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Insane 360 video of close-range tornado near Wray, CO...

Insane 360 video of close-range tornado near Wray, CO...

Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO

newtboy says...

I'm pretty sure I heard a child worriedly saying "Dad" at in 'Dad, what the F are you doing?'
Even if they are 'actual tornado chasers' (which doesn't mean they have any training or even common sense, just a camera and a wish to get storm pictures), they are clearly driving a normal street vehicle, not an armored storm chaser vehicle, so driving into the edge of the tornado was just dumb. They were incredibly lucky to survive that without major injury.
So, maybe not actual EIA, but certainly attempted EIA...especially if those ARE his children with him.

Payback said:

I'm not sure it's EIA, they seem to be actual tornado chasers, not just people who happen to be in the area.

Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO

artician says...

Yeah, it must be jaw-dropping to be dwarfed by such majesty and power in person.

Also, *promote because this is easily the best footage of a tornado I've seen to date, and stuff like this is priceless for artists looking for reference.

Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO

Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO

Payback says...

I'm not sure it's EIA, they seem to be actual tornado chasers, not just people who happen to be in the area.

Mordhaus said:

Am I the only one who kept hoping the tornado would come back on them? We must be the only species that actually is dumb enough to try and get closer to a catastrophe. *eia

Extreme up-close video of tornado near Wray, CO

nanrod (Member Profile)

Tornado Video Shot as Home is Destroyed

Ashenkase says...

No, "fun" is not a word you associate with Tornado's or weather that produces tornados. Watching the sky go green is an all the color draining from your face event.

fuzzyundies said:

I used to think it'd be fun to survive a tornado...

That was terrifying.

Tornado Video Shot as Home is Destroyed

nanrod says...

Yah, I started out thinking OK this goes in the EIA channel but after reading the daily herald article I realized that I love this guy. After realizing he wasn't going to make it to the basement or wherever his wife was (just as well) he proceeds to video the event. And he didn't vertical video it. This really brings home for me the actual experience of living through a tornado and how every survivor you ever hear compares the sound to a locomotive.

Mordhaus said:

This was basically a suicide attempt [Edit: Leaving for posterity, but later information indicates he was just a badass]. He didn't even move when it was clear that odds were likely that the tornado was absolutely going to hit him. I'm not sure what protective measures his wife took, but this guy at the very least could have moved away from the window and got into a tub or something.

*dark *death *wtf

Tornado Video Shot as Home is Destroyed

Tornado Video Shot as Home is Destroyed

Mordhaus says...

Apparently he was too much of a badass.

"In an instant the tornado passed right through -- literally -- his house. Schultz rode the debris from the collapsing chimney down...Moments later a neighbor was digging him out of the rubble. Schultz was out and standing within four minutes."

I hope someone writes something like that about me if I make it to 85.

eric3579 said:

Or maybe he just doesn't give a fuck. Or maybe... No way of knowing. Maybe someone will ask him.

Tornado Video Shot as Home is Destroyed

Mordhaus says...

This was basically a suicide attempt [Edit: Leaving for posterity, but later information indicates he was just a badass]. He didn't even move when it was clear that odds were likely that the tornado was absolutely going to hit him. I'm not sure what protective measures his wife took, but this guy at the very least could have moved away from the window and got into a tub or something.

*dark *death *wtf

Man drives into tornado

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Florida, tornado, redneck, reckless driving' to 'Florida, tornado, redneck, reckless driving, Ford, Mustang, Mach 1' - edited by blutruth

Man drives into tornado

noims says...

I'm sill rockin out to "Ma car is dirty". That was originally a Bowie track, right?

BTW, I'd forgive a lot of the asshatery at the end given the adrenaline injection you get in tornadoes.

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