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67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

Since when did I defend the black dude? There are no victims or underdogs in this video, certainly not the pumped up klansman. They are both pieces of trash. What's fucked up is that people seem to gravitate toward one type of trash rather than dismissing both.>> ^GoodAttorney:
Oh, poopoo... on the you bad people celebrating racial violence. Race notwithstanding, I think we all like to see an underdog win and justice served. Here, the person initiating PHYSICAL aggression is not the victim.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

GoodAttorney says...

Oh, poopoo... on the you bad people celebrating racial violence. Race notwithstanding, I think we all like to see an underdog win and justice served. Here, the person initiating PHYSICAL aggression is not the victim.

dotdude (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

Thanks - Neat stuff
I'm Pro- anything Nerd - Nothing identifying with the underdogs!

In reply to this comment by dotdude:
'Watched your Nerd Core video. 'Didn't know if you had seen the trailer for a documentary about the musicians:

I saw the documentary in October 2008 at the New Orleans Film Festival. Director/producer Dan Lamoureux, High-C and Monzy were on hand for a Q & A session.

Roster of the artists in the film:

Federal Matching Funds (Politics Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Standardize the amount of funds you're allowed to use, money shouldn't be a deciding factor in elections.

The optimal use of these are to give underdogs a chance to compete with the big ones, but I don't think that someone who's raised more money himself should get more than the others, that's bad preferential treatment by the state.

Most Americans are Stupid - a proposal for an experiment (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

According to this, people have a strong bias to respond to complex questions with a default answer.

That's why otherwise intelligent people think the answer to every policy is just a shake of the magic 8-ball of conservative answers.

For liberals, it's more of a knee-jerk desire to protect an underdog, a desire to bitch and moan about how what the current authority is doing wrong, a desire to eschew materialism, and a desire to uphold their version of purity by pushing for organic food, clean air and water, and ecological preservation.

I think the real "default" has to do with the politics of your parents. I suspect most people derive their political views from their parents, either by adopting them directly, or because their parents' politics drove them to convert to the opposition as a way of forging their independence in their teenage years.

Stealing Iraq's Oil

rougy says...

^ You are a racist.

And you're blind if you think Iraq is better off now than had we never invaded.

You are saying that it's a good thing we invaded Iraq for the sake of those poor, underdog oil companies.

You say the Kurds are better off, but that's bullshit and you know it. It's just a talking point that you cling to in order to justify your jingoism.

I guess Israel must have some significant business interests with the Kurds our you wouldn't think twice about them. They're the wrong race for you.

"Your wording says more about your world view than about what happened. You say killed, but died is more accurate."

God, you are a disgusting human being. Died as a result of our invasion, or killed due to it, it amounts to the same thing. Not that you'd give a shit about them, since they're the wrong race.

"Yes, the proof of America's evil intent is conditions being placed on billions of dollars of aid that America is offering to just give the Iraqi people?"

Yeah, for no reason at all, out of the kindness of our hearts, because their country is in such great shape thanks to our invasion and occupation. They're just rolling in dough. I mean, it's not like we just barged in there uninvited. We liberated them! All they have to do is give absurdly lucrative thirty year contracts to big oil companies and that will prove that democracy prevails.

Stealing Iraq's Oil

bcglorf says...

No, we did it to save the 6.5 million Kurds out of the kindness of our hearts.

I'd be as surprised as you if Cheney's ever done anything out of the kindness of his heart. I still like the idea of saving those millions of Kurds even if Cheney only did it so he could pad his pockets.

And we only had to kill a million Iraqi's and turn another three million into refugees to do it.

Your wording says more about your world view than about what happened. You say killed, but died is more accurate. That you are content to lay every death since the US invasion on America and totally ignore the role of decades of living under a brutal sectarian dictator says everything. Your wording suggests that Iraqi's were peacefully united in one cause before the invasion, rather than living under the thumb of a vicious dictator that spent his time encouraging and cultivating sectarian hatred to secure his iron fisted rule.

or we won't give them the $120 billion dollars we promised them to help rebuild their country

Yes, the proof of America's evil intent is conditions being placed on billions of dollars of aid that America is offering to just give the Iraqi people?

Oil companies the underdogs?

Your the one that said they controlled less than 40% of the world's oil, not me. If your statements contradict each other look in the mirror.

Keep clutching at straws you racist war monger.

Funny you'd call someone racist while you pretend like Iraq was better off under Saddam.

Stealing Iraq's Oil

Confucius says...

>> ^rougy:
>> ^bcglorf:
The Middle East has nearly 60% of the planet's oil reserves. If none of them have privatized their oil, wouldn't that make the privatized oil companies the underdogs?
Oh, nevermind, that just detracts from the simple answers people seem to want.
Iraq has oil. America is a corporation run by oil companies. America invaded Iraq to steal it's oil. Thank goodness it's that simple and no more thinking or complexity needs to be considered. baa, baa, baa.

No, we did it to save the 6.5 million Kurds out of the kindness of our hearts. And we only had to kill a million Iraqi's and turn another three million into refugees to do it.
And now we're only telling Iraq to either sign very long term leases with private oil companies who expect over ten times the going rate for extracting that oil, or we won't give them the $120 billion dollars we promised them to help rebuild their country after we bombed it back to the stone ages.
Oil companies the underdogs? Keep clutching at straws you racist war monger.

Whats ironic is that you and others who make comments like this seem not to have cared a whit about what was happening to Iraqis and Kurds whilst under Saddam. Aside from the issue of "stealing" oil or whatever the case may be I challenge anyone to say that Iraqis and Kurds lived great lives under Saddam. Americans went in there stirred the Hornets nest and now are trying to make lemonade out of lemons. If it works (still a long road) then it will be one of the greatest things ever but if it doesnt (with the help of people who are blinded by their indignance) then it will be a disaster. Point saddam is good stuff. But perhaps people like you are removed and immersed enough in your pacifist dreamland to not have cared about the wives, sisters and daughters who were regularly stolen and raped while their siginficant others were fed feet first into wood-chipers by Saddams sons. I suppose the gasing of thousands of Kurds was awesome too so long as we weren't "stealing" oil. As long as its not close to home right? Maybe Neville Chamberlain was right in how he handled Hitler and to follow that example we should have just let Saddam take Kuwait as well.

Well I guess Americans could have just sanctioned Saddam into compliance. Seems to work great so long as the UN gets involved right? Maybe he would have slowed down with the mass graves, the torturing of families and other potential non-compliants and the utilization of what was the 3rd largest army in the world. I agree with your long as the slaughtering of thousands is kept in house and perpetrated by the local tyrant then we should never...under any circumstances....interfere. The loss of lives is never acceptable especially when made in the name of other less fortunate people. And asking for any sort of compesation in return, in whatever form, is always a big no-no as well.

Stealing Iraq's Oil

rougy says...

>> ^bcglorf:

The Middle East has nearly 60% of the planet's oil reserves. If none of them have privatized their oil, wouldn't that make the privatized oil companies the underdogs?
Oh, nevermind, that just detracts from the simple answers people seem to want.

Iraq has oil. America is a corporation run by oil companies. America invaded Iraq to steal it's oil. Thank goodness it's that simple and no more thinking or complexity needs to be considered. baa, baa, baa.

No, we did it to save the 6.5 million Kurds out of the kindness of our hearts. And we only had to kill a million Iraqi's and turn another three million into refugees to do it.

And now we're only telling Iraq to either sign very long term leases with private oil companies who expect over ten times the going rate for extracting that oil, or we won't give them the $120 billion dollars we promised them to help rebuild their country after we bombed it back to the stone ages.

Oil companies the underdogs? Keep clutching at straws you racist war monger.

deedub81 (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

That's actually just a quote. I've been thinking it's time to change it, since it more fit the tone of being an underdog.

Anyways, the problems you cite with state budgets is a direct consequence of the Great Depression-style economy conservatives have created.

Roll your eyes if you like, but tell me, how will cutting unemployment benefits, laying off teachers, fire fighters, nurses, and police officers help the economy?

As for liberal Texas, that's actually been the thing us liberals have been eying quite carefully. The demographic trends in Texas suggest that Obama may carry Texas in 2012. If not then, then the next Democratic candidate in 2016.

I didn't even know Democrats had anything like a majority at the state level. That's pretty cool. Si se puede, I suppose.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:

Stealing Iraq's Oil

bcglorf says...

No other nation in the Middle East has privatized its oil.

The Middle East has nearly 60% of the planet's oil reserves. If none of them have privatized their oil, wouldn't that make the privatized oil companies the underdogs?

Oh, nevermind, that just detracts from the simple answers people seem to want.

Iraq has oil. America is a corporation run by oil companies. America invaded Iraq to steal it's oil. Thank goodness it's that simple and no more thinking or complexity needs to be considered. baa, baa, baa.

paul4dirt is shocked to find out he's GOLD 100 (Obscure Talk Post)

paul4dirt says...

a dream come true, i can finally really really promote!

thanks rash, thanks all!

and now... music!

Sly & the Family Stone - Underdog

Hasil Adkins - Chicken Walk

Gun Club - Sex Beat

Statler Brothers - Flowers on the wall

The Saints - Stranded

Yann Tiersen/Cantat - A ton étoile

Noir Desir - Le vent nous portera

and finally, if i may, a shameless plug for 3 of my fave vids from my pqueue:

American Beauty: Lester pimp slaps human resources

I think I too will send a stripper to my high school reunion

calvados says...

I happened to be in Hometown for my five, and that was pretty good actually. I hated highschool and wasn't popular but for the reunion I was just happy to see a lot of people I didn't think I'd be especially happy to see, and so much of the old negative attitudes had fallen away from pretty much everybody. I hosted an impromptu party that night, plenty of people attended and it was a great friendly soirée. I haven't seen most of them since but no matter. And oh yes, echoing spoco ^, most of the former underdogs seemed to have carved out nice lives for themselves and most of the shitbirds not so much.

As for the 10, I don't think there was one -- I think people didn't care or else forgot. So be it.

Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009

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