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Retired eng builds transforming, off-grid, stealth campervan

lurgee says...

I have been following the campervan trend for some time and I was really impressed with his setup. You might want to check out where this came from. One of my favorite YouTube accounts

moonsammy said:

That's fucking amazing. I bet there's a real niche market for some company to knock off a few of these - he put the plans online, so a ton of the work is done already.

I've always liked the idea of tiny houses, and this is even better since it's mobile and stealth.

Edit: the above was posted about 1/2 way through watching this. I can't even tell you how many times I thought "damn that's smart" during the video. Every single little touch is thought out perfectly. The airflow venting in particular struck me as an elegant, simple solution to a problem I wasn't even aware existed.

The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company

jmd says...

I just happen to see this on the youtube trending that i never actually goto and liked it. Singer seems to suck at lipsynching to music videos though.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

I have strong feelings on how people should treat each other. The blast of comments(some your own included) declaring that it's absurd for people to dislike the profiling of most men as violent and sexually abusive, or making excuses for same, are what I am calling out for the sexism that it is.

As for joining the chorus, that's kind of exactly the opposite of what I've been trying to communicate. Picking teams and setting yourself on team man/woman or white/black or straight/gay or dem/rep is one of the awful trends in society today. I want to get away from that thank you very much. I don't have the attributation for the quote but I'd pass you this as advice:
"When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"

For strikeout you can use the html 'strike' tag, never knew before this thread or not if it worked on the sift either.

BSR said:

I don't think this ad IS a big yawn for you. It looks to me like you have some pretty passionate feelings about it. That's a good thing. But I also think your passion would be better spent and be more effective in accomplishing your goal if it was harnessed and controlled.

A lot of the work has already been done for you. All you have to do is join the chorus. I think you'll come to find that you have some very powerful people on your side.

BTW, how do you do that strikethrough thing in your text?

Emotional Wedding Haka

Sagemind says...

I'm going be honest here.
I'm getting tired of seeing Haka all over social media.
But maybe not in the way you think.

It's a deeply emotional and personal dedication of feelings and respect. It's amazing and a great show of power which presents and reinforces the dedication a group has to another.

It's deeply spiritual and steeped in tradition.

But the way it's plastered all over Social Media, it's become a spectacle. It's become something to gawk at, and it trivializes what's really going on. It's so deeply personal. This exchange is more of an experience in it's presentation.

Of course this is just my opinion. My opinion is irrelevant in this matter, and I would never try to force my opinion on others. I'm not advocating some kind of Social Justice enforcement or cultural appropreation, or what ever the internet trend is.

FOR ME, I just feel the deep importance is stripped away as we look in. It would be fine if I saw one or two, and I experienced the power to understand it. But it seems like every time I turn on my computer, someone else has posted another one. (This one isn't new to me, I've seen it in at lease 20 other places on the web on other SM platforms. It's becoming a meme which does it some discredit.

Thanks for letting me voice my thoughts.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

I do place CNN and Fox in the same category.
That is how low CNN has sunk and how much better Fox has become in my experiences watching what amounts to garbage reporting on a whole.
Trump did this today blah blah blah but yes he still lusts after his daughter.
He is actually saying she is just a really hot looking young woman as he works in that business but lets go there anyway.
Fox is not pure propaganda.
You don't watch it enough to see the right people to know of what of you speak.
I don't simply watch what appeals to me or justifies my point of view which too many people like you are doing with the rise of the internet.
Relying on late night comedy shows who never show Fox News or Trump saying anything good is useless too.
Shep Smith, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace are pretty decent at giving you the news.
Yes Fox is a joke at times and seems to be in Trumps pocket but there is good reporting on there and some good reporters.
You just have to skip the garbage like Hannity a lot of the time and the judge jeannie idiot all of the time.
Laura Ingram seems to be there just to act the asshole.
Tucker can be good sometimes looking at the current insane trends.
I watch several sources everyday to get an overall view on how things get reported and it is eye opening.
I never liked what the Republicans and Fox did to Obama but 2 wrongs don't make a right and after all Fox News is just entertainment right?
CNN has been around how long?
It was once very respected.
You don't seem to be grasping my point.
I don't like most of how Trump does things.
Even when he is doing something good he ruins it sometimes by the way he words it.
I think he is being led by people and could have been a lot more palpable to the left but they have pulled the strings and yanked him back most everytime.
The birther thing showed how low class he will always be despite his money and gross looking home with all the ugly so called appointments.
I am saying he is playing the media and it is suffering as a result and the media by acting unprofessionally is playing along.

newtboy said:

Sticking Fox in there as well shows you aren't serious. Fox is pure propaganda to the extent their top rated hosts (they don't have reporters) actually went on the campaign trail with Trump and spoke at his about agenda.

Trump's actions and words are 98% negative, it's who he is. Reporting on him in a negative light IS honest reporting....for Christ's sake, he repeatedly lusted after his under age daughter publicly, how do you report that as a positive? "He has the fortitude of character to not act on his incestuous least publicly."? Can't say the same about his friend's wives or work subordinates, though.

The day of the synagogue shooting, which was targeted specifically because Trump said repeatedly that Jews are paying dangerous illegal aliens to invade the country, and with more bombs still in the mail, Trump again shirked any responsibility for his rhetoric and blamed the media for his named enemies (including the same media) being targeted by people who quoted his words in their manifestos, and again called the news media enemies of the people, the words that triggered the right wing terrorists in the first place. You argue that, by reporting his complete lack of civil leadership and his targeted threats that are being acted on, they are the problem and the one's taking jabs?! Trump didn't hold off media bashing for a single sentence, his call for unity and his blame and attack were in the same opening sentence of his remarks.

Trump is the leader of the free world, but he never once has he lead towards civility, and excessively rarely honesty or rationality. You expect cable news anchors to be the moral compass of the nation, and completely excuse president from that obligation?! *facepalm
Trump ran on being insulting and derisive of any non Trumpian coverage, Jim is just his latest target by proximity, it would be someone else if it wasn't him. Baby needs a bad man to spit up on.

If this behavior warrants removing credentials, Fox, Breightbart, and Alex Jones would have been permanently barred over a decade ago, but they're all more than welcome....largely because they were constant rude assholes to Obama and had zero respect for the office when he held it.
Good luck demanding professionalism and civility now, after 8 years of birtherism that ship sailed with Trump at the helm. Whining about it now like a thin skinned 3rd grader only makes Trump more ridiculous and hypocritical.....which is astonishing as he had already raised the bar of hypocrisy into orbit.

The ground looks like it's breathing

RFlagg says...

Roots just under the cover of the moss, add high speed winds...
Weather Channel had a short story about it:

Forbes (not exactly a bastion of science to be sure) also suggests that the storm had made the ground wet, which reduced the soil's cohesion adding to the effect:

Nailed it

ChaosEngine says...

While there is certainly a pretty awful trend of laughing at male rape, particularly in prison scenarios ("don't drop the soap" etc), this isn't really it.

The "victim" here is presumably there by his own choice.

visionep said:

Isn't male rape so funny!

Mary Poppins Returns | Official Trailer

Tattoo - Nice Suit in Progress

ChaosEngine says...

As far as I know, tattoos are still very much taboo in Japan. They are very much associated with the yakuza. There's a growing trend for what's called "fashion tattoos", but nothing like this.

If you're a westerner and you go to Japan with a tattoo, you need to cover it up to use a public bath.

It's a shame because the yakuza style tattoos are really beautiful, even if they have an ugly history.

McCain defending Obama 2008

MilkmanDan says...

I appreciate your response to my question earlier, @bobknight33.

I don't mean to try to drag you back into the thread here if you're trying to disengage -- I dunno what you mean by #walkaway. Anyway, this doesn't require a response.

I largely agree with you on the specific subtopic of both parties being pretty dirty and frequently engaging in "government theater" just to draw attention to trivialities while promoting their own self interests. I also largely agree with Trump being a "true outsider" in the sense that he holds no particular allegiance to party machinations, etc.

However, even though I was willing to give him a chance after the election, at this point I have zero trust in Trump's intentions. Trumps friends -- the "best people" -- have this interesting trend of becoming his detractors and enemies. Trump wants us to accept the word of people that vouch for him, but days, weeks, or months later they fall out of favor and suddenly he says that they are scum and we shouldn't listen to a word they say.

That's a "cry wolf" or "fool me once" sort of problem. Sessions, the guy you mentioned as protecting Trump from the "witch hunt", has been pretty relentlessly bashed by Trump for the weighty offense of allowing investigators to investigate. Giuliani spouts nonsense, doublespeak and contradictions. Huckabee-Sanders refuses to answer very basic questions from the press (which is her job) not because they misquote her or take things out of context (which would be legitimate gripes) but because she's been bitten in the ass a few too many times by people pointing out blatant contradictions in Trump's statements. And that's just the current people.
There's a large list of short-term Trump appointments that end up out of favor.

What all that stuff says to me is ... "something is rotten in the state of Denmark". Is it possible that there's a vast conspiracy against him in the media, justice department, etc.? Um, well, maybe -- but Occam's Razor tells me that other possibilities are rather more likely. Like, for example, that Trump being a "true outsider" doesn't preclude him from holding the same self-serving motivations that are unfortunately common in slimy career politicians. That he acts shady and dirty because he is shady and dirty.

I dunno. It just seems like it takes a lot of work to keep up with Trump's revolving door of steadfast allies that become traitorous enemies.

How does racial bias lead to unnecessary calls to police?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Thanks for the *promote I was surprised that nobody beat me to this video, since it was recommended on the sidebar of every video that I watched yesterday and #2 on trending as well as being recommended by Eric!

Mordhaus said:

so sweet *promote

Will Smith Back In The Recording Studio

A Perfect Circle -- So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

MilkmanDan says...

It is very different and poppy compared to previous stuff for sure. I like it in the context of the song, even though overall I prefer Tool's prog/metal melding.

I'm not a Maynard whisperer / expert, but my guess is that there are 2 motivations for the sound of this song/album compared to other stuff.

1) Although Maynard is the vocalist for Tool, APC, and Puscifer (which I haven't listened to much), he kinda wants to keep all those projects distinct. Tool is more dark and heavy, APC is a bit more rock, and Puscifer trending towards some electronic stuff. But that kinda oversells this, because mostly he is putting vocals down onto musical tracks that the members of those bands have already recorded without much or any input from him...

2) From my interpretation of the song itself, he's being (mildly) critical about getting caught up in triviality of celebrity gossip and nightly news instead of paying attention to stuff closer to home. While simultaneously accepting that we all do that, and that sometimes it takes the death of a far-off idol from our adolescence that we'll never meet in person to get us to consider our own mortality.

So the poppy sound with that dark edge right around the corner really fits -- at least to me.

moonsammy said:

I had to look up whether the band had a new vocalist, as I couldn't recognize Maynard here at all. A very different style than I've ever heard from him before, significantly more poppy though clearly still dark.

The Diversity of Local Independent News

opism says...

"Hi, I’m(A) ____________, and I’m (B) _________________…"


"(B) Our greatest responsibility is to serve our Northwest communities. We are extremely proud of the quality, balanced journalism that KOMO News produces."


"(A) But we’re concerned about the troubling trend of irresponsible, one sided news stories plaguing our country. The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media."

I mean, with reports of social media "shadow banning" conservative accounts (and other one sided controlling of content), it troubles me too.

"(B) More alarming, some media outlets publish these same fake stories … stories that just aren’t true, without checking facts first."

True statement. Remember this:

"(A) Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control “exactly what people think” … This is extremely dangerous to a democracy."

aka opinion as fact. also bad.

"(B) At KOMO it’s our responsibility to pursue and report the truth. We understand Truth is neither politically “left nor right.” Our commitment to factual reporting is the foundation of our credibility, now more than ever."

so, they pledge to do their job. okay.

"(A) But we are human and sometimes our reporting might fall short. If you believe our coverage is unfair please reach out to us by going to and clicking on CONTENT CONCERNS. We value your comments. We will respond back to you."

when they screw up, we have a way to tell them. how is this bad?

"(B) We work very hard to seek the truth and strive to be fair, balanced and factual. … We consider it our honor, our privilege to responsibly deliver the news every day."

again, they pledge to do their job.

"(A) Thank you for watching and we appreciate your feedback."

I don't see the big deal.

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