policy experience. He doesn't have that.

I also value flexibility in a candidate. The world isn't black and white. I like Sanders' values. It would be nice if everyone could go to college if they had the motivation. I very much think the rich are not taxed nearly enough. But I also think ideologies and ideals help to create ideas for solutions, but the solutions need to be practical, and I don't find his practical unfortunately. Sometimes they're not politically practical. Sometimes they just fall apart on the mechanics of them.

Gary Johnson has more experience? Uhhhhh, no. He was governor of New Mexico for 8 years. That compares well to Sarah Palin. Do you think Palin is more experienced than Clinton, too? Johnson has zero foreign policy experience. Hillary Clinton was an active first lady who proposed Health Care Reform, got children's health care reform passed. She was a US Senator for the short time of 8 years, which is way less than Johnson's 8 years as governor of New Mexico (wait, what?!), was on the foreign relations committee during that time. Then she was Secretary of State.

Sanders is the only one who I'd put in the ballpark, but he's had legislative branch experience only, and he doesn't have much foreign policy experience at all. Interestingly enough, you said he was the most experienced candidate, overlooking his complete lack of executive experience, which you favored when it came to Gary Johnson. Huh?

Clinton can't win? You know, I wouldn't even say Trump *can't* win. Once normalized from the convention bounce, she'll be the favorite to win. Sure, she could still lose, but I wouldn't bet against her.

Clinton supporters have blinders on only. Seriously? Dude, EVERY candidate has supporters with blinders on. Every single candidate. Most voters are ignorant, regardless of candidate. Don't give me that holier than thou stuff. You've got blinders on for why Sanders lost.

There are candidates who are threats if elected. There are incompetent candidates. There are competent candidates. There are great candidates. Sorry, but there aren't great candidates every election. I've voted in enough presidential elections to know you should be grateful to have at least one competent candidate who has a shot of winning. Sometimes there aren't any. Sometimes there are a few.

In your mind, I'm a Hillary supporter with blinders on. I'm not beholden to any party. I'm not beholden to any candidate. It's just not in my nature. This is the first presidential candidate from a major party in my lifetime that I felt was truly an existential threat to the US and the world in Trump. I'm a level headed person. Hillary Clinton has an astounding lack of charisma for a politician who won a major party's nomination. I don't find her particularly inspiring. I think it's a legitimate criticism to say she sometimes bends to the political winds too much. She sometimes doesn't handle things like the email thing like she should, as she flees to secrecy from a paranoia from the press and the other party, which is often a mistake, but you have to understand at some level why. She's a part of a major political party, which has a lot of "this is how the sausage is made" in every party out there, and she operates within that system.

If she were a meal, she'd be an unseasoned microwaved chicken breast, with broccoli, with too much salt on it to pander to people some to get them to want to eat it. And you wouldn't want to see how the chicken was killed. But you need to eat. Sure, there's too much salt. Sure, it's not drawing you to the table, but it's nutritious mostly, and you need to eat. It's a meal made of real food.

Let's go along with you thinking Sanders is SOOOOOOOOOOO much better. He was a perfectly prepared steak dinner, but it's lean steak, and lots of organic veggies, perfectly seasoned, and low salt. It's a masterpiece meal that the restaurant no longer offers, and you gotta eat.

Donald Trump is a plate of deep fried oreos. While a surprising number of people find that tasty, it also turns out the cream filling was contaminated with salmonella.

Gary Johnson looks like a better meal than the chicken, but you're told immediately if you order it, you're gonna get contaminated deep fried oreos or the chicken, and you have absolutely no say which it will be.

You can bitch and complain all you want about Clinton. But Sanders is out.

As Bill Maher would say, eat the chicken.

I'm not voting for Clinton solely because I hate Trump. She's a competent candidate. At least we have one to choose from who can actually win.

And I'm sorry, but I don't understand your comparison of Trump to Clinton. One of them has far more governmental experience. One of them isn't unhinged. One of them is clearly not racist or sexist. You would at least agree with that, right? Clinton, for all her warts, is not racist, sexist, bigoted, and actually knows how government works. To equate them is insane to me. I'm sorry.

And this is coming from someone who voted for Nader in 2000. I totally get voting for a third party candidate in some situations. This isn't the time.

Edit: You know who else is considering voting for Clinton? Penn Jillette, one of the most vocal Clinton haters out there, and outspoken libertarian. Even he is saying if the election is close enough, he'll have to vote for her.

"“My friend Christopher Hitchens wrote a book called No One Left to Lie To about the Clintons,” Jillette says. “I have written and spoken and joked with friends the meanest, cruelest, most hateful things that could ever been said by me, have been said about the Clintons. I loathe them. I disagree with Hillary Clinton on just about everything there is to disagree with a person about. If it comes down to Trump and Hillary, I will put a Hillary Clinton sticker on my fucking car.”

But he says he hopes the race will turn out well enough that he feels safe casting his vote for Gary Johnson, who is running on the libertarian ticket, and who he believes is the best choice."

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

youdiejoe says...

My personal journey these past couple of years is one that certainly reflects the points made in both of his videos on the this topic.

I started with modifying my calorie heavy diet in concert with a sustainable fitness level. Diet was straight forward reduce meat, eat more veggies, eat less or no processed foods. I started with walking 5 miles a day and have moved on to jogging that distance every other day.

My optimum weight based on my height and build puts me between 170-180 pounds, the last time I was at the weight was 25 years ago. During those intervening years I had managed to put on as much as 65 pounds of extra weight. With making the changes I outlined above I was able to get back down to 180 pounds in a little less than a year and I have been steady at that weight since. Also... I was able to do all that while hitting my 50th birthday.

Making your goals sustainable in both diet and exercise is the key.

A Message To California From Moby

slickhead says...

How much beef in a quarter pounder comes from Cali?
How much water does the nutritionally equivalent amount of veggie require? This can't be measured pound for pound and veggies and grains are not as nutrient dense as meat. I have a feeling if an honest look was done at the math, Moby might end up missing a shower.

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Interesting anecdote, I'm mixed. Black & Hispanic.

I love Jamaican Beef/Chicken/Veggie patties. Spicy & delicious!

However, the one spot around here that's owned & run by Jamaican folks has shitty service.

There's always an line & an attitude.

One day, I waited in line for like 20 minutes just to get a Spinach pattie.

When I got to the front, I order .. but of course.. THEY'RE OUT!

As I leave, the owner says. "Next time, just call ahead."
Like it's my fault.

WTF! Are you serious?! That's like me calling Taco Bell to make sure they have chalupas.


I was shocked by my own bigoted thought.

My father - a black man - told be a long time ago "I don't like Jamaicans. Don't trust them"

I thought he was just being his usual bigoted self.

But nope, ten years or so later and here I find myself distrusting ALL Jamaican people.

I'm black & hispanic.
I'm sorta racist toward Jamaicans. ..and white people.

Full Disclosure:

I live in the south so.. I assume any old white person with a drawl is just barely holding back from saying something racist as fuck.

I'm also aware that the rate of police shootings of young black males is the same as the rate of lynchings of black males in the Jim Crow era.

So of course I don't trust cops. Yes, even black ones.

In conclusion -
People are racist. Cops are People. Cops are racist.

Dont be a slave to vegetables

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eoe says...

Well, technically, that's not the fruit and veggies' fault. That's sort of our fault for contaminating the world with all sorts of ungodly shit.

Poor broccoli. It always gets framed.

newtboy said:

@eric3579 and @eoe
There have been studies that show that eating unwashed fruit and vegetables can be bad for you, even deadly, thanks to pesticides and contaminants.
There are also studies showing that growing them (in the way we do with artificial fertilizers, pesticides, deforestation, and diverted water) is bad for the environment, so indirectly bad for you. That said, meat production is much worse for the environment.
Not disagreeing with you, just sayin'...nothing's perfect. ;-)

Fake Cold Pressed Juice - jüce

ant says...

Hence why get your own fruits and veggies to blend them to make your own!

Sagemind said:

And this is why the food corporations can continue to sell us all the crap food that they do.
Our bodies can't tell the difference between healthy or not healthy. We base everything on flavor. They could feed us bleach as long as they added artificial flavoring, and we'd drink it.

A New Twist on Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY

yellowc says...

It's clear you have never tried this form of employment?

I was a checkout person once, at the start I wanted to top the fastest average scan list they released every week, I took pride in knowing all the veggie/fruit codes for quick weighing, I pre-scanned the belt to see how I was going to pack the bags and what room I would have to put things aside etc

That lasted a little while, until my soul was drained from my body, my back started to ache quicker and quicker, my feet got blisters and one inconsiderate asshole customer after another made my day a little shittier with their stupid inane behaviour. Do you know how your fucking eggs got delivered to the store? They're going to be fine.

Well then I realised why the women working full-time was slow, didn't give a flying fuck about where she packed things and couldn't be damned learning the code for bananas. It simply didn't matter in the slightest, you're all coming back for your shitty groceries week after week, I'm getting paid all the same and my shitty day isn't going to go faster being happy than it is being miserable.

That effect only lasts 1-2 hours, no matter your attitude, packing shit for 8hrs is going to get stale. Packing shit for 8hrs a few times a week or every day, well you're constantly thinking "Would I get fired if I punched this guy? Maybe, I think I can make a solid case."

I could craft you a nice burger all the time or I can just slap together some shit your gonna shove down your greasy gob anyway. How much do I get paid again? Oh yeah, fuck all.

Sagemind said:

Goes to show, they CAN make it look better, do it properly.
Most of the time, they are just too lazy to do the job right the first time!!!!!

Kangaroo eating a penguin on the beach

chingalera says...

BUNNY ADVICE: You may start finding those little trails of rabbit pellets along the perimeter of your rooms and maybe some gnawed edges of furniture-OH, and the underside of any bed or couch or anything they can get underneath...check that form time to time. Set your self a limit of how much you're gonna spend on the little guy-A good general rule of thumb is, if it costs more to care for than a cat, or you find yourself about to take the thing to a vet every other month, make best use of yer cash and buy yerself a stew pot and and some veggies.

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