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pigeon (Member Profile)

Rabbit wakes up his owners by sprinting on their heads

Saved by my 13-year-old Son | Saving Lives At Sea

newtboy says...

Reminds me of hiking the Milford track in 89. Cold and wet, and my cancer ridden dad started having heart problems, passing out 1/3 of the way up the highest pass, 3700ft. My older much bigger brother saw he was having trouble, so he took off leaving me to deal with him. I had to carry him and both our packs on my back up to the lunch shack at the pass where he finally rested enough to make it down slowly (we almost missed the last boat across the sound). I weighed about 140, he was well over 200 and each pack was 30-40 lbs. He bought me an espresso machine as a reward. I hope he kicked my brother's ass privately too, but I'm not sure.
Good times....good times.

Beau of the Fifth Column Predicts a Future R Talking Point

Never-before-seen video of the attack on Al Asad Airbase

SFOGuy says...

If the story is true---that the counterintelligence operations had figured out that the Iranians were using commercially available satellite photos and the US was tracking their downloads--and that was the pump fake move (wait for the download and then evacuate)--that's pretty darn clever.

Two pigeons push another pigeon onto train tracks

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Larnell Lewis Hears "Enter Sandman" For The First Time

The Worst Gun Control Bill I've Ever Seen

newtboy says...

Not really the first, but the most ridiculous in quite a while.

Some democrats don’t care about sensible gun laws. Some do want little more than actual background checks for all sales, like me. I don’t want violent felons to have easy access to them, nor people with active charges for kidnapping, murder, stalking, terrorism, etc. I don’t see any need for a public registry, although a closed/non public registry would make tracking firearms found after being used in a crime easier, as well as removing guns from people deemed a threat due to real, diagnosed mental defect or disease. This bill was insanely lax in defining what qualifies there, one of many things that made it not just bad, but horrific....and doa.

It’s odd, my brother, who lives in Austin too, says the same thing. He loves to blame ex-Californians for crazy laws, but most of the laws and regulations he complains about don’t exist here. I guess we got rid of our nuts? Thanks for taking them off our hands!

I’ll watch it later when the wife’s asleep.

Mordhaus said:

It's just the first salvo. The underlaying message is the same. Democrats don't care about sensible gun laws, they just want to make it very hard, very expensive, and very punitive for people to own modern firearms of any type.

Thanks to people moving from liberal states, Texas is purple now. Living in Austin, the ultimate far left stronghold, has made me immune to being surprised when a Texas politician submits crazy bills.

In any case, give it a watch. Brandon is funny even when he is upset.

A Reporter’s Footage from Inside the Capitol Siege

newtboy says...

Sorry sunshine, neither of these statements have any basis in reality. If you weren't such a constant liar people might believe this nonsense.

When you lie to 74 million voters (and make no mistake, this is saying all 74 million voters believe the Trump vote fraud lie supported the Trump terrorist attack on congress and deserve to be treated as treasonous terrorists) and tell them they're being robbed of their country by massive fraud and cheating, and the guy stealing your country is going to send the thuggish black mobs to your neighborhood to steal your home, you're bound to set a few off. That's why Trump is culpable, he did that and called for his proud boys and second amendment people to stand up and act (the paired order to "stand down and stand by").

Even McConnell has finally admitted that the attack on democracy by your ilk was at the provocation and direction of the president himself, not looking good for his impeachment trial if McConnell won't stand with and protect Trump.

Who dismissed you and your thuggish comrades? You've been coddled and listened to for months despite having absolutely no evidence of your baseless claims and mountains of evidence against it, and your lies continue, ignoring all facts, pretending you were simply ignored, not that you were heard ad nauseam and found to be dishonest and plain wrong in every single claim. It's like we've had a two month drag out fight over whether the Easter bunny is real, and after two months of attempting to get you back to reality with factual information you claim you were just dismissed and never once listened to or allowed to give your side or evidence of a giant magical egg hiding bipedal rabbit.

Antifa was NOT part of that crowd, they would have been lynched if they were. That's just another right wing fantasy that they think absolves them of the responsibility for their actions somehow. Most of the +- 1000 morons who entered the building looking for representatives to murder and state secrets they could steal and sell to Russia were also anti maskers, making it easy to identify them as long term Trumpsters and debunk your baseless lie designed to shirk responsibility for the attack your president directed and your ilk perpetrated and blame it on political rivals with no evidence. Every person asked said they were there because they were listening to Trump's instructions, not a single one was there because Antifa said to go attack the capitol and stop the steal.

Give us the name of this fake antifa person Newsmax has told you was there inciting action with the thousands of murderous Trumpsters there at Trump's explicit direction, fighting like hell to take their country back, forcing a trial by combat, trying to take out senators, representatives, and the VP in some moronic murderous attempt to install Trump as president by force and can't. They don't exist, and anyone you name will have a great multi-million dollar lawsuit against you for libel, well worth their investigators tracking you down irl. You can join Trump's lawyers in being sued for 100 times the amount you could possibly make in your lifetime. They're liable for $1.5 Billion in losses in just one case. You might get off easy with only a $10 million judgement against you.

bobknight33 said:

When you dismiss 75 Million Americans a few are going to off.

Didn't help that ANTIFA was there as Trump supporters inciting action.

Alexy Navalny dupes FSB agent, admits to poisoning him

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

I didn't come up with it. It was the conclusion of the 9/11 commission. If you disagree , your beef is with them.

I'm sorry you are so ill informed. Perhaps out might try being less dismissive and insulting about your ignorance....but likely not.

Apparently it wasn't enough time for him to grasp the seriousness. It was barely enough time to staff the NSA. They briefed him a few times, but the "Osama Bin Laden preparing to attack" report went unread or at best unheeded. Again, this is according to the bipartisan Senate commission set up to determine what actually happened.

Edit: Andy Card, Bush's chief of staff - “The 9/11 Commission had said if there had been a longer transition and there had been cooperation, there might have been a better response, or maybe not even any attack,” the former chief of staff said.

The 9/11 Commission Report noted:
"[T]he 36-day delay cut in half the normal transition period. Given that a presidential election in the United States brings wholesale change in personnel, this loss of time hampered the new administration in identifying, recruiting, clearing, and obtaining Senate confirmation of key appointees."
The point is that delaying these processes such as obtaining background checks can create significant later delays in putting new officials into place and in some cases obtaining Senate confirmations. Delays in the transference of information with the incoming team can also obstruct the next administration’s ability to carry out existing and new policies.
Perhaps you're unaware, the Bush administration, like others before it, did not have its full national security team on the job until at least six months after it took office.

Plans like watch for groups of middle eastern men who suddenly have funds to move to America, especially those who want to learn to fly, but not take off or land. Plans like track Bin Laden's money and deny people he funds from entering the country. Plans like focus on his communications to learn what his plans were. Plans like take him out before he attacks. There were many plans, I'm sure most were classified but many just common sense.

Really, you never heard the intelligence community makes plans to deal with threats?! They might not have been successful at stopping an attack, but at least could have tried.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Wow, thanks for the laugh. I thought I had heard every 9/11 theory out there. Apparently 6 months wasn't enough time to brief Bush on the Al Qaeda threat, because his schedule was still backed up from the inauguration. And the FBI and CIA were just too polite to intrude on his time clearing brush on the ranch with a vital national security situation. LOL!!!

Also, what were these "plans for Osama?" Haven't heard that one either.

Pomplamoose - Hot Tub

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Oh yes it is.

His whining does not make a legal case for fraud. There's no evidence of fraud besides the numerous failed Republican attempts at defrauding the election.
Just like the last election when he falsely claimed 3 million fraudulent votes cast for Clinton, wasted millions investigating, and found NOTHING. Courts don't deal with whining little bitch's nonsense, and he has zero evidence of fraud. That's why his court cases are being tossed all over, they're nothing burgers.

The only doubt is in the weak minds of cultists who think Little Donny tells the truth. 4.25 million more legitimate votes for Biden even after the massive vote suppression campaign, even with 300000 missing mail in votes for Biden, even after Barr and others joined the foreign born smear campaign against Biden (that the Republican senate denounced as utter bullshit), even with Trump's armed suppression gangs threatening violence at the polls, Biden crushed him. Imagine if the Democrats had put up someone like Butigieg, might have been a >10 million difference.

Biden is on track to top 270 today. Trump has no path to 270. Disputed ballots aren't a thing. Sorry sunshine. Once the ballots are out of their envelopes and counted, it's over....and they are. Stop the count....Biden wins. Count all votes...Biden wins bigger.

The ONLY chance left is complete subversion by Republican governors, replacing electors with pro Trump electors and ignoring the vote....which will not work but will get them killed.

Duh....who do you think Pelosi is going to choose if it came to that, which it won't?


Bye Felecia...i hope you got that suicide insurance

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

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