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Cops Tazer Horse Thief, Then Beat And Kick Over 50 Times

enoch says...

do you even know what a cops job is?
or have you become so fucking indoctrinated that you will lie down and tacitly accept an ever-increasing militarized and VIOLENT police force?

let us take your inanely stupid comment and take it to its logical application,according to your own facile and twisted logic.
shall we?

"don't wanna get hurt? then don't F'n speed"
"don't wanna get hurt? then don't F'n jaywalk"
"don't wanna get hurt?then don't F'n smoke weed"

and before you start backpedaling like a pussy and try to make an argument of distinctions,you need to go look up what a cops actual job IS and what it is NOT.

it IS to enforce the law....period.

outrage over cops over-stepping and abusing their authority is a bleeding heart?
sorry man,but that is fucking dumb.

/drops mic

Esoog said:

Don't wanna get hurt? Then don't steal F'n horses! Tired of this bleeding heart, bs.

how mushrooms can save the bees and our food supply

enoch says...

so ignore what the man is saying because of the platform given to him by a group you find to be "mother earth loving hippies"?

i am not going to even attempt to unravel that kind of twisted logic.

Absurd Method To Stabilize a Downed Fighter

Chairman_woo says...

I suppose there is a twisted logic to what they are doing.

That region of the body is assumed to have one of the highest concentrations of nerve endings and so stimulating might be more likely to elicit a response than other parts of the body.

That said the soles of the feet and solar plexus (which one guy is massaging also) would be waaaay better candidates & even if you are going to stimulate the groin the "gooch" is a much better place to start as that's where the nerve centre is. (top tip, if your trying to disable someone aim for the "gooch" rather than the balls, it's more likely to overload the nervous system and stun them!!!)

All of that said, pretty sure it's all largely ineffectual for someone that's been KO'd like that. Points for trying though!

Unmanned: America's Drone Wars trailer

enoch says...

thank you for that well thought out commentary.

we still disagree but i always appreciate when someone i disagree with can enlighten me in how they came to their conclusions.

what appears to many my abhorrence to authority is actually my perception between power and powerlessness.
the ruthlessness of power.
the vulgarity and twisted logic power uses to oppress and control.

look at the words you use to describe pakistan.
we both agree on what is happening but disagree on how to deal with it.

cant thank you enough bc.
very few will interact with respect and not come to prejudiced conclusions.

This woman wins WORST PARENT award

JayCeeOh says...

>> ^Esoog:
This is about a woman being the worst possible parent she can be. The scary thing is, I have a feeling that she didnt come up with this idea on her own. Im feel sad that someone probably said to her "have you tried giving him hot sauce and cold showers?!"
Sigh. That was hard to watch. Id actually watch that episode of Dr. Phil just to see what she had to say.

The sad fact is that she is not the worst possible parent she can be.

She's not selling her son as a prostitute to pedophiles.
She's not feeding him hallucinogens or depressants just to see what would happen.
She's not letting him starve to death while she plays FarmVille.
She's not throwing him through a wall (as someone else alluded to previously).
She's not doing any of a gajillion things that would make her a worse parent than what she displayed in this clip.

Is she a good parent? Not by any means.
While a cold shower might be an appropriate way of getting the attention of a stubborn child, having them hold hot sauce in their mouth for a full minute is not. That's abusive.

The goal of disciplining a child is twofold:
1 - To reinforce that there are consequences for a child's actions.
2 - To get the child to consider their actions and why they were wrong.

One offense was fighting over pencils. Does the hot sauce punishment accomplish #2? How about the cold shower?
I think we can agree that they accomplished #1, since the boy knew that was coming.

Another offense was the lie he told.
Now, one could argue that the hot sauce is a suitable punishment for the lie. It's twisted logic, as the burning feeling in his mouth is the consequence for using the same mouth to tell lies. I still don't find it appropriate, but I can at least understand the logic.

Bad parent? In my opinion, yes.
Worst parent ever? Not even close.

Rachel Maddow: Health Reform Bill Restricts Abortion Cover

honkeytonk73 says...

Christians(tm) are more desperate to increase their flock. As a result. Ban anything that prevents pregnancy, and especially abortion. Screw it if you were raped and got pregnant. The child is to be raised Christian(tm) and it will make the big magic guy in the sky happy. Screw your health, sanity and well being. Twisted logic? I know. Theoretically the true Christians(tm) shouldn't be pumping out babies as having sex is evil to begin with. But, they need as many as they can get.. as more and more realize a dependence on an ancient mythology just doesn't hold up to sane thought processes.

Physics - Fusion and Fission

demon_ix says...

I suppose in some form of twisted logic, developing new rockets, designing new space vehicles, sending manned and unmanned mission after mission to the moon, then loading a shuttle which never actually went to the moon till now, and getting it back to earth, can be considered "easily mined".

It's just not my brand of logic.

demon_ix (Member Profile)

mentality says...

In reply to this comment by demon_ix:
My twisted logic is intact, and while you can't see why my analogy is relevant, I still feel it is

Again, you fail to explain how Usain Bolt driving in a car and Usain Bolt running on foot would produce the same effect of allowing him to compete and succeed in a regulated sporting event. But hey, don't bother trying to defend it with reasoning. Just keep on telling me that you feel it is right. +1 for Truthiness.

mentality (Member Profile)

demon_ix says...

My twisted logic is intact, and while you can't see why my analogy is relevant, I still feel it is

In reply to this comment by mentality:
>> ^demon_ix:
That's where we disagree
My point of view is, that using Lego blocks for the video was every bit as essential as running on foot is for Usain Bolt.

Absolutely not. It's not a "point of view" issue. Sprinting is a sport that is regulated by governing bodies with history lasting millenia. There are few human endeavors that are so objective and clearly defined. It is nothing like the subjective and nebulous nature of artistic expression. It doesn't even make sense to compare the two.

Your analogy is flawed, but feel free to subscribe to whatever twisted logic and reasoning that feels right to you.

Anyways, thank you for the polite discourse.

demon_ix (Member Profile)

mentality says...

>> ^demon_ix:
That's where we disagree
My point of view is, that using Lego blocks for the video was every bit as essential as running on foot is for Usain Bolt.

Absolutely not. It's not a "point of view" issue. Sprinting is a sport that is regulated by governing bodies with history lasting millenia. There are few human endeavors that are so objective and clearly defined. It is nothing like the subjective and nebulous nature of artistic expression. It doesn't even make sense to compare the two.

Your analogy is flawed, but feel free to subscribe to whatever twisted logic and reasoning that feels right to you.

Anyways, thank you for the polite discourse.

Muslim McCain Fans Confront Intolerance At Rally

spoco2 says...

>> ^Sniper007:
It's not unconstitutional to express your negative opinions concerning another religion. This points to the principal flaw with most American men and women, their presuppositions. They believe that their rights were created by the constitution, and the government it describes. This eventually results in the need for every facet of life to be spelled out and authorized by the legislature.
Whereas if you understood what the constitution itself clearly states, that rights are inherent, fundamental, and come from God Himself, you would not need a government to tell you how to live. You could, with your own conscience, seek out God, study His Laws and His Nature, and live accordingly.

But you're missing a few things:
a) Obama is not Muslim
b) Even if he was, religion shouldn't be a deciding factor in electing anyone to office
c) Religion should be completely distanced from politics. You should be able to practice whatever religion you chose, but it should not inform your decisions, your decisions should be governed by logic and morals.
d) Your twisted logic seems to think that God on high is the supreme giver of laws. You can be free to live that way, but it should NEVER govern the laws of the state, NEVER. Religion has no part in politics or government.


You're just atheists because y'all want to sin

JohnnyMackers says...

>> ^MINK:
how do you know god isn't tricking you? his powers are UNlimited... such that he can even hide himself from logic...

Why try and have a debate if you're just going to play that lame card? What possible response is there to "God is immune to logic"?

These religion circlejerks always end this way...

The religious guys will say that our pathetic human minds cannot comprehend god, all the while using their own twisted "logic" to interpret the bible and god's supposed words in a way that means just about bloody anything they want it to.

Counter-Strike - You Got Owned By A Five Year Old

Zonbie says...

I think some of this comes down to opinion rather than fact. I don't believe it is as damaging as some would say, but, I would not like my kids playing games like this until they are older - videos games, with a limit on how long they sspend, is one thing, I think I prefer the idea of my kids, reading, and using their imaginations.

"How did you spend your childhood?"
"I shot imaginary people"

The thing is there is no social interaction here, and i would want him learning the language at 5 other people will certainly be using!

Thats just me, in time yes, at 5 years old - no way

But, thats not because I think it will damage him to the extent others believw, in the end CS is Cops and Robbers (I still dont think for kids though, too bloody)

The problem is parents who worry so much about aductions, pollution, drugs, the kids falling out of trees, that they don't let them out of the house, and so, TV and computer games become a lazy tool of parenting. (I am not saying if you let your kid watch TV or play computer games you are automatically bad and/or lazy)

Kids should play with other kids. Computer games yes, but not frequently. And check the content, CS I dont think is suitable for a five year old!

The funny thing is, some parents don't think twice about their kid playing that violent bloody shooter, but if the game contains any reference, no matter how slight to sex, then suddenly they give a shit. Now thats twisted logic.

An Iraq veteran on Huckabee's concept of staying for "honor"

9058 says...

Sad thing is its not like soldiers opinions matter to anyone, I know that sounds harsh but think about it, do the American people ever bother to ask or listen to them? No and that is why Huckabee is leading right now and Ron Paul struggles to get a foot note in no matter how genius his words are. Paul gets all the money from the soldiers but in the public eye that does nothing for his credibility in some sick twisted logic. "He must not know what he's talking about". So I guess the soldiers dont either is that it? It depresses me to say it but with all the "Support the Troops" shit going around it seems to me the majority of people dont. They still see them as tools, mindless tools that need to get the job done. No I dont agree with that, I'm just commenting on what I observe around me. If we truly supported the troops we would treat them right and listen to them and we do neither and I honestly think we never will. So settle in for another bad presidency

MINK (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Humans believe a lot of crazy sh*t. (Alien abductions, ghosts, the yeti, the Loch-Ness Monster, Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, The Secret, Amway, and countless absurd 911 conspiracies to name a few.) I don't think that a natural desire to believe in any of these things provides any evidence that these things exist. (IMO) The same goes for God.

Why do humans want to believe in the supernatural? Because the supernatural is exiting, mysterious, different and most of all AWESOME, but that doesn't make it real. We are imaginative creatures.

I think your animosity towards science in misguided. Religion and science aren't mutually exclusive, in fact, if religion is to be believe, they are one in the same.

If religion is to be believed, then science would be the best way to understand how God put this universe together. Rather than judge science by intangible assumptions about God, perhaps it would be better to use science as a way to better understand God.

I like and agree with your 'fuck it' definition of faith, but most people who share that definition don't bother to argue about science, because it is irrelevant to their world view. You, on the other hand, seem to be genuinely bothered by the fact that science contradicts some of your personal beliefs. I think you have an internal conflict to work out here. (IMO) This inner conflict means you are a thoughtful person.

Minor distinction. You see God as time/space/etc.; I see God as a euphemism for time/space/etc..

FWIW, I was baptized Catholic and believed in God until I was 12 or 13 years old.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
i just wonder why we naturally want to assume there is a reason for everything. why would that basic urge be so deep in us? why would it emerge in the first place? I don't think that "survival instinct" line explains eveything, we do plenty of stuff that's not for survival, we even die for that stuff. I don't think a concept called the "selfish gene" can be the answer. I just don't think like that.

so in a way, the instinct to think about God is my proof of God (in a wordy twisted logic way, not a lab experiment).

I think, therefore He is, I might say.

but that doesn't impress people in an age of lab experiments and petri dishes and electron microscopes. i guess you want to detect the God particle before you'll believe.

Fine. As long as you are looking for it (because as any scientist can tell you, observation affects things), not just waiting for it to hit you in the face without asking.

And, fine, as long as you understand that my "faith" is kinda like "fuck it, i'm pretty damn sure this feeling comes from God, I don't need to wait for someone to find the God particle, I'm already convinced, and I don't care if that isn't scientific by todays standards, it's cool."

And fine, if you don't call me stupid for going on this hunch.

Thanks for forcing me to think about that.

btw god IS infinity, time, space, death etc. we totally agree. but maybe you're more optimistic about todays understanding of the scientific method being the ideal way to find the answers. and i am pretty sure the answer we find will look pretty much like God. some kind of beautifully simple mathematical formula that can unfold into an entire universe. Then, accept that the formula wanted to become a universe so that's God.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
(I believe) Religion is a all-purpose placeholder for things that are beyond our comprehension (infinity, time, space, death, existence, etc.....) As humans we want to believe there is some grand overarching reason for our existence, but my gut tells me that the only meaning in our lives is the meaning we create for ourselves, which is pretty fucking cool, actually.

If God wants to prove me wrong, I'm open to that.

In reply to this comment by MINK:
following is for sheep. but jesus wasn't far wrong. i just know that there's a reason. I don't know how i know, but i don't try to ignore the gut feeling just because it isn't verifiable in a laboratory (yet).


In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Fair enough. If not the big C, then what faith do you follow?

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