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Speech Pathologist in Texas Fired for Refusing Israel Oath

toferyu says...

"The sole political affirmation Texans like Amawi are required to sign in order to work with the school district’s children is one designed to protect not the United States or the children of Texas, but the economic interests of Israel."

In Defense of Columbus: An Exaggerated Evil

robdot says...

Columbus never landed in the United States or North America. He was an ignorant slave trader who was lost. He thought he had sailed around the earth, when everyone told him that wasn't possible. The size of the earth,was,in fact,known at the time.

Robbery Stopped With Swords

Mordhaus says...

It’s very important to note that drawing direct parallels between countries when it comes to crime is very murky, as these difference could be due to differences in laws, the way the criminal justice system is set up, how policing is done, how crimes are reported, and much more.

Quoting this: Harold Pollack, co-director of the University of Chicago's Crime Lab, called Zimring and Hawkins's book "an excellent source." In a 2015 phone interview, he pointed to a number of more recent studies that fit the pattern it identified.

"There's no question the United States faces a number of distinctive social policy challenges, some of which affect the crime rate. But many other OECD countries face their own distinctive problems that affect their crime rate," he told me. Western Europe, for example, has a major problem with drug use. Canadian cities have "very high" rates of property crime like car theft. And yet, the US still stands out on murders.

"I think that Americans have this view of Western Europe, or Toronto for that matter, which is very stereotypical and doesn't take into account the challenges that many of peer industrial democracy problems face," he points out. "There's a lot of drug sale, a lot of ethnic stratification and conflict, there's a lot of just general crime."

Crime rates in Canada aren't that much lower than the USA, there are just fewer violent crimes, like homicides.

In addition to this, a major factor might be considered in regards to Canada. Population and population density. Canada is lower than the USA across the board, 36.71 million to 325.7 million and density of 3.9 people per km to almost 90 people per mile (last census data).

I don't support the NRA, btw. I think they are idiots. I do support logical gun laws. I don't care for fake news.

I also think I was civil in my response to your original comment. I have tried to remain that way even though one could classify your response to mine as hostile and provocatory.

Drachen_Jager said:

Oh yeah, thanks, that totally explains why gun violence, violent crime, and non-violent crime are all way higher in Canada than the US.

Oh, no... did I get that backwards? I guess all your gibberish just doesn't play out in the real world, huh?

TWICE in recent weeks, the NRA's wet-dream-come-true, the "good guy with a gun" was on the scene and got shot and killed BY THE POLICE because they saw a guy with a gun and just shot. That's a pretty big fucking hole in your theory, isn't it? I mean aside from the fact that reality simply doesn't jibe with your theory.

But I guess you'll go do what your type always does when a theory doesn't match the real world. Call "Fake News!" and pretend you're right no matter what happens.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Drachen_Jager says...

Yes, do it the right way!

For god's sakes, he's only broken a few dozen laws, corrupted long-standing institutions for decades and used his power to try and erase a probe into some of his malfeasance.

WTF does the "right way" even mean under those circumstances?

Let the Republicans do their jobs and impeach him? THAT would have been the right way, but they encouraged his corruptions while discreetly (well, they're pretty incapable of being truly discreet, but in comparison) corrupting democracy in a multitude of ways to their benefit.

The right way came and left over a year ago. Right now the United States is in a nether region between a functioning democracy and a dictatorship.

At what point is it time to step up and do the right THING, instead of worrying about doing it in the "right" way?

Briguy1960 said:

If you are referring to Trump you may be on point.
We do it the right way though.

Trump On Bullying Ford-"Doesn't Matter, We Won"

RFlagg says...

I have two boys, 9 and 14. If they treated people the way Trump, and most of the right, treats people, I'd be ashamed and reprimand them, especially if they did it publicly the way Trump has mocked a disabled reporter, Ford, the parents of fallen soldier... we could go on and on about how he mocks people on a regular basis. Every major religion has some variation of the Golden Rule, treat others as you'd have others treat you, especially Christianity, and yet the entire right ignores this rule, especially when it's somebody they oppose. Be it LGBTQIA+ people, political opponents, economic opponents, they ignore the Golden Rule. They in fact view it as a sign of strength to openly be hostile and rude to others, and yet, when one of theirs is mocked by late night TV, or when Sarah Sanders is kicked out of a restaurant (days after the fact that the entire right was celebrating the Supreme Court victory that they don't have to serve people they don't like), suddenly it is all "why can't people be civilized"? Plank in your own eye ass holes.

As Bob says politics is mean and ugly, but Republicans, Christians, made it that way and have been doubling down on it, ignoring the commandments to Love on another, the commandment to treat others as you'd have them treat you, not to judge least ye be judged and on and on. And somehow the right views that as a strength, as a good thing. They view McCain's efforts to reach across the isle and find a common center ground that everyone can agree on as a weakness. They don't want or will accept a 50/50 solution, they want a solution that is 80 or even better 90 percent on their side, and anything less than that is the other side being obstructionist.

Anyhow, if my kids acted the way Trump does, our President, whom we should hold to the highest standards, I'd make them apologize and be frank with them that I was appalled at their behavior, to mock a person with a disability or a woman or any other person the way Trump does on a regular basis. Yet the entire right is falling over themselves with pleasure at this rude behavior... I just don't get it. I don't get how that is acceptable behavior now from the President of the United States. It'd be one thing if he was still the piece of shit business man (who's business' constantly fail and need bankruptcy protection, even though he rarely pays contractors), 2nd rate reality TV show star, but this is the highest office in the land, where we should expect a person to act with dignity. I may have found Bush Jr to be an idiot and a horrible President, but at least he treated people with respect and the way one would expect of a President. Now we have a man-child and somehow this is a great thing. Fuck our lives when this is acceptable, when this is in fact praise worthy by far too many on the right (and I know, many Republicans said it was wrong of Trump to mock her the way he did, but they didn't really stand up to him, just a quick line to appease the few who might vote for them that would be appalled at that behavior).

EDIT TO ADD: What's upsetting about the Merrick Garland Supreme Court nomination is that they didn't even hold hearings. They had the votes to block him from confirmation, so hold hearings, say "no" and move on, but they wouldn't even do that. And he'd probably have been one of the most moderate justices in the modern era, which would have made explaining the "no" harder perhaps, but at least it would have been fair. But apparently fair is for the weak, one must play the ugly game now... and look at Bob's one reply, they got their eye on Ginsburg, they are hoping she dies so they can replace her with another theocrat like Kavanaugh, and because of that expectation and hope, you can guarantee that all the right will be out in force come November. We really need a miracle turnout to start to change things...

Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation

Mordhaus says...

A big part of the Zero's reputation came from racking up kills in China against a lot of second-rate planes with poorly-trained pilots. After all, there was a reason that the Republic of China hired the American Volunteer Group to help out during the Second Sino-Japanese War – Chinese pilots had a hard time cutting it.

The Wildcat was deficient in many ways versus the Zero, but it still had superior firepower via ammo loadout. The Zero carried very few 20mm rounds, most of it's ammo was 7.7mm. There are records of Japanese pilots unloading all their 7.7mm ammo on a Wildcat and it was still flyable. On the flip side, the Wildcat had an ample supply of .50 cal.

Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa was able to score seven kills against Japanese planes in one day with a Wildcat.

Yes, the discovery of the Akutan Zero helped the United States beat this plane. But notes that the Hellcat's first flight was on June 26, 1942 – three weeks after the raid on Dutch Harbor that lead to the fateful crash-landing of the Mitsubishi A6M flown by Tadayoshi Koga.

Marine Captain Kenneth Walsh described how he knew to roll to the right at high speed to lose a Zero on his tail. Walsh would end World War II with 17 kills. The Zero also had trouble in dives, thanks to a bad carburetor.

We were behind in technology for many reasons, but once the Hellcat started replacing the Wildcat, the Japanese Air Superiority was over. Even if they had maintained a lead in technology, as Russia showed in WW2, quantity has a quality all of it's own. We were always going to be able to field more pilots and planes than Japan would be able to.

As far as Soviet rockets, once we were stunned by the launch of Sputnik, we kicked into high gear. You can say what you will of reliability, consistency, and dependability, but exactly how many manned Soviet missions landed on the moon and returned? Other than Buran, which was almost a copy of our Space Shuttle, how many shuttles did the USSR field?

The Soviets did build some things that were very sophisticated and were, for a while, better than what we could field. The Mig-31 is a great example. We briefly lagged behind but have a much superior air capability now. The only advantages the Mig and Sukhoi have is speed, they can fire all their missiles and flee. If they are engaged however, they will lose if pilots are equally skilled.

As @newtboy has said, I am sure that Russia and China are working on military advancements, but the technology simply doesn't exist to make a Hypersonic missile possible at this point.

China is fielding a man portable rifle that can inflict pain, not kill, and there is no hard evidence that it works.

There is no proof that the Chinese have figured out the technology for an operational rail gun on land, let alone the sea. We also have created successful railguns, the problem is POWERING them repeatedly, especially onboard a ship. If they figured out a power source that will pull it off, then it is possible, but there is no concrete proof other than a photo of a weapon attached to a ship. Our experts are guessing they might have it functional by 2025, might...

China has shown that long range QEEC is possible. It has been around but they created the first one capable of doing it from space. The problem is, they had to jury rig it. Photons, or light, can only go through about 100 kilometers of optic fiber before getting too dim to reliably carry data. As a result, the signal needs to be relayed by a node, which decrypts and re-encrypts the data before passing it on. This process makes the nodes susceptible to hacking. There are 32 of these nodes for the Beijing-Shanghai quantum link alone.

The main issue with warfare today is that it really doesn't matter unless the battle is between one of the big 3. Which means that ANY action could provoke Nuclear conflict. Is Russia going to hypersonic missile one of our carriers without Nukes become an option on the table as a retaliation? Is China going to railgun a ship and risk nuclear war?

Hell no, no more than we would expect to blow up some major Russian or Chinese piece of military hardware without severe escalation! Which means we can create all the technological terrors we like, because we WON'T use them unless they somehow provide us a defense against nuclear annihilation.

So just like China and Russia steal stuff from us to build military hardware to counter ours, if they create something that is significantly better, we will began trying to duplicate it. The only thing which would screw this system to hell is if one of us actually did begin developing a successful counter measure to nukes. If that happens, both of the other nations are quite likely to threaten IMMEDIATE thermonuclear war to prevent that country from developing enough of the counter measures to break the tie.

scheherazade said:

When you have neither speed nor maneuverability, it's your own durability that is in question, not the opponents durability.

It took the capture of the Akutan zero, its repair, and U.S. flight testing, to work out countermeasures to the zero.

The countermeasures were basically :
- One surprise diving attack and run away with momentum, or just don't fight them.
- Else bait your pursuer into a head-on pass with an ally (Thatch weave) (which, is still a bad position, only it's bad for everyone.)

Zero had 20mm cannons. The F4F had .50's. The F4F did not out gun the zero. 20mms only need a couple rounds to down a plane.

Durability became a factor later in the war, after the U.S. brought in better planes, like the F4U, F6F, Mustang, etc... while the zero stagnated in near-original form, and Japan could not make planes like the N1K in meaningful quanitties, or even provide quality fuel for planes like the Ki84 to use full power.

History is history. We screwed up at the start of WW2. Hubris/pride/confidence made us dismiss technologies that came around to bite us in the ass hard, and cost a lot of lives.

Best rockets since the 1960's? Because it had the biggest rocket?
What about reliability, consistency, dependability.
If I had to put my own life on the line and go to space, and I had a choice, I would pick a Russian rocket.


Phil Robertson: What Liberals Did to Kavanaugh Is SATANIC

Mordhaus says...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

"no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Technically, neither party should be using religion for anything. Religion is supposed to be separate from the state. Our founders said this, our bill of rights backs it up, and that is the way it should have been.

Unfortunately, it seeps in. In God We Trust was never on money until a reverend asked that it be added to the two cent piece during the civil war. It didn't appear on paper money until the 1950's when President Dwight Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, declared "In God We Trust" must appear on American currency. It went on to be considered a side motto to E Pluribus Unum because of continued pressure.

Under God was not part of the pledge of allegiance until in 1954, at President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s urging, the Congress legislated that “under God” be added.

Both of these broke the guidelines set forth in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They should have never happened but religious Judges keep allowing them under the pretext of Accommodationism, in that as long as they don't specifically recognize or benefit a 'single' religion they can be considered to be OK. They shouldn't be allowed. Churches should have to pay taxes on profits. Priests should be held by the same laws the rest of us are held by. But because of religious fanatics, we allow the blending of church and state. Many would say, to our detriment.

bobknight33 said:

2012 The Democratic party convention in Charlotte NC successfully voted to remove GOD from the party platform. Google it for your self. And look at the morality of the Democrat party today.

The Statue of George W. Bush

oritteropo says...

Since he also repeats the lie about the Civil war, it seems history isn't his strong point.

Albanians have a special affection for the United States, which they credit with ending their country’s Cold War isolation and leading NATO’s 1999 bombing offensive that halted ethnic cleansing of Kosovo Albanians by Serbian troops.


Belarus isn't the only place which still honours Stalin, although Georgia has torn down some of them,

spawnflagger said:

That was a lot of words for never actually saying the reason Albania erected a statue of W... cause he visited there? cause they like USA? it's got to be more than that.

Joe diGenova: Walls closing in on Obama DOJ officials

newtboy says...

When the campaign chairperson and nearly everyone below him lies and hides their work and strong ties to and multiple millions in payments by Russia, that IS the Trump campaign, it's hardly unrelated. He chose these people, and they all have Russian ties. It wouldn't be a surprise if we find them all on an actual list of people Putin told him to hire.

You mean what evidence he has against Trump remains to be seen, the deal is public, and Muller didn't let him off on 8/10 pending felony charges for nothing.

Odd, I thought Trump was covering his ass by suggesting a pardon was coming. I guess his close friends just don't trust Trump to follow through on a promise..... imagine that.
I wouldn't have to cover my ass. I'm not one of dozens of lying traitors working for the president while hiding my Russian ties, and I never would be.

He has no upcoming trial, he plead guilty and offered to give testimony and evidence against Trump. Trials for him are over.

The charges, again since you can't seem to grasp it, were about lies he told under oath FOR and DURING the campaign, not just about his prior work for Russia (defrauding the United States and obstruction)....true, these were lies about his job right before the campaign and about payments made for his Russian propaganda work, and lies about who made those hidden payments, Russia....but those lies under oath (on campaign and security clearance applications, etc) were all during and in the service of the Trump campaign.
The fact that you refuse to accept those undeniable and admitted facts in favor of a ridiculous fantasy put forth by Fox that doesn't just beg credulity but completely ignores reality (like the theory that he's being prosecuted for decades old crimes (from 2010-2017?) that are well past the statutes of limitations and not for his recent subversion and obstruction in service to Trump that he plead guilty to) make you look pretty delusional and irrational.

bobknight33 said:

The deal tied to Ukrainian political consulting work and unrelated to the Trump campaign.

What the deal involves remain to be seen.. Sure Muller wants Anti Trump dirt-- If any exists.

Manifort is 69 and covering his ass.. you would to .. His upcoming trail is from his doings years before Trump.

Joe diGenova: Walls closing in on Obama DOJ officials

newtboy says...

Um....he's providing evidence against Trump in the Trump Russia investigation as part of his plea deal....that is about Trump.

Keep denying.

He's pleading guilty to crimes he committed for and during the Trump campaign, through 2017, namely conspiracy against the U.S. by intentionally hiding his foreign agent status and the tens of millions the Russians paid him and lying under oath about them (a gift by Muller who has far more dirt on him but let him off easy), and he's providing documentation about Trump's campaign working with Russia, not so old or unrelated to Trump. Derp.

Maybe Muller will suggest 14 years in prison for Manafort if his evidence proves useful, or perhaps much longer if not. Remember he already has 8 other convictions awaiting sentencing, this takes care of the other 10 charges he had pending.

Yes, conspiracy against the United States, and defrauding the government are fairly big time crimes.

Odd that, when every person Trump hand picked is totally in Russia's pockets and as an administration they go to extreme lengths to hide it, including lying under oath and in official documents until caught, then are convicted or plea guilty, you still try to pretend it's not related to Trump.

He's either outrageously bad at his job, easily tricked by Russia into hiring only Russian operatives, and should be removed, or is complicit and should be removed. Which is it?

bobknight33 said:

Still ZERO about Trump.

Keep trying.

Old crimes not related to Trump
Maybe Muller will give 14 days in jail for Manafort -- Big time crimes ..

McCain defending Obama 2008

bobknight33 says...

Again, you take the lying media word over facts.

The FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the bulk of the facts submitted to United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….

The Dossier is proven to be fake and baseless.

If Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISA in order to obtain the warrants

(+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) -

Then how is Mueller still Special Counsel ?

And you say Trump is the bad guy. You might want to rethink you good guy bad guy idea.

Fyi Muller has a team of 17 layers and staff to witch hunt Trump. Sessions hired Huber and a team of 420 to find the truth... Well see..

newtboy said:

Short answer, yes.

He, personally, has done severe, possibly irreparable damage to our government and it's safeguards, and the rule of law, has been the most divisive president in my lifetime, a high bar, is driving the very companies he claimed to have saved overseas, like Harley Davidson, is starting multiple trade wars, even with our allies, wasting tens of billions already, and has been mired in criminal and moral scandals since before day negative 45 when he told the Russians he would remove sanctions over election tampering even as Obama was instigating them, well before taking office which is a crime if you don't know.
Trump himself has divided America, intentionally, with his own words and policies. Reporting on those words and policies is not slanderous or fake. If they lied about what he said, Trump would sue for slander/libel like he did over Steele, a case he just LOST. He hasn't, and he won't.

Again, you take the lying convict's word about the evidence and the law over court rulings and fact. I know you won't investigate, so you'll continue to be duped. That's a conscious choice you are making, to be wrong but righteous instead of correct and guilt ridden.
The investigation predated the Steele Dossier, and it was never a key bit of evidence or the cause of the investigation....and it is not some baseless fantasy fabrication like you believe, it beats any Trump speech for honesty and correctness by a factor of 10.

His Twitter is his official policy, they are clear about that. It is almost always bat shit, and is never civil or honorable.

lurgee (Member Profile)

72 Hours Away From A Coup In Which Trump Will Be Decapitated

StukaFox says...

Who the hell believes this shit? I know that the bar of standards for credibility in the United States is set so far down that the Devil keeps tripping over it, but Rachel Maddow signaling a coup? How exactly is this supposed to work? Were we supposed to get instructions via our Liberal Secret Decoder Rings? If so, I want my money back, because all mine ever spelled out is "Fuck Trump".

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

shinyblurry says...

That being said, I don't think Christians should mix politics with their faith. It mostly breeds hate and the gospel of Jesus Christ is never mentioned. I have moral objections to some things which are legal in the United States, but that isn't my focus. The Israelites when they were taken captive by Babylon were told by God to pray for the prosperity of the nation so they would live peaceful lives there. Babylon was a pagan nation, much worse morally than the United States. I think Christians should do more praying and less talking about the political situation.

I love America, and God has blessed it from its founding. I don't love the moral direction it has been heading and frankly I think it is in big trouble. God will eventually turn America over to its enemies if it continues down this path with no repentance.

As far as left and right, I am independent politically. I agree with some things on both sides, and disagree with much on both sides. The democrat party has become more and more secular so I don't agree with them as much anymore but the republican party worships God with their lips and not with their heart. I don't care for the cutthroat politics of either party, or the goading of their supporters, working them into a constant state of outrage and fervor and hatred of the other. Politics are poisoning this country and choking out civilized discourse. A Christian should never drink from that well but share the living water of Christ and speak the truth with love, sincerely caring about the other person regardless of their political affiliation.

Of Course I'm Trying To Indoctrinate You In My Beliefs

shinyblurry says...

The establishment clause was put into the constitution because of the church of England. This is why many people fled from England to America, because of religious persecution. It was to prevent a state religion, and by religion we aren't talking about Christianity versus Islam, we are talking about different Christian denominations.

Look at what George Washington said in his inaugural address:

"Such being the impressions under which I have, in obedience to the public summons, repaired to the present station; it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States, a Government instituted by themselves for these essential purposes: and may enable every instrument employed in its administration to execute with success, the functions allotted to his charge. In tendering this homage to the Great Author of every public and private good I assure myself that it expresses your sentiments not less than my own; nor those of my fellow-citizens at large, less than either. No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency. And in the important revolution just accomplished in the system of their United Government, the tranquil deliberations and voluntary consent of so many distinct communities, from which the event has resulted, cannot be compared with the means by which most Governments have been established, without some return of pious gratitude along with an humble anticipation of the future blessings which the past seem to presage. These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves too strongly on my mind to be suppressed. You will join with me I trust in thinking, that there are none under the influence of which, the proceedings of a new and free Government can more auspiciously commence."

newtboy said:

Christian Right = Daesh for fake Christians (fans of, but not students of Jesus)

America was founded on the notion that religious laws have no place in public government or law and religious freedom is a basic tenant of our system. That makes what this idiot advocates about as unAmerican as could be.

This is part of why the right defunds education....history doesn't support their claims or plans, so they believe it shouldn't be taught.

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