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Issykitty (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Yea go submit it if you wish, a lot of people may have never seen a fox up close like that. its pretty nice looking coat, I wonder if the you tuber bull shitted and it is a pet fox. but how to have a pet fox ?

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

enoch says...


i am actually at my desk in ..i dont even know what to call it.
ya know netrunner.
i dont know you but i have never had a problem with you OR your posts.
go check and see who voted for them..i'll wait.
but since you called ME to the table..
allow me to retort.
you sir are one presumptuous piece of work.
do you know WHY i didnt use your name in my post?
because it was never directed at you nor intended to be a passive agressive swipe at you.
if i had a problem with YOU specifically..YOU would know about it and can you guess why?
because i am open,direct and most of all honest.
how dare you sir!
how dare you presume to know anything about me based on what?
what exactly do your base your premise on?
my profile?
my comments?
some magical crystal ball?
you dont fucking know me and to TELL ME my intentions and that i dont have the BALLS to confront you up close and personal?
boy..let me tell you better check your pussy shit at the door.
i dont play that wanna call me out?
but you better know what the fuck you are talking about before you do.
and by your comment above you dont know the first thing about me.
and to think i defended your presumptuous ass when talking with the chogster.
well dont i look like a douchebag now.
you just made his case.
choggie my hero?
what the fuck kind of surrealistic dali nonsense is that?
do you think i admired choggies tactics?
i told him all the time that was no way to get people to see a different view.
but..that was his choice and he paid the consequences.
choggie challenged popular and rigid thinking.
he did so by poking and prodding and yes..trolling.
he was colorful and vibrant,original and entertaining.
he made sense some of the time and babbled conspiratorial nonsense the rest..and even that was entertaining.
i was not privy nor did i FUCKING CARE about the two of you and your homoerotic little drama.
choggie pissed off a lot of people.
i may have understood his reasoning why,even agreed with it but i never agreed with his oftimes vitriolic verbosity.
and fuck you for assuming i did netrunner.
pffft..choggie my hero.are you fucking serious?
your post alone is my poster child for the very point i was making.
choggie challenged groupthink.
his tactics sucked balls but his heart was in the right place.
do you see it yet netrunner?
are ya starting to understand just a wee bit?
YOU..sir.thought you were RIGHT.
and convinced of your own intellectual superiority you stepped forward to make a claim.
a claim based on????
and now you find yourself reading this and i hope..dear god i are starting to feel something.
lets call this new feeling "WRONG".
you dont know everything.
your intellect is not the end all-be all.
and sometimes people just step in it..knee-deep in it.
sometimes we are WRONG even though we were so cock sure we were RIGHT.
THIS is the fundamental reason i liked choggie.
he forced people to defend a position that they were so cock sure was RIGHT.
to defend a position we have to think it through and sometimes..not every time..we find the flaw in our own presumption.
and that is how choggie referred to you specifically.
a passive agressive know-it-all presumptuous prick.
now netrunner.
hear me well.
i am mighty pissed off right now.i dont take kindly to people calling me a pussy(you did it nicely.same deal though) but i will get over myself.
your deal is with choggie..not me.
but by your comment you have made a case for what choggie claimed you to be.
prove him wrong netrunner.
because i dont really think that is who you are.i think you assumed too much and too fast and you jumped without thinking.
prove him wrong.

Asian Giant Hornet up close

grinter says...

>> ^Sniper007:

I'm sorry, vestigial wings that act like gyroscopes and allow the fly to do amazing maneuvers? That makes no sense at all.
Oh, I see. There is a new definition of "vestigial" out. Well damn, with that definition, almost every organ can be called vestigial.
I suppose they had to change the definition of the term, because no vestigial organs exist otherwise.

Halteres are vestigial in that they are greatly reduced in size, and structural and functional complexity from the ancestral wings. In fact, they serve as little more than mass, and interact minimally with the surrounding air. The interesting stuff happens when they are waved back and forth. Sensory organs at their base detect deviations in their movement caused by changes in the orientation of the insect while in flight.
So, yes, they are vestigial, and no, not by some broad definition that encompasses most "organs". Wings, for instance, are not vestigial because there are tremendous selection pressures acting to refine and constrain their shape and other physical properties.

Asian Giant Hornet up close

Asian Giant Hornet up close

ponceleon says...

>> ^Payback:

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Well technically we tried that with them before and evidently these things survived.

SORRY! SORRY! Way bad taste, but it just popped out!

reiwan (Member Profile)

Reg Hunter Compares US And UK Racism

honkeytonk73 says...

>> ^TheFreak:

>> ^honkeytonk73:
>> ^thinker247:
The Brits are correct; gingers are frightening.

There is nothing like banging a fire crotch! You should give it a try!
I found that the real advantage of the fire crotch was in the oral aspect.
It's like you've been staring at a white painted wall your whole life and then someone hangs a Monet right there. Suddenly something that was bland and boring gets all interesting and fun. You want to get up close and spend lots of time just appreciating the beauty of it.

Well said, very well said indeed.

Reg Hunter Compares US And UK Racism

TheFreak says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:
>> ^thinker247:
The Brits are correct; gingers are frightening.

There is nothing like banging a fire crotch! You should give it a try!
I found that the real advantage of the fire crotch was in the oral aspect.

It's like you've been staring at a white painted wall your whole life and then someone hangs a Monet right there. Suddenly something that was bland and boring gets all interesting and fun. You want to get up close and spend lots of time just appreciating the beauty of it.

Windsor Guard Scares Tourists

CheshireSmile says...

works for me perfectly. no loading time, even.

i was at windsor castle a few years ago and everyone thinks "oh it would be so fun to mess with them because they can't move" then you actually get up close to them and they're intimidating as shit.

Modern Warfare - Drone Controllers At Work

MaxWilder says...

As long as we all swallow the fact that we are killing on behalf of corporate profits, I have no problem with allowing our men and women in uniform to become more detached from the killing and safely on our own soil. Focus your anger on the bullshit happening in Washington DC on behalf of the military industrial complex, not the technology that keeps our people safe and their targets more precise.

If there was an actual team in the aircraft, would it be more palatable for you? If this kill required a squadron to punch through enemy lines and pull the trigger up close after mowing down hundreds of people in between, would you be happier?

Fight the root of the evil, not the improving tactics.

Unigine "Heaven" DX11 benchmark

Croccydile says...

Ah, thank you for that. That will probably be useful in future games for better LOD as well as finally getting rid of the awful "fake high polygon model" that to me is obvious in some games. By that I mean using a normal map to simulate more detail than there really is.

Granted the first part with showing the brick walls/steps could easily be done without the technology, it probably will make it easier to be done with less modeling required.

I'm all for new technology if it gets rid of the "vaseline coated walls" or "plastic faces" that has been too common in alot of games I've seen lately. Mass Effect 2 is a lovely game, but good lord the faces look like Chinese knockoff Barbie Doll skin up close in HD resolutions.

TSA Security Theater

GeeSussFreeK says...

You make 3 points. One, someone filming in a PUBLIC area is not only NOT suspect of wrong doing, it should be expected...even mores o in this day and age of gadgets. Furthermore, their own policy states that filming them is not warrant of any internal scrutiny.

Secondly, he did no inquiring about their procedures, THEY approached HIM and attempted to trap HIM into answering questions that would MAKE him appear suspect of wrong doing. He was a dude, a dude with a camera, a dude with a camera filming the goings on at an airport...that should of been the end of it.

The waste is on the TSA officials which blew a completely harmless situation WAY out of proportion. What he didn't do, which you seem to try and frame it like, is to go around filming sensitive security information that isn't in view of the public eye. Going around opening up closed doors and prying up the innards of some scanning machine to surrender its mysteries! He filmed people doing stuff in hallways, doing their normal thing. This is about as much of a security risk as a dude doing the same thing with his eye balls and a note pad...or just his eyeballs and a good memory.

While I think his child pron angle isn't completely on base, it isn't completely off base either. A person, of which has done nothing wrong being subjected to a violation of their personal body for nothing other than the chance they might catch someone trying to bring contraband on a plane is lunacy. I made a joke earlier this month about what we "really need" too keep us safe is to be strip searched as we leave our house...this is just one step closer to that Orwellian state. There is no such thing as perfect safety. The more control you give the government the less safe you are. Because not only are you being sold the illusion of safety, you also now must endure the oppression of the state. You are less safe from the police then you are a terrorist; what I mean is you are more likely going to get in trouble with the police far sooner than get blown up by a terrorist, and this should alarm you.

This is why you dont pass out drunk, kids.

sme4r says...

Go away.

>> ^rd052606:
This is really dangerous, dumb film maker. For starters, pets have been known to bite (or chew) an owner when s/he doesn't respond. I don't think the dog was trying to lick up saliva, alcohol (or even a milk bone) so much as the dog was trying to wake up the owner. Secondly, the paw resting on her right eye is not a good thing. If that dog were to pull away a claw could EASILY catch the eyeball lying just beneath a thin fold of skin. And part of the dog's weight was distributed to her eye. This just is not a smart video to make, let alone letting an animal get that up close and personal with a human. To top it off, how do you think the girl will feel if she ever finds out you put such a video on the Internet?

This is why you dont pass out drunk, kids.

rd052606 says...

This is really dangerous, dumb film maker. For starters, pets have been known to bite (or chew) an owner when s/he doesn't respond. I don't think the dog was trying to lick up saliva, alcohol (or even a milk bone) so much as the dog was trying to wake up the owner. Secondly, the paw resting on her right eye is not a good thing. If that dog were to pull away a claw could EASILY catch the eyeball lying just beneath a thin fold of skin. And part of the dog's weight was distributed to her eye. This just is not a smart video to make, let alone letting an animal get that up close and personal with a human. To top it off, how do you think the girl will feel if she ever finds out you put such a video on the Internet?

Zero Punctuation: Assassin's Creed 2

steroidg says...

Why are people so negative about this review? It's not the first time that Yahtzee gave a positive review. I've been playing it for 4 days now and it's pretty fun.

I think what he failed to mention is that the combat is less boring than 1 as in you can't just counter everyone you see and have a pile of dead bodies at the end. Some enemies have unblockable attacks that requires dodge or disarm, others have long weapons that can't be countered, so you go up close and slit their throat with a grab.

The chases are more fun too because you have fast guards who can run faster than you. It forces you onto the roof which has much less hiding place than before. You're not safe if you hide quickly either. The guards will search the hay stacks around the area you disappeared at by stabbing into it.

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