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BSR (Member Profile)

Spectator Causes Entire Peloton To Crash At Tour de France

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that Trump is admitting publicly (on Hannity) that he knows (and always knew) he legitimately didn't win the 2020 election, are you ready to admit it too?

How about, since Trump is selling pricy tickets to his idiot tour with Hannity with scheduled dates through December, meaning he knows full well that the dumb lie that he will return to office in August is a nothing burger lie....are you ready yet to admit he cannot return to power without a civil war fought for one person...a civil war you snowflakes are no where near prepared to wage? He is. Apparently this has pissed off the Q crowd who are finally beginning to see they've been duped for 5 years, just like everyone told you.

How Does Film ACTUALLY Work? - Smarter Every Day 258

BSR says...

I've never processed color film but I've had years of processing Black and White film and prints. My father and I built a darkroom in the basement of our house.

Dad was a historian and published 5 books with photographs copied from old postcards he collected.

He would go back to the same spot where a postcard was photographed to make a Then & Now tour.

Needless to say I've spent much of my life in the darkroom. B/W photography isn't sensitive to red light so it's not completely dark as it is with color film.

Also spent many years doing offset printing from small presses to large newspaper presses. The process is much the same.

Fox Lies About the Texas Blackouts; GOP About the Election

newtboy says...

They aren't afraid, they're sick of indulging idiotic morons at great cost to the state and more degradation to faith in elections here over bullshit accusations that have all been retracted by every person who made them besides Trump, and that have been thoroughly and repeatedly debunked by multiple actual forensic audits....looking for bamboo on ballots to prove the entire election was rigged, this time by China, because we all know bamboo=China and nothing else, now they just need to find it and boom, Trump’s president. So idiotic and delusional.

What's happening in Arizona now is not a forensic audit, it's a purely partisan witch hunt by stop the steal creators with zero election or auditing credentials using uneducated rabid Trumpsters who aren't auditing, they're searching everywhere for anything they can exaggerate into another baseless accusation that the election was stolen by Chavez.

You're spouting more nonsense. Trump was never up 8-1, and because in person votes were counted first they gave a false impression that Trump led at one point, this was purely by design and you know it.
There was never any question that in person voting would favor Trump, Biden's followers knew the virus wasn't a hoax and voted by mail. Again, you know this.
There was also no question that mail in voting would favor Biden, that's why so many republican led states changed their rules to force the mail in count to wait until in person votes were counted in full to start counting mail in create that false perception for one point in time early in the count to give dishonest morons like you a false reason to ask these bullshit questions.
No counts happened without witnesses or off camera. It's another lie, Bob.
No counts happened in secret.
No votes were dumped.
No witnesses were removed besides those that ignored the law and became disruptive and those that weren't actual official witnesses but just people who wanted in. Windows were covered for that reason, republicans were taking photos of poll workers faces to attack them, the legitimate republican observers who weren't removed for cause were inside those windows, not blocked by them. You know this.

More long debunked and admitted bullshit lies Bob. What little of these accusations that weren't pure misrepresentations or lies all went to court and was all tossed by usually Republican judges because it wasn't true, there's zero evidence of these made up claims. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Nunca. Absolutely squat.
You know all of this, you dishonest liar, you made the same arguments at the time and every single accusation was debunked thoroughly...You just chose to ignore every explanation and exposure of the pure lies you were fed, and now pretend they weren't answered. You're a gullible moron who bought a con man's con....and you're so ridiculous you continue to believe it long after the perpetrators have admitted it was never true or an honest accusation, and only a gullible moron could have believed them when they said it was true.

Since we're asking questions....How come Trump won’t agree to stop raping little girls? How come he’s still is terrified of his taxes, or foreign business dealings, or foreign holdings and secret bank accounts being investigated?
I think we both know why.

Since we’re indulging questions about recounts, why aren’t democratic observers allowed to closely observe this recount? Why are only Trump cultists allowed to participate? Why are ballots being counted multiple times using different criteria using no discernible rules or safeguards, actually destroying or removing some ballots in the process? Why is this happening at all after multiple Republican led recounts in this county came to the exact same results already? Why in the fuck are taxpayers paying for the umpteenth recount, this time by partisan frauds with zero election experience besides creating the big lie in the first place?
Why has it taken three weeks to get through well under 300000 votes when they knew they had three weeks to finish? Why do they now say it will take them until September to do what takes every other recount under three weeks? Why do they plan to take this circus on a national tour, heading to Georgia next to try this nonsense again, planning to keep the big lie alive through 2022?
Answers please, unlike you I want to hear answers. Sadly, I know you don't have a single one.

bobknight33 said:

Derp de doopidy derp. ^

Dad mics up his skiing toddler

luxintenebris says...

they were a pair.

the sub 5 boy in the pram and the 'above 35' man pushing it from behind.

nope. it wasn't a conversation they were having. just, both of them, talking to themselves as they toured the park.

neither judged either.

how could anyone? it seemed too natural to be questionable.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I took a dive to see how deep the froggy fresh/Krispy Kreeme hole was amazing! He did an entire hip hop opera about saving his friend after getting hooked on fun trip, a drug made by melting children, and getting involved with bicycle theft rings. He also actually went on tour! Now he writes country songs.
I forgot he was on tosh.0 too.

eric3579 said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again, after weeks of waiting for your evidence, I'll ask....can you name ONE?! So far, every person identified is a hard core Trumpist, every armed terrorist identified, everyone hunting Pence, everyone carrying cuffs and zip tie cuffs, everyone beating police, everyone breaking Windows, everyone giving tours to insurgents for recon on secret offices, everyone live tweeting Pelosi's location....ALL Trumpsters, not one identified as Antifa. Nice fantasy you think somehow absolves the violent terrorist Trump mob that tried to violently overthrow the government, but as usual you have zero evidence besides self serving lies. Even if it's true (and there's no evidence it is) there were a few non Trumpsters egging on the crowd of thousands, do you think that absolves your ilk of responsibility, or do you see that it means they were so primed and itching for insurrection that a few scruffy anarchists convinced them to attack their own country.

Also, you must ignore the mountains of evidence these morons left of their plans, plans to attack congress, kidnap elected officials, and somehow install Trump as president. Those plans weren't from Antifa, they were proud boys, boogaloos, militias, white power groups, and bat shit crazy Karens and Kens....all Trumpists.

So....Antifa destroying democratic headquarters and waving banners saying "we don't want Biden, we want revenge" pretty much blows up your "Antifa=Democrats, Democrats=Antifa" claims. What now?

Enjoy the patriot party, don't think about the fact that splitting the Republican party means never winning any elections. You just go on with Donny, who likely won't be able to hold office. Clearly he hasn't thought it through or he would have waited until after his impeachment trial to announce his new party, because now Republicans understand the only way to save their party and jobs is to ban Trump from politics.
Also, how is he going to start a political party in prison. Hard to set up a press conference from solitary.
Sorry sunshine, like everything he touches, Trump is destroying the right on his way out the door.

bobknight33 said: Didn't help that ANTIFA was there as Trump supporters inciting action.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Hahaha i got it. He needs the black vote. He absolutely need the black vote to win these states. Philadelphians, for example, are 45% black. African americans make up a larger portion of the population in southern states, as you can imagine, vs the population elsewhere.

Now i know what you're thinking

Black people voted for Trump, he won 110% of the black voters.

I'm not going to waste more time on a traitor, but you should go Google "Trump rally runoff georgia crowd"

Or look at the crowd at the Capitol building. It's like nothing but black people, there are so many.. i ... Pfft okay sorry i almost got through that with a straight face.

Now, i know biden is always talking to an empty room at his rallies, so what you're about to see may shock you. Google "biden Harris rally"after that.

Weird, wait... Wait. Black. Out. Media BLACK out, you don't think... Black lives matter media blocked all the pictures of black people at Trump rallies. Diabolical. But then how did Biden get the official results to match up?

Hmmm but how... Trump says he got all that voting block... Unless...
Quick link to prove a point but this article is old

I see the PGA tour is no longer going to work with Trump golf courses at all. Good.

Architectural Models

Deported F**king Vets - Klepper

StukaFox says...

My father was a Marine sniper in Vietnam and the only man I ever knew who loved being in the Marines so much, he volunteered to go back there on three tours. When he was medically discharged -- after being shot at least twice -- he turned into a rage-fueled alcoholic, an ardent racist and a hard-hard conservative who loved Rush Limbaugh. He hated everything liberal with an outright passion. I'm sure you can understand why I never talked politics with him.

The one thing, however, we both absolutely agreed on is that you DON'T fuck with Vets, especially those who served in combat. My father would have been furious if he'd seen this. As much as he was a racist, if you were in combat, he saw you as a brother no matter what color your skin. He would have moved heaven and earth to help these guys. I'm both glad and sorry he didn't live to see this video.

(When he died several years ago, he left me two things: his medals and his Rush Limbaugh tie. I miss you so much. Dad.)

Lamborghini Tire Explodes going 130 MPH at Nordschleife

SFOGuy says...

yep; as I understand it, the constraint on high speed touring cars and sports cars--is the tires and how long they can run at high speed and temps.

That was sort of scary.

Crew Demo 2- SpaceX Launch Live Stream

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Adam Disabato Testifies About Jim Jordan

newtboy says...

I agree, Republicans don't have a monopoly on unethical and immoral behavior, but if it's a contest, they are not just "winning", it's a 98-2 blowout.

Democrats-comedien Al Franken voluntarily quits over distasteful but obvious comedy photos taken on a comedy tour
Republicans- line up and link arms in support of blatantly incestuous serial child harasser Trump (read what he publicly said about going backstage at his beauty pageants, and his daughter) and others like pedophile Roy Moore

Did Clinton repeatedly fly on Epstien's planes to charity events? It seems he did but has acknowledged it, saying he knew nothing about the allegations against Epstein at the time.
Did Trump repeatedly party with Epstein, including parties full of very young girls and no other male guests? It seems he did, as he once acknowledged in an interview saying “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side,” years before he started lying and claiming he didn't know him at all.

Let it all come out, then let's compare.

bobknight33 said:

Reps aren't the only filthy dirty animals.

There plenty on both sides.

King enabler Epstein was shielded.

Self interest of evil keeps this shit buried.

Let it all come out.

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