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ant (Member Profile)

New Rule: Social Media is the New Nicotine

SNL - Donald Trump Christmas Cold Open

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

... and one more for good measure: The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump by Matt Taibbi

Hell of a zinger right at the start:
"Keeping up with Trump revelations is exhausting. By late October, he'll be caught whacking it outside a nunnery. There are not many places left for this thing to go that don't involve kids or cannibalism. We wait, miserably, for the dong shot."

And it only gets better:
"Trump's early rampage through the Republican field made literary sense. It was classic farce. He was the lewd, unwelcome guest who horrified priggish, decent society, a theme that has mesmerized audiences for centuries, from Vanity Fair to The Government Inspector to (closer to home) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. When you let a hands-y, drunken slob loose at an aristocrats' ball, the satirical power of the story comes from the aristocrats deserving what comes next. And nothing has ever deserved a comeuppance quite like the American presidential electoral process, which had become as exclusive and cut off from the people as a tsarist shooting party."

Occucopter - Watching the Watchers

Boise_Lib says...

This is footage of Warsaw.
The Youtube uploader is being purposely misleading--and is proud of it.

Deception is a fairly large part of the YouTube-Machiavellian Culture. I built an OWS mousetrap that was designed to entertain mice that smelled the cheese. The music (I added) fits in pretty well with subject matter. YouTube traps are not always related to integrity. This isn't exactly Vanity Fair here...

HyperMediaNews 1 week ago

This footage appears here:
(Not a dupe--different music)

Note to Youtube-Machiavellians----Fuck You!
(not directed at longde)

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

SDGundamX says...

Just a heads-up, but if you quote someone they get an email telling them what you wrote instantly. So if you go back and edit your comment (as you did in this case) I still get to read your original remarks. Something to consider before hitting the submit button next time, if you didn't realize that. I'll respond to your original post:

Yeah, you used your sad little line once already. I know you think it makes you sound smart, but it just makes you seem like a tool. Care to actually engage in a debate with facts and opinions?

Yes, I would very much like to engage in a debate with facts and...opinions (can you have a debate without opinions)?

Regardless, I would also like to engage in a debate where people avoid logical fallacies rather than zealously pursuing them (for instance, that pesky ad hominem that so many people on the Sift have a hard time avoiding). And unfortunately I've learned that kind of debate just doesn't happen here often enough, which is why (as I said in my original post) I've moved on to debating on other forums where people are more interested in reasonable discussion than comment upvotes or making themselves feel clever by insulting others.

By the way, just in case you still don't understand the point of my original post, I suggest you read my answer to hpqp in which I spell it out clearly.

Or you can keep insulting me and continue proving my point.

Also, since you asked so nicely, here are some facts for you:

-- Hitchens in 2003 he wrote that his daily intake of alcohol was enough "to kill or stun the average mule" (Vanity Fair, March issue)
-- In the same article, he mentions that some people need alcohol to avoid self-destructing even more quickly... self-referential? Who knows.
-- According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans moderate drinking is defined as no more than two drinks a day. Yet according to his own auto-biography Hitchens was drinking far in excess of that, including half a bottle of red wine (no less) at lunch alone in addition to his other drinks throughout the day.
-- As per hpqp's quote, he knew it was bad for him but continued to drink anyways... right up until the cancer. In fact I could find no information stating that he has given up drinking despite the cancer.

Of course, Hitchens denies that he's an alcoholic... but so do most alcoholics so I don't give that much credence.

In the end, though, whether or not he is an alcoholic is actually a moot point. The excessive drinking (if you prefer that term) has contributed to his cancer and an early grave. Thus it strikes me (and Shinyblurry) as peculiar to honor him with a toast. You disagree and that is your right. But instead of stating your case, you (and to be fair, a lot of others) came out flaming those who disagreed with you. And that is how we ended up having this conversation.

(P.S. I am indeed a tool. But I am a tool who carefully considers what his opponents say and can argue his point without having to insult the opposing side.)

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
Wow, what an original and clever response.

In reply to this comment by SDGundamX:
Upvoted for both missing the point and proving it at the very same time.

In reply to this comment by ChaosEngine:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2007" class="profilelink">SDGundamX, Hitchens was not an alcoholic. It is possible to enjoy a few drinks without being an alcoholic.

As for your response to @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since August 9th, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color:#FF4500">Fletch, I fail to see how he either missed or proved your point. All I can see is that he refuted your bullshit with facts and logic. But I guess those aren't really popular with your ilk.

Christopher Hitchens - "I'm dying..."

Tojja says...

You'd have to be pretty close to certain that the smoking has lead to this cancer, surely?

From his Vanity Fair article:

"In one way, I suppose, I have been “in denial” for some time, knowingly burning the candle at both ends and finding that it often gives a lovely light. But for precisely that reason, I can’t see myself smiting my brow with shock or hear myself whining about how it’s all so unfair: I have been taunting the Reaper into taking a free scythe in my direction and have now succumbed to something so predictable and banal that it bores even me."

He doesn't expect any sympathy. In his CNN interview he does suggest to those watching that having "a few less cocktails" would be good advice...

Christopher Hitchens talks about his cancer diagnosis on CNN

Old Spice - Re: Everyone (This Is the Last Response Video)

kronosposeidon says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^kronosposeidon:
I actually hope it ends now too. Not because I haven't enjoyed these ads. They've been the best series of commercials I can remember in ages. But when they keep drawing water from the same well they commit the greatest sin in advertising: Making it boring. Overexposure will do that every time.
So good bye, you ridiculously handsome man. If I were gay you'd top the list of my celebrity fantasies, but because I'm hetero my heart belongs to Amanda Seyfried. (Her eyes make me melt. Her beautiful smile and hot bod also stimulate my loins. Rowr!)

As an amendment and slight deviation: What I feel is the biggest failure of these videos is the over use of the random-noun-dropping-from-the-top-of-the-frame-into-his-arms thing. I liked it A LOT in moderation, but a giant fish dropping from the sky didn't make me laugh the fiftieth time they did it.

Fair enough.

However I'm sure there is one thing we can all agree on: Amanda Seyfried is HOT.
I will brook no dissent.

Old Spice - Re: Everyone (This Is the Last Response Video)

poolcleaner says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:

I actually hope it ends now too. Not because I haven't enjoyed these ads. They've been the best series of commercials I can remember in ages. But when they keep drawing water from the same well they commit the greatest sin in advertising: Making it boring. Overexposure will do that every time.
So good bye, you ridiculously handsome man. If I were gay you'd top the list of my celebrity fantasies, but because I'm hetero my heart belongs to Amanda Seyfried. (Her eyes make me melt. Her beautiful smile and hot bod also stimulate my loins. Rowr!)

As an amendment and slight deviation: What I feel is the biggest failure of these videos is the over use of the random-noun-dropping-from-the-top-of-the-frame-into-his-arms thing. I liked it A LOT in moderation, but a giant fish dropping from the sky didn't make me laugh the fiftieth time they did it.

Old Spice - Re: Everyone (This Is the Last Response Video)

kronosposeidon says...

I actually hope it ends now too. Not because I haven't enjoyed these ads. They've been the best series of commercials I've seen in ages. But when they keep drawing water from the same well they commit the greatest sin in advertising: Making it boring. Overexposure will do that every time.

So good bye, you ridiculously handsome man. If I were gay you'd top the list of my celebrity fantasies, but because I'm hetero my heart belongs to Amanda Seyfried. (Her eyes make me melt. Her beautiful smile and hot bod also stimulate my loins. Rowr!)

What is the purpose of life?

BicycleRepairMan says...

Christopher Eric Hitchens(born April 13, 1949) is an author, journalist and literary critic. He has been a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Slate, Free Inquiry, and a variety of other media outlets. He currently lives in Washington, D.C.. Hitchens is also a political observer, whose books — the latest being God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything[1] — have made him a staple of talk shows and lecture circuits. In 2009 Hitchens was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the "25 most influential liberals in U.S. media."[2] The same article noted, though, that he would "likely be aghast to find himself on this list" and that he "styles himself a radical," not a liberal. miserable man. The End

-anonymous right wing loony on an internet forum, 2009

Sesame Street Explains the Madoff Scandal

George Galloway debates Christopher Hitchens w/ Amy Goodman

dead_tofu says...

its dead..... but these masterminds belong in here, i wouldnt dare oppose galloway at any point after seeing this, he is amazing......hitchens has a brain for sure, but wikipedia only mentions one personal friend of his, an iraqi buisnessman.....makes me wonder for his motivations about supporting the iraq-war....i just wonder, but then again, galloway might be right, it could be to land a vanity fair contract or too much whiskey!

Christopher Hitchens on Real Time w/ Bill Maher

bcglorf says...

>> ^Goofball_Jones:
Why does Hitchens always appear drunk off his ass every time I see him?

My opinion, just look at his life. He's spent lots of time in North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. He's interviewed some of the worst people in the world and knows more about current world politics than anybody I've ever heard speak. The job he gets though is writing for magazines like Vanity Fair while CNN and Fox run their ignorant talking heads all day. Then realize that most North Americans can't even be bothered to take the time to get up to the level of ignorance that Fox and CNN provide. Put yourself in his shoes and you'd either turn to religion or alcohol too.

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