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Some Big Moments From The Jan 6 Hearings So Far

luxintenebris says...

don't understand the HB thing? is that all they have?

- he didn't plan, orchestrate and carry out a riot
- he didn't egg on homicidal idiots
- he didn't break a solemn oath
- he didn't try to circumvent the Constitution

don't really know 'cause the Red said he did - and their track record is notoriously lousy.

- all those GOP-led investigations, were a waste of time/money, and couldn't even get a slap-on-the-wrist for Hillary (nothing burger)
- those emails and a laptop - and nothing on the burger
- a 10yr rape victim disbelieved and a good doctor slandered

...with oodles of other rabid dog attacks w/only the Red getting red in the face: anger - instead of the earned shame.

also find it galling that they go after joe's kid, yet cheer on 'their' crime family. PROVEN crime family. rather go after the big dogs than some pup.

when they have a case, bring it to trial and NOT get tossed in SIX hours - what a nothing burger w/a side order of bagatelle - then it might be worth a look. (rather see Manchin's gals go to the gaol)

if this was a Lifetime movie, Hunter would help Jr get off coke.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

Down 32% (not 20, not 30) no matter the excuse why, but if you track the drops the why is obvious, they don’t coincide with new policy, it went up most of 21 thanks to new policy, they coincide directly with Elon’s actions. He started talking about buying Twitter starting April, plummeted, he announced he was doing it April 14, plummeted again….but believe it’s all Biden’s rapidly growing economy and he’s going to destroy Tesla…then why is it a good buy?

bobknight33 said:

Once again @newtboy you speaking from a position if ignorance.

Tesla is down 20 30% due to The economic forces not due to TESLA.

…Bla bla bla- rant- fiction- brain fart- Hunter Biden- you a unsmart dummy guy- bla…

Why We See The White Light Near Death

BSR says...

I saw the white light once and thought I was going to die. Turned out I got across the railroad tracks just in the nick of time before the locomotive hit me.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hershel Walker….this is you guy’s guy? This is you guy pick?

Holy fucking sheep shit. Your party has nominated a completely insane, idiotic, ignorant, uneducated, severely brain damaged, attempted murderer, stupid beyond belief, deadbeat father x3, fake businessman, attempted suicide victim, pathological liar and pure 100% hypocrite for the Senate….because Trump likes him.

That’s how deep the cult you’re in is. Because big daddy poo pants said he’s the man, absolutely nothing else matters. Can you imagine the disaster he would make of Georgia?! “Stop all environmental regulations, our clean air and water goes straight to China anyway. Refuse any public funding because the bills have tracking software woven into them and “they” will know how we spend them. Incarcerate deadbeat dads, but not me, I just kept my 3 other families secret, never visited them, and don’t support them…that’s different. I graduated Summa Cum Laude (really he didn’t graduate at all). I own the biggest 3 companies in America (he worked for one, once).”
This is the cons best.


PS- today Musk called Trump a liar that needs to go away, Trump called Elon a bullshit artist and liar. Who’s side will you choose? Your money’s, or your messiah’s?

Also today Trump referred to DOJ for witness tampering of a yet to testify publicly witness, with phone records to prove it. Ruh-roe. You might get those charges you keep begging for sooner rather than later.

Texas Cops SCHOOLED after racially profiling Police Graduate

luxintenebris jokingly says...

might be troll-ish but why do something, even lawful, knowing it WILL cause others to react to it?

dressed as a cop w/sidearm is going to cause concern. forget the law, use some astuteness.

use to walk @ night, in dark track suits. used reflective tape on back to clue in cops. they learned that the guy w/the anarchy star; Elvis eagle; or 'the ring' logo, on the jacket back, was a local night walker.

One More Try – an experimental skate video

Ameca and the most realistic AI robots. Beyond Atlas.

newtboy says...

Big dreams, but remember hyperloop, the amazing high speed public transportation Musk foresaw?
It was going to be autonomous pods driving hundreds of mph through multi tube vacuum tunnels, now it’s Tesla cars manually driven maybe 40mph through small one lane tunnels, with traffic jams already on the tiny test track ride in Vegas during the pandemic with riders limited to well under 1000 per hour (<1/4projected capacity) costing $52.5 million for 1.7 miles of inescapable death tube…. so underground death trap roads at only 8800 times the cost of above ground roads.
Remember the Tesla semi truck? Sounded great. Turned out it had less than 1/6 the cargo capacity of similarly size trucks because of battery weight and a 300 mile maximum range new (quickly dropping as batteries age) for the regular version, and unless you charge at Tesla with guaranteed discount electricity it’s not even cost effective against regular trucks per mile, much less per ton of freight….and still not any on the road, now estimated to start next year…maybe.

Notice the teslabot doesn’t list expected battery life, which is the big limitation on self powered robots. All the ability in the world is useless if they need to recharge every 10 minutes.

Elon’s ideas sound amazing until you look at them practically, and find that his projections are insanely unrealistic.

Edit: in his genius, Musk lobbied hard against the infrastructure bill that includes money to build the American chip manufacturing capacity…and now his plants are losing billions per year because they can’t get chips.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I still think you're a Russian troll. I can't fathom why anyone would be so anti American aside from that. I'm tracking down your other aliases. Mine is always "Jiggajonson" fyi and my name is Jon, American supporter of a democratically elected politicians.

I'll touch the bottom of this swamp yet, comrade. When I do, I'll keep the FBI tip line handy. I've been quiet on this site but I've been watching you. Internet Research Agency 2.0 pumping out anti Ukraine propaganda today.

Here's to hoping you're just an idiot. If so, get your head out of your ass.

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...


I know these are bullshit statistics Bob, because there have been 212 already this year with over 250 deaths in 5 months. Nice try, another easily debunked lie.

Edit: There we’re another 9 killed (and 63 more injured) in 14 mass shootings just this weekend, including 6 kids under 15 in just one.

the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey puts the number of citizens who prevent crimes by using guns much lower than 2.5 million the NRA often claims -- about 67,740 times a year….and in the vast majority of those they never shoot those guns.
Edit: The CDC report you cited said maybe 108,000 times per year guns were used in defense, not 750000- 1.5 million….but noted the statistics they used were incomplete and unreliable….and also noted that accidents and suicides alone vastly outweigh any positive statistic.

the Violence Policy Center statistics showed that in 2012, there were 259 justifiable self-defense homicides in which victims turned the tables, not 2 million.
They also show the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals. Is that what you call “successful policy”?

By the end of 2019, there were 417 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. Thirty-one of those shootings were mass murders. What is your definition of “mass shooting” because it’s clearly not any time 3 or more are shot by one person.

Abortions account for 0% of deaths each year….but it was targeted with outrageously regressive misogynistic laws that make women incubators without any rights including no rights to contraception. A bit more draconian than having to get a background check to buy guns, don’t you think?

On average, more than 360 people in the USA are shot every day and survive – at least long enough to get to a hospital.
In 2017, some 39,773 died from gunshot injuries, an average of nearly 109 people each day. Per capita, this is significantly higher than in other industrialized countries. The rates of gun homicide are much higher in states with higher gun ownership. More guns equate to higher crime and murder rates, not lower. That is consistent over time.

No, bob….that’s according to the NRA, not the CDC….unless you count any crime stopped or caught by police because they all have guns, but that’s not what you claimed.

900 mass shooting fatalities in what timeframe bob?

Where do you get these insane statistics bob? Your behind?

Bob, no country slaughters more of its citizens than the US thanks to guns.

It’s almost 3 times as likely someone in your home will be shot if you have a gun.

In 2020, 54% of gun homicides are suicides. (Pew)

Again, cite your sources. I know you can’t because it would be too embarrassing for you to admit they came from THE NRA, Glen Beck, or some other nut job liar….or straight from your own ass.

bobknight33 said:

*fake statistics*

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

The Best of Star Wars on The Tonight Show

BSR says...

"The Tonight Show never has used a laugh track, and still does not. What is different from the past is applause cues. The audience is told when to applause, and they even hire professionals to sit in the front row."

"Letterman was in fact the first one to adopt applause cues when he moved to CBS. Basically a sign placed above the audience that tells them when to cheer or make noise. The idea is that it keeps the show moving with no dead air."

cloudballoon said:

Can't stand Fallon with his own laugh tracks

The Best of Star Wars on The Tonight Show

Bernie Convinces Republicans He’s Right

newtboy says...

You can’t be that dumb.

1) these rich people pay our “leaders” to write unfair tax code so they can not pay taxes. Legalized by Republican pushes to allow unlimited corporate donations and bribes. In many cases, they DO in fact write the code, then hand it to those “leaders”.
2) these “leaders” writing tax loopholes for the super rich, all Republicans, are also rich people, legislating for personal gain.

If the top 1% made 80% of all income, they underpayed by more than half if flat tax were the law or in any way fair. In the 50’s, the time period conservatives want to return to, the top 1% paid 91% tax rates, and America was booming. Today it’s actually <24% and you whine.
How much did they pay AFTER their last massive tax cut, much less than 40%….not that I’m taking your word for those statistics, you are hardly a trustworthy source, the actual number in 2018 is 37% of personal income taxes, which ignores a lions share of non income taxes we all pay.

If you count ALL federal taxes, they payed <24% of taxes collected.
Their highest income tax rate for the rich was +-25% (before deductions, exemptions, loopholes, tax heavens, etc), 66% less than in the 50’s. Under Clinton they paid almost 40% income tax (not 24%), and the economy was again much stronger and growing much faster.

Edit: it was possibly the highest share of that portion of federal taxes paid by the top 1% since 1982, although your track record indicates that’s also a huge exaggeration, but if it’s even remotely true that would be because they took (not really earned) that much more income, not because they paid a higher percentage of earnings. In the 90’s they paid 40%, not today’s 25%…yet today they pay more….can you understand what that means? It means they take almost twice as much “income” as they did in the 90’s when the economy was strong.

Republicans are ALL stupid people who do not think, proven every time they are forced to think and realize they have everything backwards. You idiots think Covid is a fraud, the election was stolen, and CRT in grade school is a thing.

Such a nonsensical blatant red herring. They often do “just write a check to the irs” btw. I’m not rich, but I don’t take deductions I legally could because I want to pay my share, not weasel out of it. That’s called being patriotic, not attacking congress and shirking any and all civic duties.
Pushing for a fair tax code, unlike Republicans who plan to raise taxes on anyone making under $250k AND end social security, Medicaid, Medicare, and any other social safety nets they can think of, is not just the ethical and moral thing, it’s the only sane economic move based on ALL economic history ever.

Right, stop wasting, like billions wasted on useless monuments to failure (Trump’s failing fence), trillions more on stupid failed trade wars, billions on political stunts like blockading the border (Texas), trillions to try to fix the disastrous Covid (lack of) response thanks to insane mismanagement and the removal of safeguards, billions to fight the non existent CRT in grade school nonsense…etc. you are ecstatic to waste billions-trillions on idiotic Republican nonsense with absolutely zero return for the money, not complaining once while Trump tried to double the debt in 4 years (nearly succeeding), but not on programs that keep the poor from turning to crime because they have literally nothing to lose, or start to fix our crumbling infrastructure, you call that pork. 🤦‍♂️

So fucking stupid, bob. Delusional, dumb, prejudiced, and always wrong. You must be playing the character of ignorant moronic trumptard, no real human being is this deluded or dumb. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, you are like a clock specifically designed to NEVER show the correct time….you actively avoid being truthful.

bobknight33 said:

Rich people do pay their fair share. Its called tax code. They did not write the code our Leaders did.
So don't bitch at rich people, bitch at our leaders

According to the latest IRS data for 2018— the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid $616 billion in income taxes. That amounts to 40 percent of all income taxes paid, the highest share since 1980..

Just proves republicans also have stupid people who do not think .

Worse yet is that there are leaders who believe this false narrative also. They are themselves rich.. If they are so moved into paying their fair share why don't they just write a check to the IRS.

Better yet is to quit spending money on shit we don't need with money we don't have.

Ukrainians made a song about... Bayraktar

moonsammy says...

That line about shepherds and sheep was fucking solid! Certainly didn't expect a Ukrainian diss track about an autonomous drone to make me smile in 2022, but here we are!... Bayraktar!

Texts from Russian soldier to mother before he was killed

spawnflagger says...

wow, didn't realize the Russian soldiers all had their phones. seems it would be relatively easy for Ukrainian telecoms to track every Russian SIM/IMEI, at least within 20m accuracy.

vil said:

I was reluctant to believe this was possible because only idiots would let kids keep their mobile phones while they are driving a tank, but apparently some russian units are so badly equipped or their comm equipment is so bad that they use phones for communication. The induced incompetence of a dictatorship is mindboggling.

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